What Did I Do Wrong?!

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(Warning: Virgil has a panic attack, Patton is a great fatherly friend, and crying..lots and lots of crying. You have been WARNED!)
"Patton..Patton..Dear wake up." I hear a calming voice say and feel a hand lightly shaking me. I slowly open my eyes to see my beautiful boyfriend. I smile and he smiles back. Logy kisses my head, "Good morning, Baby." I sit up and kiss his cheek, "Morning, Babe." He smiles and gets off the bed. "What time is it?" I ask while rubbing my eyes. He takes his phone and our glasses off the bed side table, "Almost 7:00 o'clock." He says and hands me my glasses. I put on my glasses and I get out of bed. Right as I stand up a pain goes "straight" through my body. I stumble a little, Logan picks me up bridal style and cares me. Which I think is so sweet of him! I smile and he smiles back. "Love you Lo-Lo." I say and lean into him. "I love you too, Patty." He replies and kisses my cheek. He cares to the kitchen and sets me down in one of bar stools. I watch as he takes a frying pan out of a lower cabinet. I drool a little at the sight of Logan in nothing but his boxers. He turns around and smirks, "Like what you see, Kitten~" I blush and nod, "I sure do, Daddy~" He walks towards me with Advil and a water. "Here, have this, it will take some of the pain away." Lo-Lo hand it to me and I thank him and kiss him on the cheek. I take the Advil and water and watch as Logy fries eggs for us. He walks towards me with two plates of eggs and hands me one. "Thank you Lo-Lo!" I say with a smile. He smiles back, "Of course, Dear." He makes some coffee and pours himself a mug. He looks over at me, "Patton, would you like some coffee?" I shake my head no with a smile, "Thanks though." "Alright then, what would you like to drink?" He says while opening the fridge for me to see. "Can I have some milk please, babe?" He smiles and nods, "Of course." He pours me a glass and hands me the cold drink. I thank him again and he kisses me, not rough just sweet and full of love. I kiss back and we pull apart for air. He sits in the bar stool next to me as we ate breakfast.
-After Breakfast-
I finish my eggs and walk to the sink with my plate. "Thank you so much Logy." I say with a smile as I start to wash the dishes. I feel two hands on my waist. "Dear, you don't have to do that." Logy says and kisses my cheek. I smile, "But babe, you made breakfast so it's only fair that I do the dishes." "Are you sure?" I nod my head he smiles and walks out of the kitchen. I finish washing the dishes and walk out of the kitchen. Just as I do so Logan walks out of his room wearing a black polo shirt, jeans, and trying to tie his tie around his neck. I walk over to him, "Let me help you, Lo-Lo." I finish fixing it and pull him by his tie. I kiss him passionately and he kisses back. "Thank you for helping with the dishes and for fixing my tie." Logan says as he wraps his arms around my waist. I wrap my arms around his neck, "No problem, thanks for cooking breakfast." "You're welcome." He says with a smile, god I love him so much. We break apart and I walk to his room to get my phone from the charger. I look at the time and see that it's almost 7:45. Sadly I should probably head back to my apartment so I can get ready for work. I walk out of his room, "Hey Babe?..I wish I could stay longer but I should probably head back to my place so I can get ready." I say with a sigh. "I think that would be wise...but maybe sooner or later you could..move in with me." He says the last part quietly so I wouldn't hear but I did! I can't believe it! Logan just asked me to move in with him! Well technically he didn't ask but I definitely heard him say "move in with him!"
I grin and kiss his cheek. "I would like that Lo-Lo." He blushes madly, "Really?" I nod my head and he smiles. "Maybe I can move in this weekend..if that's ok with you?" I ask. He nods, "That sounds satisfactory. How about Saturday morning at 10 o'clock we start packing your things?" "Perfect!" Logan walks me to the door of my apartment and we say bye. I quickly get dressed in a light blue dress and white flats. I put on my makeup and grab my phone. I lock my door and head to work. I get to the top floor and turn on the lights, my computer, Mr. Berry's computer, and make a pot of coffee..just incase. Just as I sit down I see Logan step off the elevator. He walks over to me and kisses my head. "Hello again, Mr. Heart~" "Hi, Mr. Berry~" He looks at me and smirks, "Patty, you look stunning in that light blue dress~" He says and spins my chair around to face him. He runs his cold hands up and down my thighs and I chuckle a little, "LLLoooggggyyyy~ We're at work~" "You brought this upon yourself, Dear~..but I guess we can do this later if you wish." I smile and give him a quick peck on the lips. He chuckles and walks towards his office, "Oh yes, before I forget, do I have an meeting today?" He asked as he was about to open his office door. I look at the schedule on my computer and see nothing on his calendar for today. I turn back to him, "Nothing for today." He slowly nods his head. I can tell he's thinking about something. He quickly pulls himself out of his thoughts, "Okay, Thank you Patton." He walks into his office and closes the door. I smile and start putting files away for Mr.Berry.
