The end

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I woke up screaming white Harry trying to calm me down.

"Get off me!" I yell to Harry who had his hand on my thy

"Shhhh" Harry whispered

"No I'm not joking! get off me!"

He quickly retrieved his hand and stepped away

"Your still mad?"

"Yes! yes I'm mad!"

"Do you want to talk?"

"Yes" I cried grabbing his shirt that was just in reach and pulling him close to me "this was all your fault" I cuddled into him and cried.

"I know, I'm sorry!" he whispered with tears bawling down his eyes. "you are my one and only!"

"But what if I'm not one day, I saw the way the nurse looked at you!"

"I don't care about her!" he cried " I care about you Aveia McKenna!"

I sighed and held him close. He ended up sitting in my hospital bed and we cuddled and talked for over three hours until it came to a deadly silence.

I broke the silence "if you ever even look at another girl in a certain way, I'm walking out on you"


We fell asleep, me snuggled into Harry's neck and him holding me protectively.

The sunlight hit my eyes and I gestured for it to fuck someone else but since it's the sun, it continued to fill my eyes with a stinging sensation.

A nurse walked into the room and Harry quickly got off my bed,

"When will she be discharged?"

"Well Harry, my sweet Harry. if the tests go well she will be able to leave tomorrow.

Harry grinned eagerly. as she began to prod me with various needle, and as she wrote her notes I saw her looking at Harry and winking and giggling, I gestured Harry over and he came

I made sure she was looking our way before I pulled Harry in for a kiss. you could basically see our tongues and I wasn't a shames of it. she needed to know that Harry is mine, not hers.

She walked out of the room looking disapointed.

Harry and I giggled.

He shortly walked out of the room, when he got to the door he shouted "I'm going to get pizza"

Everyone else was awake now, Emmi was cooing over me and Amelia was sitting there looking at the knife that she cut the rope with.

Some random big men charged through the door and picked the knife from Amelia and took her away, I was screaming and Liam chased after them. I wanted to go see them so badly but I knew I couldn't.

"shhhh" Emmi whispered while leaning in to hug me.

"What are they doing to her"

"Nothing bad while Liam is there." Niall laughed but came to a serious face "are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah! why?"

"Not you, Emmi"

Before Niall could finish the word 'Emmi' she had collapsed. Niall picked her up and placed her in the bed as I stood up, it is hard to stand up with these tubes connected to me.

Emmi woke up and I got in the bed with her, and after about ten minutes we both fell asleep.

I could hear Harry walk in and talk,Amelia got back later after Harry got here, Liam trailed behind her. they dug into the pizza but Emmi and I jut slept.

I woke up from a Harry kissing my fire head, it's was 11:37am and Harry told me I could go Home! I was so excited and I got Harry to pack my bag, and I stood up. I brought this weird machine I was still connected to the door and signalled a nurse.

"How may I help you?"

"Um do you know If I can go yet?"

"What's your name"


"Yeah your aloud to go when ever"

"Okay thanks"

I walked back over to Harry and took these tubes off my arm. we got everyone to get up and we left, just like that. I did have to sign out but yeah!

Harry and I got in Harry's car and everyone else got in Liam's car.

We drove for a little while before stopping at a small bakery.a few girls were asking for his autograph. I was so busy looking at him and the girls that I didn't realise there is a car spiralling towards me, I screamed for Harry as I tryed to get my seat belt undone but it was stuck, the car slammed into me. I saw flashes of lights then it all went blank.

A/N this is not just a chapter, Aveia is dead ... and since this is in her perspective, the book is finished.

Thank you so much for reading.!!

This book has been so much fun to write but it had to come to an end. I always knew I wanted it to end in a car crash and I know it's a shitty way to end the book but it's what I wanted. I hope you guys had fun reading this book, I won't be releasing another book until Tuesday. Xoxox if you read this after the 30th of the 9th 2014 than don't worry about the whole other book thing , I really enjoyed this book and I hope you did too!

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