Logy and Princey

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(Hey guys so before I begin I want to give you a warning...there's mention of smut and other stuff so...YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!)
OH NO! Did he hear about my date with
Logan? "Also did you two get your rooms and everything situated?" Mr. Frank asked us. Wait so they didn't hear about my date and everything?...GREAT! I feel so much better about everything now. I smile and blush at the memory of Logan's lips on mine, and how he tasted like coffee grounds and strawberry jam. "Hello? Earth to Patton...you in there Mr. Heart?" Mr. Bynum waved his hand in front of my face which breaks me from my thoughts. "Oh um, yes?" I ask with a embarrassed smile. "You ok Patton you seemed lost?" Virgil asked while putting his hand on my shoulder. I smile, "Yeah I'm great!" "So did get your rooms and everything situated?" Mr. Bynum asked again, "Yeah, we start on Monday, and our rooms are 139 and 254." "Great! Thank you so much you two we and everyone else at headquarters really appreciate what you are doing." Mr. Frank tells us with a smile. "Well we better go home and start packing, Virgil. We have a long trip a head of us." He grins a little and we drive to the airport.
-On The Jet Heading Home(cause I'm lazy)-
We sit in the same spots as we were go up to NYC. I can't get Logan out of my mind...he's just so- No...I can't think like that...the FBI think he's up to no good...but what if he's not? I-I...don't know anymore. I look over at Virgil and he is texting someone. I look at who it is...AAWWW! It's Roman Prince from Berry INC.
-Text Between Roman and Virgil still Patton POV-
Princey❤️: Hey Hot Topic~😉
Virgil: Hey Prince Charming~
Princey❤️: Can't Wait to see you Monday~
Virgil: awww, and why is that Princey~
Princey❤️:Because I get to see that gorgeous face of yours. Also you will be working beside me so I get to show you how everything works...and maybe I can show you something else~😉🏳️‍🌈
-Out of Text-
I look back up at Virgil and see a massive blush on his face and bites his lip. I chuckle quietly at my best friend and his now new boyfriend.
-Back in Text (Sorry!)-
Virgil: I wouldn't mind having my hands on something other than computers~😏
-Out of Text-
I chuckle a little again,but I guess I was to loud cause he turned off his phone and looked away embarrassed. "H-how much did you read?" He looks back at me with a huge blush. "Ooohhh, not much...just enough to know that the computer isn't the only thing you'll have your hands on." I whisper the last little bit so everyone else won't hear. He blushes and looks away again. My phone buzzes and I pick it up.
-In Text-
*random number*: Hello is this Patton Heart?
Me: Um yes...who is this?
*random number*: This is Logan.
Me: Oh! Hi Logan! Hang on let me change your name.
*random number has been changed to Logy💙*
Logy💙: Okay, take your time.
Me: Ok I'm back! I'm really excited about our date tomorrow night. I can't wait!
Logy💙: I am too filled with excitement about our dinner arrangement tomorrow night at 4:30.
Me: Hey quick question...so is this dinner a casual dinner or a formal dinner?
Logy💙: It's casual so just wear a nice shirt and jeans.
Me: Ok! Thank you!
Logy💙: Of course Patton anytime.
Logy💙: Sorry but I must cut our conversation short. I have a very important business meeting I must attend today. Good bye Patton and I will see you tomorrow.
Me: Ok,Bye Logy!
-Out of Text-
I hear someone snickering beside me and I turn my head to Virgil. "So when were you gonna tell me about your date with Logy~" He whispers in my ear with a smirk. My face goes red and I look away from him. "I was gonna tell you when we got home but I guess now works." I say a look back at him. "So how did it happen?" *One Long Emotional Story Later* "Aawww, Pat that's cute...so are you guys dating or not?" V. asked me with a smirk. "Well I don't know?...I mean he kissed me and we are going on a date tomorrow..." "so...is that a yes?" "Yes!" I say with a huge smile.
-At Home-
I wave bye to Virgil and close the front door. I kick off my shoes and chill on the couch everything is replying in my mind the way he held me, the way he smiles, the way he kissed me, etc. "Wait I still need to pack!" I get up and head to my room...but of course I have to put on some music while I pack!
-One Long Musical Hour and a Half-
"And done!" I say as I look at my two suitcases and backpack. I call Virgil to see with he might want to come over and eat something supper with me. "Hello?" "Hey V! I just wanna know if maybe you wanna come over and eat pizza or something and watch movies with me?" I ask in a happy tone, "Sure Pat...that sounds fun." "Great! I'll see you at around 6? Does that work with you?" "That fine with me...see ya." "Bye V!" I hang up.
-Around an Hour Later-
I hear a knock at my door. I open it to Virgil, "Hey Virgil! Come on in." I say as I let him, "Hey Pat, thanks for inviting me." He walks in and sits on the couch, "Of course you are my best friend!" I tell him and sit next to him. "I already ordered pizza it should be here in a few minutes." I say while going through Netflix. "Cool...so do you wanna watch a Disney movie or..." "I'm down for Disney!" I say with a smile, "cool...ummm....how about...Coco? "Fine with me." We put the movie in and watch about 10 minutes of it before the pizza showed up. The rest of the night was filled with laughter, Board games, and of course Disney movies. What a way to celebrate us getting the jobs and boyfriends in one day! I love it and I can't wait for tomorrow night with Logy, but until then I'm just glad to be here with Virgil.
(Hey guys thanks so much for reading! I really enjoyed writing that chapter it was a lot of fun and I cannot wait for the next one...good morning, afternoon, or night. Bye!)

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