Mr. Heart?

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-Next Friday In The Morning-
*Alarm clock*
I wake up and turn off my alarm. I have a huge smile on my face because today I will be meeting with MR. LOGAN BERRY!!! I'm so excited, I can't wait to meet him in person. 7:03 right know so I have about an hour to get ready. I take a quick shower and dress up in something a little bit more casual than my every day wear. I put on a nice blue with white striped collared shirt and white jeans. I make something quick and easy for breakfast and head out the door. It's 7:38 and I want to get to work early to meet up with Virgil and Mr. Sanders. I walk outside to my car and wave hi to my neighbor Remy, which he waves back at me. I get in my car and head to work.
-At The Station-
I walk into the station and see Virgil wearing a nice purple collared shirt and black jeans. He walking up to the front desk. "Morning Virg! You ready to go?" "S-Sup Pat. a-and n-not really..." He says, I can tell he's scared by the way he talked. "Hey...It's gonna be ok." I tell him with a calm voice while trying to hug him from across the desk. "Um...Pat? You know I can just open the door right?..." He says hugging me back a little. "Oh yeah...please?" I ask as I let go of him. He chuckles a little and opens the door. We walk down the hallway to Mr. Sanders office, and see him chatting with the two agents. I knock on the door, "Oh, Hello Mr. Heart and Mr. Storm! Please come in." Mr. Sanders says with a smile. "Hi Mr. Sanders!" "Hello Mr. Sanders..." Me and Virgil say as we walked in to his office. "We're all the interview is at 12:00 and in New York City...Ok?" Good thing we live on the edge of New Jersey and New York, but this will be a long drive. " who's car are we taking?" I ask, "Car?...Oh no we'll be flying." One of the agents tells me. "Oh...ok!" I look over at Virgil, he's has a worried look on his face. "Hey V? It's going to be ok... I here for matter what happens." I say with a small smile, he smiles back. "Well it's 7:48 we better get going." Mr. Sanders says looking back at us. "Ok, lets go!" I say happily jumping up and down. We walk outside to see a PRIVATE JET! and Virgil look at each other then back at the jet. "Are we really taking a jet to New York City?" Virgil asked while messing with one of the buttons on his shirt. "Of course, we need to be there by 12 so..." Mr. Sanders tells us and we walk onto the jet. We all take a seat, me and Virgil facing the agents and Mr. Sanders on the couch. There's a table in front of us separating us from the agents. "It will take about an hour to get there so just relax." One of the agents tells us, "Thank you." I say with a smile, "yeah thanks..." Virgil says fiddling with his shirt still.  We take off and head to New York City.
-Time Skip After Landing-
We get off the jet at an airport and find a white van waiting for us. We head to the FBI office in down town New York. I check my phone and it's 9:56. "Ok we're here...this is where myself and these gentlemen will be when you're at your interview." Mr. Sanders tells us "WAIT!? You're not with us?" Virgil asked worried, "Of course not...if we show up at the interview with you two then he foreshore won't want to hire you...but don't worry Mr. Storm because we will give you guys an ear piece and microphone so we know what's happening." One agent tells him in a calm voice "good..." Virgil says with a happy sigh "Yeah thank you." I say with a happy attitude. We get out and walk inside. I see people lots and lots of people, a help desk, and, an elevator. We walk up to the help desk to see a woman typing away on her computer. She looks up at us and smiles "Welcome back Mr. Bynum and Mr. Frank." She says with a smile, "why are just knowing their names..." Virgil whispers to me, "I don't know..." I whisper back. "And are these gentlemen with you?" She asked pointing at us, "Yes, Sydney, I would like you to meet Mr. Patton Heart and Mr. Virgil Storm...they will be going undercover to get us information about Mr. Logan Berry and what he plans to do with companies he owns." "Oh! Well pleasure to meet you Mr. Heart and Mr. Storm." She says shaking our hands with a smile still on her face. "Well we must be going. We have to get them ready for the interview at 12." Mr. Bynum tells her. We wave bye to Mrs. Sydney and head to the elevator.
-Time Skip One Hour Later-
"Ok so are we clear about what you're going to say during the interview?" Mr. Bynum asked me and Virgil, "Yes!" "Yup..." "Good! are your microphones and ear pieces." We take the them and put the mic. on our shirts and ear pieces in. "Where's the bathroom at?" I ask Mr. Frank, "Down the hall to the right...but you might want to hurry because we are leaving in 30 minutes." "Ok I will, thanks." I walk to the bathroom, but I didn't need to go. I just wanted to be sure I looked good for the interview. I fix my hair and look in the mirror. I realize that my face is bright red...I splash some cold water on my face to help. It works a little bit but it's better than nothing. I leave the bathroom and see Virgil, the agents, and Mr. Sanders waiting for me at the elevator. I walk over to them and wave to Virgil. He waves back, but he looks at me strange... "Pat...You ok? face is red." "Yeah Yeah! I'm fine." I say with a smile but inside I'm a little nervous about meeting Mr. Berry.
-Time Skip To 11:47- 
Me and Virgil walk into a very tall building with 'Berry INC' on the outside. "I think this is the place..." Virgil tells me, We see the front desk and walk up to it. A man sitting at his computer typing looks up at us. "Hello. I'm Patton Heart and this is Virgil Storm and we're here for the assistant's and front desk worker's jobs," I say with a smile. Which he smiles back, " Yes Mr. Heart and Mr. Storm your interviews are at 12 and 12:30. You guys can go wait in those chairs right there if you like, or you could chat with me if you want cutie~" he says winking at Virgil. I smirk at the fluster Virgil, and nudge him to talk. "Um...w-what's your name?" Virgil asked nervously, "My name is Roman Prince but you can call me Princey~so do you have a boyfriend?" He asked while leaning forward to get closer to V.  "No...d-do you?" "No but I am waiting for someone to ask me out or at least my phone number." I walk to sit in one of the many chair to stay out of their conversation. A few minutes have pasted and I'm just waiting while I look on Facebook to see if there's anything new today. I look up every once in a while to see Virgil blushing and smiling. "Mr. Heart? Mr. Berry will see you now." I hear Mr. Prince tells me. I get up and walk to the front desk "Good luck Pat..." Virgil tells me, "Thanks V." "Np..." Mr. Prince points to a door a few feet a from the desk. I open the door.
( 😂 SORRY! I will continue though but I guess you'll have to wait and see what happens next. Also this chapter was getting to long anyway. Good morning, afternoon, or night. Bye!❤️)

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