The Date~ ( Slight Smut Warning!)

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We get on the elevator and I think Logan looks really hot with his dark blue bow tie, white collared shirt, and jeans. I look at him for a bit longer than I probably should have because he smirked at me and asked, "See anything to your liking Patton~" I look away blushing. He raises my chin up to face him, "Aww, is my little Patton blushing?" He smirks and kisses me passionately. I kiss back. He bites my lower lip and I don't open. He growls and grabs my butt. I gasp and he explores my mouth. I grip his shirt and start untucking it. I lift up his shirt a little and glide my hands up and down his chest. He moans and pushes me against the elevator wall. He bites leaving hickeys on my jaw and collar bone. I moan and grind on his thigh. Oh god he's giving me a massive boner. "*cough* *cough* Um...shouldn't you two be on your date?" Me and Logan stop and pull away from each other to see Virgil and Roman standing in the elevator door frame smirking. "Um...we were just leaving." Logan says fixing his shirt and grabbing my hand. "HAVE FUN YOU TWO~" Roman yells out as we head to the parking lot. We blush and walk to Logan's MUSTANG! Wow...he is rich... He takes out the keys and unlocks the car. I get in the passengers seat and buckle up. He starts up the car and buckles up. He smirks at me and puts his hand on my thigh. I moan a little as he rubs circles in my thigh. I bite my lip and my jeans grow tighter if that's even possible. We drive out of the parking lot and to the restaurant. Logan's still rubbing my thigh and I bite my lip. We come to a red light and he smirks at me. His hand goes higher almost to my closed dick. I bite back a moan and he palms me through my jeans."Well someone's excited, aren't we?~" He says looking at my now visible bulge. I moan and buck my hips up. The light turns green and he takes his hand off me. "L-Logan stop teasing." I moan/whine. He smirks, "Well when I'm not driving we can do something that's a lot more fun~ Ok baby?" I blush and smirk, "Yes Daddy~" his face goes red and he smirks.
-Time Skip to Wine and Dine-
We pull into the parking lot and park. "We're here. I do hope you like it Patton." He says while opening the car door for me. "Aww! Thanks Logy~ and I gonna love it." He smiles and kisses my cheek. We walk into Wine and Dine and it's nice. There's a jazz band playing, a bar, tables to eat at, and a pool table. We get our seats and the waitress takes our order. I see that no one is at the pool table so why not! "Hey Lo-Lo, do you want to play pool with me?" I asked him with a smile. He straightens his glasses and smiles, "I would love to Patton, but I do not know how to play such a game." I stand up and hold out my hand, "I'll show you." He grabs my hand and I pull him to the table. "It's really simple. All you have to do is use this stick to make that white ball hit a ball with a number on it in one of the four holes in the corners." I smile and grab two pool sticks. (I'm just apologizing now because I never played pool and I don't know what any of this stuff is sorry if I mess up.) He smiles but still looks confused. "Let me show you." I set it up and and take the pool stick and line it up with the direction I want the ball to go. I bend down a little. I see out of the corner of my eye Logan smirking and walking behind me. I smirk and continue. He puts his hands on my butt and I bite my lip to try not to moan. "I can't wait to get all of this ass to myself~" He whispers in my ear and I bite my lip harder. "Do you do this to all your assistants~" I say flirting back putting the pool stick down on the table. "No, you're special to me...and no one has an ass like you Patton~" he says and grabs my butt harder. "So you admit that there were more before me~" I slitty moan with a smile. He can tell that I'm joking but answers anyway. "The only other assistant I had was my brother...and you are 100 times more cuter, sweeter, and nicer than that snake." He says and kisses my cheek. He puts his hands around my waist and starts kissing down my jaw and to my neck. I put my hands on his and tilt my head to the side so he can have better access to my neck. He bites and sucks my neck leaving hickeys all over. His hands go lower to my waistline . He slitty pulls my shirt up and messes with the button on my jeans. "Logan!" I moan and put my hand over my mouth. Luckily the music was loud so no one could hear one except Logan. He smirks, "Meet me in the bathroom in 20 seconds. Okay Baby~?" He whispers in my ear and walks to the bathroom. I blush and follow him. I walk into the bathroom and suddenly pushed into the wall by no other than Logan. He kisses me roughly and pins my hands above my head with one hand while the other messes with the waist band on my boxers. I moan and kisses back. I wrap my legs around his waist and he lets go of my hands. He picks me up and caries me to the first open stall. He sets me down and locks the door. I get behind him and reach around him so I could tease him by playing with the button and zipper of his pants. He moan a little and turns around. "Baby what are you doing?~" He asked with a smirk and a blush. "Daddy can I...please?~" I ask with a smirk. He nods and pushes me lightly to my knees. I unzip his jeans and pull his boxers down slowly until his cock spring out. My eyes go wide and I lick my lips at how long he is. "Are you ok Patton baby?~" He asked me with a blush. I blush and moan at my hard on making my jeans tighter, "Yeah, it's're so long Daddy." He smirks and I take his tip in my mouth. I lick the head and he grabs my hair. I take more of him in my mouth until he's fully in. I look up at him innocently his head is thrown back and he bites his lip to stop him from moaning so loud. I slowly lick his slit. He bucks his hips and I gag as his cock hits the back of my throat. I dig my tongue in his slit, "B-baby so g-good for Daddy." He praises me and I smirk. "S-so close." He tells me with a pant. I go faster and he moans. We hear the bathroom door open. I look up at Logan and pull his dick out of my mouth. He looks back at me and bends down to my level on the floor, "Keep going Baby~" He whispers in my ear and licks my earlobe. I shudder and take him in my mouth again. He bites his lip and I look up at him. He nods and grabs my hair again with one hand and the other on his mouth so he won't moan so loud. I continue going fast until he comes hot and heavy down my throat. I swallow all his hot, sweet, and tangy cum. I take him out of my mouth and we pant for a minute or two. I put him back in his boxers and zip his pants up. He helps me fix my hair. We get out of the stall and meet with man standing at the sinks giving us a shocked and discussed look. We walk out of the bathroom quickly and back to our table. "Patton, might I say I'm impressed with your work ethic~" He says and puts his hand on my inner thigh. I blush and moan a little. He smirks and his hand goes higher until it's palming me through my jeans. I bite my lip and he continues to palm me. Our waitress comes back with our food so he stops palming me and we eat.
-Time Skip to Parking Lot of Wine and Dine-
We get in Logan's car and start driving back to Berry INC. We stop at a red light and Logan leans over to me. "I can't wait to get home Baby~" He whispers in my ear and licks my neck. I moan and he kisses my neck. "Are you still hard for me baby boy~" he ask while his hand unzips my pants. "D-Daddy I w-want youuu." I whine and he smirks "Don't worry baby, Daddy will fuck you when we get back to Berry INC." He says and stops messing with my pants turning his attention to the road again. This is the most amazing date I have ever been on and it's about to get a whole lot better~ I think to myself as we continue down the busy road. To Be Continued
(Hey guys sorry it's taking me awhile to upload this chapter because it was really long and I didn't like my first idea so I kept changing it a sorry!😔Also if you didn't know I tried to make to where Patton doesn't cures 😂 so yeah that was fun...anyway good morning, afternoon, or night. Bye!❤️)

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