Lets Get Down To Business!

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-The Next Morning-
I turn off my alarm and sit up. I yawn and see my suitcases and backpack. I gasp, "My date!" I look at the clock it's almost 7. I get up and ready. As I get ready I look at my phone and see that I have some messages.
-In Text-
Virgil: Hey Pat, sorry I left after the second movie cause it was getting late and you fell asleep, but I put you in your room and locked you front door so don't worry.
(I smile and text him back.)
Me: Ok, Thanks V!
Virgil: No problem...also I just got a text from Mr. Sanders and he said that we are leaving around 12 so pack your stuff and we will meet you at the station.
Me: Ok see you later V. Bye!
Virgil: See ya Pat.
-Out of Text-
Well I have about 4 and a half hours to do whatever. I get dressed and I walk to the kitchen to make breakfast. Pancakes and bacon of course! I sit in the living room and watch the news. "This just in Mr. Berry of Berry INC has just bought another company, and could he be up to no good." I turn the volume up to hear what they are saying. "I'm hear joined with Deceit Berry.(don't judge me! He is the only other side I could think of 😂) which we he will not give us his real name." The news reporter says looking at the man...wait...I did I hear that right. I reply the part where they tells us the name of the man, "Deceit Berry." WAIT LOGAN HAS A BROTHER! I continue watching and sure enough it's his brother...
-The News-
Deceit: "Yesss, I'm so glad to be here."
News Reporter: "Can you tell us something about your brother Mr. Deceit?"
Deceit: "Of course, my sweet love able brother always had an act of science and math when we were younger, and now he's owns a very important business that's trying to take over the US- oops I said to much." He says with a smirk.
News Reporter: "Really?...wow do tell us more."
Deceit: Wel-
-Turns Off TV-
I can't believe what I just saw...was it true? Does he actually have feelings for me?...is this just all a scam from the beginning? I start cry a little...I'm glad no ones here to see this because I'm so post to be the happy little sun shine in everyone's lives. My phone rings and I pick it up...it's Logan. I sigh and answer it. "Patton, I know there must be a billion things going through your head right now but I need you to trust me on this...I would never do such a thing. Yes, I own a lot of business but I would never use them against people. Also I would never hurt anybody including you...Patton I really do care about you and I'm sorry about my brother. God you most likely hate me kn-" I wipe my eyes, "Logan?" "Yes Patton?" "I believe you...I know you wouldn't do anything like that...and thanks." "For what I haven't done anything?" "For calling and explaining everything...it makes me feel a lot better." I say with a smile, "Of course Patton, also please don't cry...you're to adorable to cry." He whispers the last little bit so I couldn't hear but I did. "AWW! Thanks Logy!" "Of course...so are we still going on our date tonight?" "Heck Yeah! I can't wait...also I'll be at Berry INC around 2:30. To get unpacked and everything." "Great, I will see you then around 2:30 or later. Good bye Patton." "Bye Logy!" The called ended and I feel a lot better. It's 11:45, OH MY GOD! Is that the times! I got to go. I grab my things and head out the door and lock it.
-At The Station-
"Hey Pat, come on we got to go!" Virgil grabs my wrist and pulls me to the jet in the back. We get on with all our stuff and head to NYC.
-Just Landed The Time Is 2:16-
We just landed and Mr. Bynum and Mr. Frank are waiting for us in the airport parking lot. We get in the van and head to Berry INC. They drop me and Virgil off a block away from the building so they are not seen. We walk in and see Roman typing away. He looks up at us and smiles. He gets up to greet us, "Hey Pat!...Hi V~" He winks at Virgil and hugs us. We hear a fake cough and we turn around. We see Logan smirking at us, "Hey Logy!" "Hi Logan..." me and Virgil both say. "Hello Patton and Virgil it's great to see you again." He says with a small smile. "Hey babe, I didn't know you were coming today." Roman says with a huge smile. "Well I wanted to surprise you Princey." "Well I was surprised so good job darling~" Roman replies back and winks which makes Virgil blush. "Well I'm gonna go take this stuff to my room, so I'll be back." I tell them and head to the elevator. "Oh, Patton let me help you with that." Logan offers and takes one of my suitcases.
We get to my room and we set all my stuff on my bed. "I'm excited about our date tonight!" I say and look at Logan. He smirks and walks closer, "Me too." He puts his hands on my waist and kisses me. I kiss him back and put my hands around his neck. He bites my lower lip and I open. He explores every inch of my mouth with his tongue. He sucks on my tongue and I moan. We stay like this for a few minutes before pulling away for air. We look at the time, it's 3:27, "Patton as much as I would love to continue our make out section, but I'm afraid I must leave to get ready for our date." He kisses me on the cheek and waves bye. I blush and wave back, "Bye Logy." I say which makes him smile. He leaves my room so I start getting ready. "Ok,lets get started!" I grab my backpack and take out my jeans, grey, white, and light blue collar shirt, and my light blue converse.
-Time Skip To 4:00-
I finished fixing my hair, "I think maybe I should face time Virgil to see what he thinks about my outfit." I pick up my phone and face time Virgil. He answers but he looks...different...like his hairs a mess, his hoodie is zipped up all the way, and he's breathing heavy. "Hey Vir- you Ok V?" "Y-Yeah I'm fINE!" He says as he tilts his head back and bites his lip. "Um... I'll just call back when you're not busy with Roman." I say with a smirk and hang up the phone. "Ok I have around 30 minutes till my date. I can do this! I can do this! Logan's a great guy you'll do fine. Everything is gonna be a-Ok!" I tell myself in the mirror with a smile. I walk back into the living room and watch tv till Logan gets here.
-Time Skip 4:35-
I hear a knock on my door and I turn off my tv and answer it. I open the door to Logan standing in my door way with a dozen light blue flowers in one of his hands. I smile and take the flowers, "Awww! Logy you didn't have to do that." "Yes, but I wanted to make our first date special. Also you look amazing Patton." I blush, "Thank you. You look beautiful Logy." I
set the flowers in a vase and he takes my hand. We leave my room and head down the elevator.
(CLIFFHANGER!!! *dramatic music* 😂but seriously I will continue. This chapter was get pretty long so sorry for the people who have been waiting for them to go on this date already, but it will be the next chapter! Anyway good morning, afternoon, or night. Bye!)

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