Patton Heart

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Third Person POV:
Patton Heart a lovable person, a great friend to everyone, and loves to help everyone in need. He lives in a one bedroom apartment and by himself. He works at a police station from 8am-6pm but he gets a lunch break in between then so he's fine with it. At the station he work up front so he just puts cases in the computer. He does have a friend named Virgil. Who works up front with him. Virgil and Patton are very different from each other one reason why is because Patton likes wearing bright colors and loves everyone, and Virgil likes to wear dark colors and worries all the time. As different as they are, they are still amazing friends.
Patton POV:
*Alarm Clock*
I open my eyes and sit up in my bed. I smile a little and turn off my alarm clock. It's 6:50, I get up and head to the bathroom to take a shower. Once I finish showering I get dressed and made breakfast for myself. "Today I'm in the mood for some...eggs, bacon, and toast." I say to myself, I get done with making breakfast and head to the living room area. I turn on the tv and eat breakfast. As I'm watching tv the news comes on. I look at the clock and see that I have 30 minutes till I have to leave so I watch what's on the news. "Breaking news Mr. Berry, a very wealthy man that owns a very wealthy business in America, is working to owning all businesses in the US," the news lady says to the camera. I will admit that I do have a small no HUGE crush on Mr. Logan Berry ...and yes I am gay and happy about it..."I mean he is really cute in a sexy way..." "Did I just say that out loud!" Luckily no ones around, I sometimes accidentally say what in my head out loud... I don't mean to though it just happens. I look at the clock again, "Well I better get going to the station, I don't want Virgil to worry like he did last time I showed up late to work." I put my dish in the dishwasher and get my keys. As I walk out of my house I lock the door and wave hi to my neighbor Remy. (DIDN'T SEE THAT ONE COMING DID YOU!😂) "Hey girl! What's up?" He says while sipping his coffee. "Hey Remy! Just heading to work...what about you?" I say with a big smile on my face. "Oh you know the usual...parties, coffee, and long nights." He says as he walks closer. "Cool! Well I better get going...Bye Remy!!!" I say with a smile and wave. He waves back and walks towards his house. I walk to my car and get in.
-Time Skip To Station-
I walk into the stations and see Virgil on the computer probably watching YouTube or reading some gay fan fiction (Sorry I had to😂😉)...yes he's gay too that's one reason why we get along so well. I walk up to the desk and see him reading fan fiction...again. I tap his head and he bolts up and changes the screen. "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you Virg." "It's ok...just scared me..." He said the last part quietly so I could barely hear him. "Oh! I'll let you in...sorry about that Pat." "It's fine Virg." He lets me in and we chat until people started showing up around 9. As Virgil and I work we see two men in suites walk up to us. I look over at Virgil and see that he's scared. Something taps me on the shoulder and I look back at them. They both pull out their I.D. and they are...FBI AGENTS!!! What the hecky heck are two FBI agents doing in a small town like this? I unlock the door to let them in and one looks at me then Virgil then back at me. "Do you two work at this establishment?" "Y-yes" I studier out, "We need both of you to come with us." The taller man says, "Why us? we didn't do anything wrong..." Virgil mumbles out. "We need everyone who works here to come with us." The other man says to us, me and Virgil get up from our seats and walk with them. As we are walking with them done the hall one asked "Where's the Sheriff's office?" "Mr. S-Sanders office i-is done hall a-and to the left." I respond back, "Thank you Mr?" "Heart...Patton Heart." I say with a smile. We walk done to Mr. Sanders office, and the two men entered first into the office. "Mr. Sanders...nice to finally meet face to face," as the two men shake hands with Mr. Sanders. "Oh please call me Thomas." Mr. Sanders says back with a smile. Me and Virgil look at each other then back at them. "Oh! Patton and Virgil, Thank you for letting these gentlemen in...we have a very big case about a very important person, and we need everyone in room 138 to discuss it. Virgil and I walk down to room 138 as we walk we chat about what this case is about, why two FBI agents are here, and who is this important person?
(Hey guys I hope you're enjoying this story. Sorry I left this chapter on a cliffhanger but there will be more chapters coming! Anyway Good morning, afternoon, or night. Bye!!!)

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