Chapter 26

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Megan's pov:

I took a deep breath as I watched rye pacing around the room.
We just got to the boys house and already rye is already panicking and honestly I am too.
We'll talk to Blair together and I'm so nervous.
He knows me and I know him but I don't knowhow he will react seeing me.
The boys are in the living room with us trying to calm us down but nothing seems to work.
Though, I'm so glad that they are so nice to me and that they accepted me.

Andy:" rye sit down and stop walking around, you're making me nervous."

Andy told rye but he didn't seem to hear him.
I was sitting on the sofa with my fingers intertwine together and my forehead on the back of my hand.
I feel like at some point my head is going to explode, all the thoughts running through my brain caused me a really bad headache.
Suddenly the door bell rang and immediately I stood up, following rye around the room.
Blair is here.
All of a sudden I felt my stomach twisting and the feeling of sickness was almost unbearable.
As I stopped looking around rye held my hand tightly.
I gave his hand a light squeeze and his eyes met mine.
He gave me a reassuring look before kissing the back of my hand.
Then our biggest fear appeared in the room,smiling but when his eyes laid on us that smile desalleared.

Rye:" I... We want to talk to you."

Rye spoke first and Blair didn't answer he just led the way to the studio room.
As we all got in I closed the door behind me.

Blair:" rye-"

Blair started speaking but rye immediately interrupted him.

Rye:" no, Blair. This time I'm speaking first. I don't care about what you said last time. I don't care that you will kick me out of the band. I love Megan and I won't loose her again. You know everything and I thought you could understand but I guess I was wrong-"

This time Blair was the one w I o interrupted rye but rye didn't let him speak.

Blair:" rye-"

I stayed silent watching the scene not knowing what to say.

Rye:"no Blair let me finish. I will Stuy by megs side-"

Blair:" rye it was a test."

Rye:" I won't. Wait what?"

I stared at Blair speechless.

Blair:" it was a test. I wanted to know how serious you were with Megan. She's a mature woman and I'm sure she's the right person for you.
I didn't even like Jessica."

He smiled at us.

Rye:" what's that about? Did anyone like Jess other than me?"

Then the boys burst in the room and spoke in sync.

" no"

Blair:" anyway, guys you have my blessing."

Rye:" thank you Blair."

He said before hugging him.
They pulled apart and my eyes met Blair's.

Megan:" thank you so much. It means a lot."

I said shaking his hand but just as I was going to let go he pulled in for a hug.

Rye:" guys did you know about this? "

All the boys answered with a "yes" while brook's voice echoed in the room with a loud "no"

Blair :" sorry brook but you're terrible at keeping secrets."

Blair justified himself.

Brook:" yes, I know. You're right."

He admitted and we all burst out laughing.
We spent the rest of the afternoon chatting and laughing.
Blair had to go, as tomorrow he had to fly to Norway with Harvey, and he still had to pack.
When he left we ordered pizza and watched a film together.

Rye:" meg, so you want to stay here for the night? It's late and you seem tired."

He asked as the film ended.

Megan:" no, I don't want to bother you and the guys."

Andy:" you're not bothering anyone."

Andy intervened.

Rye:" c'mon keep me company."

He said holding my hands.

Megan:" fine. "

I rolled my eyes smiling and pulled him close.
And he kissed me and behind us the boys awwed at us.
Then we went upstairs to rye's room and he changed.
Then I changed too, I borrowed one of rye's tops.
We got in bed, finding a weird position to sleep in.
My legs were tangled with his, my head was on his bare shoulder and his long fingers traced lines on my skin.
Just as I was going to fall asleep we heard a knock on the door.
Then a voice spoke from behind the door.

"c'mon rye it's important."

I gave rye a questioning look and he got up before letting Andy in.

Andy:"have you seen Instagram?"

Andy asked with a worried expression.

Rye:" no. what's happened?"

I got up and reached rye and Andy.
Andy scrolled through his phone and a photo of rye and I appeared on the screen.
A fan account posted that.
It's rye and me getting into the cinema holding hands.
Then my eyes fell on the caption.
" who's that bitch that stole @ryebeaumont from @jessica.heart?"
Bitch. I know I shouldn't listen to tjose words but it still hurt.
Then I watched how many comments there were on the post and there were thousands.

Rye:" fuck."

Rye swore under his breath.

Rye:" don't worry about it, I'll... I'll handle it. Thank you Andy."

Andy:" it's pretty much everywhere on socials. They're asking about you, meg. Be careful and sort it out. Ask me anything if you need to."

Megan:" thank you. I'm sorry that I'm causing trouble. "

I said feeling guilty.

Andy:" it's not your fault. It's ok. I'll go. Please don't hesitate calling me if you need me. "

I nodded and he left the room.

Megan:" this is going to go bad. "

I panicked as the door closed.
I searched for rye's eyes and immediately I et those deep brown chocolate colored eyes.

Rye:" no it's not. I'll sort everything out but now we need to sleep. It's late tomorrow morning I'll do everything I need to do. Please now I want to lay down and keep you close."

His eyes pleaded me along with his words.
I nodded and we laid back on the bed.
He wrapped his arms around my bosy and pulled me as close as possible.
After a while he fell asleep but I couldn't keep my eye svlosed for longer than two minutes.
I continued thinking that it was my fault and that "bitch" continued echoing in my brain.
They're right I stole rye from Jessica.
It's my fault.

New chapter of secret love.
It's been a while since I last posted a chapter but I hope it will be worth it.
The pov changed and an important conversation happend but Blair's opinion changed completely, well not really.
Do you think blair did the right thing?
Let me know what you think in the comments
Thanks for reading.

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