Chapter 3

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Rye's pov:

Andy:" guys, Blair won't be able to come. It's just us so hurry up. I don't wanna be late."

Andy yelled and his voice echoed through out the whole house.
Jessica, my girlfriend, groaned.
She was lying on the bed while I threw my t-shirt on.

Jessica:" do you really have to go? "

Rye:" yes baby, Ive already explained that. "

I sat tying my shoes.
She moved behind  me and rested her hand on my shoulders.

Jessica:" but I want you here with me"

Sheeft a kiss on my neck and her long blonde hair brushed over my arm.

Rye:" I know, but I have to go."

She moved gain and this time she was straddling my waist.
I rested my hands on her bare thighs and traced small  shapes on her hips.

Jessica:" then I guess il see you tomorrow as I have to go in an hour or so."

Rye:"yep I'll see you tomorrow."

I kissed her lips and she got off me.
As I finished tying my shoes she stopped in front of me.
I looked up at her and her blue eyes met mine.
She smirked before lifting my t-shirt, which she was wearing, over her beast and her head.
I smirked looking shamelessly at her fit body covered by the tiny pieces of black lacey fabric.
I grabbed her hips and pulled her closer.
I left a kiss on her lower stomach before getting up.
I kissed her again and smacked her bum before leaving the room.
As I started walking downstairs I heard Andy's voice again.

Andy:" Rye! your the only one missing. Hurry up."

Rye:" I'm coming!"

I yelled back.
The boys were all waiting for me.
We got in the cars and we drove off to the center of London.
We parked in front of a tall building, right next to London Bridge and got in.
As we got to the second floor Andy led us to the further office on the floor.
He stopped at the front desk and asked to a blonde girl about our oppointment.
She smiled and for up from her chair before knocking on the office door.
Then she got out with a brunette, short girl.
Thir heels clicked on the floor as they stepped towards us.
I studied carefully the brown-haired girl and the more closer she was the more she seemed familiar.
She stopped opposite us and presented herself.

"hi, I'm Megan Jones."

As she said that name I immediately recognized her.
It's really her.
Back in Bristol she was my girlfriend, it was just before I got in the band.
I know it would have been difficult keeping up a distance relationship so I broke up with her.
I felt so bad about it but at the time I thought it was the best choice.
She's even more beautiful than I remembered.
She looks more like a woman, though.
I left her that she was just eighteen and now she's twenty-two, if I'm not wrong.
She was still short and skinny, her curves were still perfect.
Her brown straight hair were longer and she tied two small strands on the back, to keep them off her face.
Her blue eyes were still as bright, her nose was still small and cute and her lips were as plump and sexy.
She was wearing a black and grey tight dress, it was almost skin-tightbut not inappropriate.
Our eyes met and tension suddenly filled the room.

Andy:" hi, I'm Andy fowler. This is Brooklyn, Micheal, Jack and Ryan."

Andy spoke presenting all of us.
She smiled warmly before shaking everyone's hand.
I was the last one and as it was my turn she hesitated a bit but just i noticed it.
Her professional smile got back on her lips and she spoke.

Megan:"If you follow me we can start working."

She turned around and walked towards a opaque glass door.
As she walked I instinctively looked at her bum.
She got in and held the door open for us to get in.
We all took a seat and we started working on our marketing project.
After two hours of meeting we came up with the date for the next appointment, which is next week, and got out of the room.
She dismissed us and we got in the lift.

Mikey:" mate are you ok?"

Rye:" yes, why?"

I answered nonchalantly.
The truth is that I can't stop thinking about Megan.

Mikey:" you seem a bit off. Are you sure?"

Rye:" yes, I'm just thinking."

I lied.

Mikey:"didn't Megan look familiar?"

Mikey asked and o felt my heart slipping a beat.
No one has to know about megan being my ex.
It's not professional working with an ex and I don't want to ruin the work with just dud or either Megan's job.

Rye:" no, not at all. "

I lied again.
Then I stayed silent all the way back home.
Jessica should be at work, so I can think alone.
As we got back home I went to my room and stayed tgere for a long while.
J can't believe I actually saw her.
I thought I would have never seen her after our break up.
Without thinking I got dressed and left home, saying that I would go to Jessica's.
I drove to the middle of London and for the second time today I pulled up in front of the tall building, Megan works in.
As I got in a man told me that they close at seven. I checked the time and it was six o'clock.
I got in the elvetor and pressed the button for the second floor.
The doors opened and I walked to her office.
No one was on this floor, I hope she's still here.
I knocked on the door and I heard a faint "come in".
I opened the door hesitantly.
I saw her sat at her desk with her glasses on.
She seemed surprised to see me.


I spoke quietly.
She got up and walked to the other side of he desk.
She took off her glasses and held them in her eyes.

Megan:" hi."

Rye:"I wanted to thank you for not saying anything about us knowing each other."

I don't even know why I'm here so I just said the first thing that ran through my mind.

Megan:" I did it also for my job. I was working."

Then silence filled the room. None of us knew what to say.
I looked around trying to think about what I shall say.

Rye:" how's life going? I mean, you have a job and you seem to like it."

I broke the silence.

Megan:" everything's good. I have a job, I just graduated, i live alone... What about you? I saw the band thing worked."

She said coldly.

Rye:" yes, it actually did. I'm an actual singer my dream came true. "

Megan:" did Mikey recognize me?"

She asked interrupting the subject.

Rye:" he said you looked familiar but nothing else. "

Megan:" good, it's better if  no one knows about this."

I nodded at her statement staying silent.

Megan :" is there anything else?"

She said crossing her arms over her chest and resting back on her desk.

Rye:" actually no. "

I tucked my hands in my pockets and swang back and forth on my feet.

Megan:" I should get back to work."

She said wearing again her glasses and standing on her feet properly.

Rye:" it's late. Do you wanna grab something with me?"

This is the third chapter.
I hope you liked it and if you did leave a comment.
Go follow my Instagram account @aurora_fowler04.
Thanks for reading.

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