Chapter 8

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Megan's pov:

Rye:" you"

As he answered I didn't know what to say.
I just stared at him trying to not get lost in his brown eyes.
They were full of confusion but also passion.
It felt like his eyes were telling me he liked me but there was a "but".
He stepped closer to me.
I did the same without taking my gaze off his.
I breathed out a breath, that I didn't realize I was keeping in,trying to release some tension but it didn't help.
He wrapped his hands around my waist.
Our noses were a few inches away.
I rested my hands on his braod shoulders.
He hesitated but closed the gap between our lips in a slow, delicate kiss.
His lips moved on mine.
I felt sparkles in my stomach but suddenly a thought ran through my head.
He has a girlfriend.
I pulled apart and our eyes met.
I got lost in those beautiful chocolate-colored diamonds.
My hands slid down his chest and I looked down for a quick second before meeting his gaze again.

Megan:" we can't."

It came out if my lips more as whisper than a prohibition.

Rye:"I know."

As he spoke a shiver ran down my back and I felt the urge of kissing him.
Before any sensible thought could get in my head my lips were on his.
I ran my fingers through his soft hair, tugging slightly.
I felt his hands slowly sliding on my bum the he squeezed we both hands.
He swipes his tongue over my bottom lip and my lips parted a bit.
He slipped his tongue in my mouth and tasted every inch of it fiercely.
He pulled me even closer.
Our chests were pressed against each other.
Then he made me lift my right leg from the floor and wrapped it around his waist.
With a swift move he lifted my off the floor and I wrapped the other leg around his waist.
His grip on the back of my thighs was tight and he traced small shapes with his thumbs.
Then he started walking out of the kitchen.

Megan:" first door on the left."

I said between the kisses
He stepped in the room and pushed me against the wall.
He pulled apart and started kissing and nibbling on my neck.
I rested my head on the wall and a small moan left my lips.
He found my sweet spot and nibbled on it leaving a mark.
His grip on my legs loosened up and he let me stand on my feet.
I ran my hands down his chest and took off his t-shirt.
I left a trial of kisses on his shoulder and traced imaginary lines on his toned chest.
Then his hands slid under my shirt and he lifted it over my head, leaving me in my black set of bra and underwear.
Our lips met again and I pushed him back towards the bed.
His knees touched the soft material of the mattress and he sat down.
I positioned each of my leg at each of his sides and straddled his lap.
Then I broke the kiss just to start kissing his tanned skin.
I pushed him doen on the bed.
His hands traveled on my body shamelessly.
Then I felt my hair falling over my shoulders.
Suddenly he flipped us over, so he was on top. 
He drew an imaginary line of kisses down my chest and reached my waistline.
I tangled my fingers in his hair as he nibbled on my hip, probably leaving a mark.
Our eyes met and he looked at me as if asking for permission.
I nodded slightly and he laced his fingers in my panties and pulled them down. He kissed up my left leg and as he reached the apix between my thighs I felt his breath on my wet core.
Then he flicked his tongue in me.
I moaned as he moved his tongue slowly.
His fingers rubbed up and down my thighs while spreading them a bit.
My gaze didn't leave rye.
My back arched and he gripped my hips and stopped me from writhing underneath him.
An instinctive moan escaped my lips.
Rye kissed up my stomach staring straight in my eyes with a lustful smirk.
I let my head fall back and rye kissed me againwhile cupping my breast and kneading it.
I undid the string of his sweatpants and helped him getting rid of them.
Then he i clasped my bra and pulled it off.
Then he got off me and took something from the floor.
I laid on the bed watching every move he did.
Then he got necmxt to me with a packege.
He pulled down his boxers freeing his hardness.
I got on top of him.
I helped him rolling on the condom.

Rye:" taking control, aren't you?"

He smirked.

Megan:" I'm not a kid anymore."

Rye:" neither am I."

With a quick move he pushed on the bed and got on top of me.
Without any hesitation he entered me.
He groaned and pushed in and out of me slowly.
I gripped on his back while he buried his head in my neck.
He breathed heavily and made me shiver.
I wrapped my arms tighter around his back.
He muscles clenched under my fingers and I couldn't hold back a moan.
He increased the pace and moved my leg around his waist.
The pleasure at the new angle intensified and a warm feeling started building up in my stomach.
Suddenly electricity ran through my body and I moan his name loudly.
He continued and with a few more thrusts he was done.
He took off the condom and laid back on the bed.
He was on his back while I rested my head on his chest and he wrapped his arm around my body.
His hand was on my back and his thumb was drawing random shapes on it.
I listened to his heartbeat getting lost in my thoughts.
He has a girlfriend and we just had sex.
I never thought it would happen.
Though it was good.
He was also my first time and I didn't remember him being this good.
But that's going to stay in my head.
His touch slowly relaxed me.
Then he kissed my forehead and I looked up at him.
I turned on my belly and rested my chin on my palm.
A small smile creeped on my face.
I like him a lot.

Rye:" are you ok?"

He's always been sweet and gentle. It's one of his best features.

Megan:" yes, you? "

I nodded as I spoke.

Rye:" yes."

He smiled and a peaceful silence fell in the room.
As I looked back at him I noticed again that look of liking with a hint of confusion.
Then he moved a strand of hair behind my ear.

Megan:" what?"

Rye :"  you're just beautiful and I don't deserve you."

He looked straight in my eyes and I felt my heart skip a beat.

Megan:" what do you mean?"

Rye:" I left you four years ago and I have a girlfriend. I don't deserve you."

As he mentioned his girlfriend I felt sadness radiating in me.

Megan:" it was four years ago. I forgave you. We were young and you wanted to be a singer. I understand it."

I didn't say anything about his girlfriend.

Rye:" you're so good. "

He cupped my cheek and ran his thumb over it.
I closed my eyes and relaxed.
After that I felt his soft lips on mine.
It was a quick peck that had so many emotions.
As we pulled apart our eyes met but none of us spoke.
I rested my head on his chest and closed my eyes, slowly falling asleep.

Big smut warning.
Things are getting spicy, but will it end in the most cliché way or will it turn out as a fail.
Let know what you think in the comments.
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