Who does she think she is ?

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"Ughhh I haven't been to Nandos forever !" I sighed

"Well what are we waiting for then!" Niall grinned


We hopped in the car and Liam drove, I hope he has his p's.

We pulled up and Emmi shrieked with joys.we walked into the the restaurant and the lady at the register asked how many at the table ,

"Just us four" Liam said

"Sure thang sweetie!" she said with a wink

He put his arm around my waist and pulled me close, the waitresses face turn sour when she saw.

"What's happening" I whispered to him, his arm still around my waist

"She was hitting on me and she goes to our school" he whispered back "I don't want her getting any ideas"

I giggled and we went and sat at the table the waitress pointed to. she came and took our order and gave it to the chef , then she came back over.

"So is this your new girlfriend liam?" she asked pointing to me.

"No"i said but at the same time he said yes. I am confused

"So you don't mind if I kiss him" she said looking at me about to lean in to kiss him. I was sitting next to him so I ever so quickly sat on his lap and put my face to his so it 'looked' like we were kissing.

"What the hell !" she said with a tantrum soon following

I moved off his lap and she kissed him right as I moved.

I got up and ... oops feisty side came out... I slapped her. I felt my hand hit her skin and when I did I waited one second before retrieving it and looking discussed on how much makeup was on my hand from her face.

She went to swing at me and I ducked kicking her shin as I stood up, she fell over and that slut was wearing a G string. Emmi stood up and high fives my as I asked for a different waiter as this one was broken. everyone laughed and cheered.

I sat back down and Liam held my hand under the table, I didn't do that because I liked him I did it because she was being a bitch. Niall saw our hands and ordered us to kiss, Liam without letting me think kissed me passionately and after 20 seconds of that I pulled away. I got up and ran. I ran out of the store and all the way to a park and sat on the top if the slide crying, I don't want to hurt him.

Emmi ran you of the store and came after me

"AVE!" "AVE" "AVE'!" I could hear her shouting so I put my hand in the air.

She ran over to me and just sat with me cuddling.

"Why are you crying?" she whispered into my hair

" I don't like him like that and I don't want to hurt him but I think I just did " I sobbed into her.

"I saw his face as I left and he looked shocked, just shocked" she reassured me. she wiped my tears away texting Niall to drop Liam off and come get us. he did.

Niall pulled up and we got in the car.

"I'm so sorry Ave" he explained that he didn't mean for this, " I just thought you were , you know... dating."

"Well we're not " I muttered

"I know that now"

Em just sat silent for the whole trip.

When we got home Niall pushed the elevator number 42 and he slowly opend the door to see Liam with a beer watching Tv with tears coming down his face, before anyone saw Liam he closed the door and told us to wait here.

"Your gonna have to wait here for a sec" he said slowly

"Why" Emmi and I chorused

"Because... liam... is ... NAKED...!"

Niall walked in and we were left waiting outside talking.

A/N oooooohhhh that just happend ! next chapter will be all about school then the one after that will be about the X factor!!!i hope you liked um please vote for it and share it with your friends! love you all xoxox.

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