-One Hour Later 9:27-
I'm sitting at my computer watching YouTube, cause I finished everything Logy wanted me to, when I hear the elevator doors open. I look up and see...oh no...What's Mr.Bynum and Mr.Frank doing here? "Hi guys!...what's going on?" I say with a confused smile. Mr.Bynum takes off his sunglasses and walks over to me. "Hello Mr.Heart, we need you to come with us." I nod my head but I'm still so confused. "Where's Mr.Berry's office?" Mr.Frank ask me. Oh my god..my head is spinning with questions.
What happened?..
What did they find?...
Was Logan telling me the truth?....
I'm about to cry..but I can't let anyone see me cry...I pull myself back to reality. I slowly look at the ground and point to the black metal doors. The two agents walk closer to the doors with me following close behind. Mr.Frank pulls his gun out and gives a nod towards Mr.Bynum. "Patton, we need you to wait out here ok?" I sadly nod my head, and he pats my shoulder. They both rush into Mr.Berry's office. I fall to the ground in tears and all I can hear is shouting, something hitting the wall, and a voice...I know that voice anywhere..i-it's Logan's. "What did I do wrong!?" I hear Logan yell. I look up to see Mr.Bynum walking Mr.Berry out of his office in handcuffs. Logan looks into my eyes and all I can see is fear, disbelief, and hurt in his eyes. "Patton please?...I didn't do anything wrong." Mr.Bynum leads him to the elevator and gets on. Mr.Frank kneels down next to me, "Patton, look at me...*I look up at him* I know this was a really tough for you, but it going to be ok." He pats my back and stands up. I stand up too and we walk to the elevator. "We need to head back to headquarters to interrogate Mr.Berry and Mr.Prince..do you think you and Virgil can help us?" My eyes go wide they have Roman too!? Oh no..I have known Virgil for a long time he's probably confused, on the verge of a panic attack,cry his eyes out, or all of the above. I look back at him and nod my head, "Where's Virgil at by the way?" I ask while fiddling with the hem of my dress. "He's down in the lobby right now." We get off the elevator and I look around for Virgil. I see him sitting in the front desk chair eyes closed and knees up to his chest. I run over to him and kneel by the chair. I slowly and carefully wrap my arms around him. I can feel him shaking, and he raises his head to look at me. His eyes are red and puffy. His breathing is uneven and quick. I smile a little and wipe away some of his tears with my thumb. I cress his cheek with my hand and he puts his hand on mine. "Breath Virgil, breath...only listen to the sound of my voice." He leans his head on my shoulder and his breathing slows down. A few tears stream down my cheek and I wipe them away. After a few minutes he sits up and smiles a little. "Thanks Pat..love ya." He hugs me tighter and I smile more, "No problem kiddo, love you too!" We break apart and stand up. We look up to see Mr.Frank talking to two other agents, two vans parked out front, surrounded by news reporters, cameras, and huge crowds of people out front. I look at Virgil and see a panic look in his eyes. I put my hand on his shoulder and smile, "Hey, it's going to be ok." He smiles back and we walk to Mr.Frank. "Hello Patton and Virgil, we need you guys to go with Mrs.Addison and Mr.Maddox right now because I have to go help with something important, so they will explain everything and drive you to headquarters." We nod and Mr.Frank walks away. "You must be Patton Heart and Virgil Storm, it's so nice to meet you guys! I'm Addison and this is Maddox. *we shake hands* We'll be taking you to headquarters, but we're not going out the main entrance cause there's a lot of people. So we will be using the side door." Mrs. Addison says to us and starts walk towards the side door. She waves for us to with her and Mr.Maddox. We get out to the parking lot and see a van parked only a few feet away. We hurry to the van and get in. We all get buckled up and start heading to headquarters. I look down at my hands think to myself...how could I have been so stupid!? Thinking everything's going to be ok..Choosing my heart instead of my head...I should have known better..of course Logan didn't love me..he just said that to keep him from going to jail. I feel tears out of the corner of my eyes as I think deeper into my thoughts. How could anyone love someone like me?...
(So sorry that chapter was sad, but the good news is that the chapters from here on out are going to get better. Good morning, afternoon, or night. Bye!)

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