Chapter 4

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Megan's pov:

Rye:" it's late. Do you wanna grab something with me?"

I still don't understand why he cane here.
I mean, we saw each other it was weird but nothing more.
We are working together, that's all.

Megan:" we should keep our relationship strictly professional. "

A small smile creeped on his lips.

Rye:" I didn't mean it in a romantic way. I have a girlfriend."

He has a girlfriend.
He's not a cheater for what I know.

Megan:" then in what way did you mean it? "

I have to admit that I felt a bit embarrassed that I immediately thought about that.

Rye:" eating something with a co-worker?"

It came out more as a question and I couldn't help it but smile and sgake my head.

Megan:" you're always the same. Fine let's go."

I grabbed my purse and we left my office together.

Megan:" where are you taking me for this co-worker dinner? "

I asked as we got out of the building.

Rye:" where do you wanna go?"

He asked tucking his hands in his pockets.

Megan:" what do you think about nando's?"

I know he loves that place, honestly I love it too.

Rye:" yes, could be ok."

I laughed and we walked to the nearest nando's.
It's amazing how the connection we had when we were together hasn't changed.
Although there's no more romance between us.
I'm single as hell but he has a girlfriend and it was four years ago.

Rye:" do you have a boyfriend?"

He asked taking me by surprise.

Megan:" no, I don't."

I answered truthfully.

Rye:" you're kidding, right? A beautiful girl like you hasn't got a boyfriend."

I blushed as he involuntarily complimented me.

Megan:"it's the truth. I swear."

Rye:" well, the men around you don't have eyes."

Our eyes met but I quickly took my gaze off his.

Megan :" stop being so cheesy."

I still remember that when we would spend time together he would always fing the cheesuesy way to compliment me.
As we arrived at the restaurant we sat at a table and ordered.
In a bit our dishes arrived and we started eating.

Megan:" yes, I still remember the awful pick-up line you used. It was something like" you are making the other girls look bad. ""

I laughed remembering the first time we met.
We were out of our brothers' school.
I had to pick up my little sister and he the twins.
He stopped next to me and we started talking then he came out with that pick-up line.

Rye:" well it worked."

Megan:"yes, it actually did."

Rye:" wait you got something on your lip."

Rye laughed quietly and I touched my lip trying to clean it.

Megan:" is it still there?"

Rye:" no, let me get it for you."

He said before stretching out his arm to reach my lip.
He took my chin in his fingers and cleaned my lips with his thumb.
I followed with my gaze every move he did.
Our eyes met and he quickly took his hand off my face.
He has a girlfriend.
I reminded myself that he has a girlfriend.
I don't even know why, I mean I can't still like him after four years. Can I?
He looked down and continued eating.

Rye :" I should really go. It's getting late."

He said as we finished eating.
I looked at the time and it was already nine o'clock.
We spent two hours in here.
The time actually flew away.
It has always felt comfortable speaking to him.

Megan:" yes, tomorrow I have to wake up early. "

We got to the chash desk and I started taking out my wallet.

Rye:" it's on me."

Megan:" no, I'll pay."

Rye:" just today. I'll pay."

Megan:" fine."

I gave in.
I know it's impossible winning this fight with him.
I put back in my purse my wallet and he paid.
Then we left the restaurant.
We were walking down the streets when his phone rang.

Rye :" sorry I have to answer. "

As he looked at caller ID I noticed the name " Jessi" with a heart.
She must be his girlfriend.

Rye:" yes, baby..... I miss you too..... . Yes, I'll come..... See you later."

He spoke on the phone and I looked straight in front of me.

Megan:" girlfriend?"

I asked as he put his phone in his pocket.

Rye:" yes"

He smiled sliglty.
In a few minutes We reached the building again.

Rye:" it was nice to see you, see you next week."

He said before hugging me.
I wrapped my arms around him and rested my chin on his shoulder.

Megan:"yes, it was nice to see you too. see you next week."

I smiled as we pulled apart.
Then we both got in our cars and drove in two different directions.
Luckly at this time the traffic is not as bad as during the morning, so I got home quite quickly.
As I got in my flat I took off my shoes, unzipped my dress, took it off and laid on the bed, not caring at all about wear a pj's.
Then I unwillingly got up from my bed and went to the bathroom to take off my make-up and brush my teeth.
As I was done I got under the covers and laid on my back.
I looked up at the ceiling getting lost in my thoughts.
He seemed happy while talking to his girlfriend.
I mean he has a girlfriend, he's a singer, his dream came true.
He seemed happy.

Rye's pov:

I was on the bed with Jessica.
She has her head on my bare chest and I have an arm around her waist and the other one under my head.
Her breathing is steady and regular.
We are watching some Netflix but I can't concentrate on the plot.

Jessica:" are you ok? You seem a bit off?"

Her voice cut me off my thoughts.

Rye:"yes, I'm just tired."

The truth is that I can't stop thinking about Megan.
We had a really nice time.
She's still as nice and funny as she was a few years ago.

Jessica:" do you want to turn off the TV?"

Rye:" no, it's fine. I'll just try to sleep. "

She nodded and laid her head back on my chest.
I closed my eyes while she traced imaginary circles on my arm.
I tried to sleep but I couldn't.
Eventually Jessi fell asleep and I turned off the television.
Being careful to not wake her up I got up and went to the kitchen.
I poured myself a glass of water.
I rested on the counter and stared straight in front of me.
Megan doesn't want to leave my brain.
We were together a lot of time ago, I have a girlfriend now. I can't still love her, right?

I hope you enjoyed reading the 4th chapter.
Let me know in the comments what you think.
Thanks for reading.
Follow my Instagram account @aurora_fowler04.

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