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Weeks have passed and the two brothers still wouldn't talk to each other, but for what reason? Jimin is mad at Yoongi because he barge inside his bedroom and look through his stuff, at least that's what he thinks, and Yoongi is mad at Jimin because he's still trying to look for their true identity even though he told him not to. So basically,  they both had the right to be mad at each other but why this long?

During the weekdays,  the two left for school without saying anything to each other and during the weekends, they will stay in their bedrooms so they can avoid each other and Jimin had bought a lock for his bedroom and kept doing his researches in there. Their parents were off today and sat at the living room, observing the actions of the two brothers. 

"What did I miss?" Asked the mother as she shakes her head in disbelief, "This is the first time they take more than a week to forgive each other" 

"I don't know, I think we should just let them solve this on their own" The father responded, the mother sighed loudly as she rest her head.

"But we gotta do something, it's been weeks, 3 weeks and they're still not over it!" The mother sighed again 

"Let's wait for one more week, maybe by then they will forgive each other by then because you know, the two can't live without each other" The father smiles at her wife and she nods "should we go somewhere, just the two of us and let the children make up?" The father recommended 

"But I haven't made dinner yet" The mother oppose 

"Even better, so Yoongi will have no choice but to make lunch for his brother" 

"Okay, good idea" The mother applaud and got her stuff ready to leave, but then Jimin come out of his bedroom and notices his parents about to leave. 

"Mother, father, where are you going" he asked

"I don't know but I am sure we won't be right back" she evilly laughs before walking out the door without saying anything afterwards and Jimin just stood there dumbfounded. 

"O-okay" he whispers. 

He walks to the kitchen looking for some snacks so he can stay awake and continued on with his projects but there was none, so he looks for what's was for dinner but there was no food either. He couldn't believe it. He's mother usually makes dinner before doing anything else why today of all day that there was no food. 

"It's okay, we can just ask hyung for mon-" But then Jimin stop with his own thoughts, "right, I'm still mad at him, but I can make my own food" He whispers to himself 

About 45 minutes later. 

Something didn't seem right. Yoongi goes out of his bedroom when he smelled something burned from the kitchen. 

"Mother I think you left something in the kitchen, it's burning!"Yoongi runs to the kitchen finding Jimin struggling putting out the fire coming his burnt food so Jimin just threw it in the sink and the water ran through it. 

"What is this mess?!" He asked looking around

"None of your business, I'll fix this myself so go away" Jimin says without even looking at his brother and proceed with his things. He tries looking trough his phone to check how did he mess up the recipe of what he was making 

"Jimin listen, I am mad too so stop acting like you're the only here" Yoongi stated but he didn't want to listen so Yoongi just grab Jimin by the wrist and walks him out the kitchen.

"What do you think you're doing?" Jimin asked, forcefully removing the grip Yoongi had on him. 

"I don't understand why you're so mad" 

"You don't know? Till now, you still don't know?"

"Tell me, what did I do?" 

"You sneak inside my bedroom then look through my stuff and now you're telling you don't know why I'm mad?"

"Jimin listen, I didn't sneak in into your room that day, I simply went in to check on you"

"And you expect me to believe that?" Jimin's eyes started to water and Yoongi just didn't know what to say anymore, he sighed then walk to the kitchen to make dinner since he's sure that's what Jimin was trying to do. 

Jimin just stood there, watching him from far with now teary eyes. The tears already made their way to his cheeks and he doesn't even know the reason why he was crying. 

"Shit" He curses as he walks to the living room to sit. 


Yoongi serves dinner in the dining room and calls on his brother to eat but he didn't want to eat what he made so Yoongi had no other choices but to force him to sit. 

"You better eat or else you will die" Yoongi teases but that was no time for jokes so Jimin just sat there and look at the food. "Eat or else you won't be able to work on your project" He says looking away and that caught Jimin attention.

"What did you say?" Jimin asked confused on whether what he heard was a good thing or not. Yoongi sighted and sat next to Jimin. 

"Listen Jimin, I know you're trying to find if we're relate or not  even though I don't why you want to to find so bad but whatever the results be, you'll always be my lovely brother. So I'm sorry if I made you mad by what you call 'sneaking into your room'" Yoongi apologized 

"You don't seem sincere at all" Jimin looks away 

"At least I accepted that you can work on the project"

"Thanks hyung and I'm also sorry for how I acted"

"Just that? That's all your sorry for?"

"And for anything else I did that I have now forgotten" Jimin laughs and that makes Yoongi happy seeing his brother smiled once again. 

"Now eat before it turns cold" 


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