Im scared

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My hand touched the wood of the door and I was let in instantly. I have a very bad feeling about this.

"You turned up!" he hissed "sit Down slut!"

"You can't call me that I'm your student!"

"Well you could be my prostitue?!" he snarled "I'll pay a lot for you?!"

"N-No !" I stuttered starting to feel anxious

"Well I guess I'll have to force it then!!"

He started to unbutton his pants and I got up but he push me back. I froze as he slapped me. he unzipped my hoodie and ripped my shirt so you could see my bra. He put his hand on my chest and I hit the hand, he then punched me and I got knocked out. I woke up several minutes later to me naked and him touching me and making awful sounds! I tried to brake free of his clutches and I did until I realised he was just to get some scissors, I tried to run for the door but I was too weak, I fell and he cut open my leg.

Now I have a cut about three millimetres deep and six centimetres long. it hurt like hell and I was screaming like hell! just as I screamed miss Davis ran into the room, horrified with what was happening. I crawled out of his clutches and behind her legs. he ran at her but she pulled out peeper spray and sprayed him. she took off her blazer and sweater aaa we ran out of the room she gave them to me to cover myself as she told me to get in her car.

We sprinted to the car and I fixed my hair using the reversing mirror. we stopped at a cheap clothes store and she asked what size I was before running in to but me a top and some pants and some first aids stuff. she was back in about ten minutes, she handed me some underwear and clothes and I got dressed in the back as she prepares some bandages and things.

She started to ask questions while wrapping my leg.

"How did this happen?" she asked

"Well I went to go for my detention and he called me a slut then asked I would screw him for $50 I said no do he hit me, knocking me out I woke up make with him touching me. I tried to get away and he cut me with scissors." I said trying not to scream in pain.

"Are you gonna tell the school?" she asked

"Um I don't think so?"

"You should!"

"I don't want anyone to know"

"It would help if they did!"

"Please just help me"

"How?" she asked "I can't tell anyone and I'm only a math teacher"

"By, I don't know just keep it a secret for now!" I muttered "maybe I'll be ready later"

"If you haven't let me take him to court with you in the next two months I will do it" she said calmly "I can't keep this forever, he raped you!"

We talk for a few more minutes after that and I cried a few times, she is a lovely lady. she looks to be 24 ish se had brown hair and she was pale, a few freckles. she was about five cm taller than me. she said she would help me through this, I explained that I was only here for a year and I live in the apartment down the road with my friend.

She is thinking of buying an apartment there and I told her she can use our spare room , there is another room at the end of the hallway. she can help us pay the rent. she took the offer up and decided she will move in next month, her first name is Amelia. Amelia Davis she seemed really nice and didn't treat me like a student.

A/N I'm so sorry but I thought I'd make it a little more interesting, I your under ten and reading this, go outside and play okay !! you probably don't know what a prostitue is! okay thanks for reading !!!! xoxo baiii

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