Chapter 7

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Rye's pov:

I just arrived at Jessica's house after my date with Megan, if that's what I can call it.
I can't help wondering if I'm doing something wrong.
I mean I have a girlfriend and I go out with another girl.
Jessica doesn't know it and I kind of feel bad.
But when I'm with Megan I feel the same connection we had before we broke up.
I don't how it's possible but I do and I can't help it.
On the other hand, though, I love also Jessica or at least I thought so.
I'm not sure of anything right now.
Jessica just got in bed.
I was already under the sheets ready to sleep but I couldn't.
I turned around to look at her and she smiled.
She rested her hands on my bare shoulders and ran her fingers over my skin.
Her fingertips traced an imaginary line down my chest, she laid her palm on my abs and started sliding her hand in my shorts but I grabbed her wrist and stopped her.

Rye:" baby, I don't want to...."

Jessica:" what happened you always want."

She got on top of me straddling my hips.
Her hands ran over my bare chest.

Rye:"not tonight."

I stopped her hands and her expression turned into pure anger and disappointment.
She got off me and stood up next to the bed.

Jessica:" I can't believe you just rejected me!"

I shot up and looked at her.

Rye:" I just did what? You're kidding me right?! Just because I don't want to have sex it means I don't love you anymore?"

Iet the words leave my lips without thinking.
I quickly got up and pulled on a hoodie and some sweatpants.

Jessica:" what are you doing? "

Rye:" I'm leaving. Think about what you said and then we'll talk about it. "

Jessica:" are you kidding me? I don't need to think about anything."

Rye:" Jessica, you're saying that just because I said no to you I completely rejected you. Do you even think about what comes out of your mouth? "

I involuntarily raised my voice and walked out of the room.
Jessica didn't say a word I took my phone, the car keys and left her flat.
Rejected her. Sometimes I think she's too young for me and I shut off that thought we the fact that I actually love her.
Sometimes she doesn't understand that I actually want something serious.
She's twenty, she wants the typical teenager story with kisses under the rain and sex everywhen.
She doesn't understand that I can't give that kind of story to her.
I got in the car and drove off.
I don't even know why but after a while I found myself pacing in front of Megan's block of flats, wondering if I should get in and knock at her door.
Before my brain could think if another option I got in and walked up the stairs.
I found her flat and knocked on the door.
In a few minutes the door opened, Megan appeared.

Megan:" hey what are you doing here?"

Rye:" can I get in?"

I asked tucking my hands in my pockets.

Megan:" yes, of course."

She let me in and I looked around.
Her flat is really nice.
The living room walls are a light Grey and all the furniture is either white or grey.

Megan:" what happened? Are you ok?"

She asked quickly.

Rye:" yes I just argued with Jessica. "

Megan:" and why did you came here?"

Rye:"I don't know. I just did."

I'm not sure why I came here and I can't lie to her.

Megan:" do you want something to drink."

Rye:"some water is fine."

I follewed her to the kitchen and as she poured the water in the glass I studied her figure.
She's short and slim, although she had a lot of curves.
Her body was covered by a black over-sized t-shirt, that covered to her mid-thigh.
She was walking bare feet around the house.
Her long black hair was up in a ponytail and she had no make-up on.
She handed me the glass full of water and I took a sip of it.

Rye:" thanks."

Megan:" You're welcome."

She smiled before resting back on the counter.

Rye:" did I wake you up?"

Megan:" no, I was watching TV."

I nodded and a small silence filled the room but she broke it quickly.

Megan:" why did you go to the boys instead of me?"

Rye:" they don't like Jessica."

I don't know why, though.
They think she's a bit childish for me.

Megan:" so you came here."

She crossed her arms on her chest.

Rye:"yes, they would say that the told me that she's not the right girl and so on. I'm not in the mood for that. I already argued with her I don't wanna argue with anyone else."

Megan :" do you think so?"

Rye:"about what?"

Megan:" about her being the right girl for you."

Rye:" I don't know anymore."

Megan:" what makes doubt it?"

I didn't answer.
I hesitated thinking.
Why do I doubt about it?

Rye:" you"

As I answered her face was surprised.
She didn't know what to say.
I just stared at her looking in her eyes.
They were were full of different emotions and I couldn't read any of them.
I stepped closer to her.
She did the same without taking her gaze off mine.
She breathed out the tension, which didn't help releasing any of it. At all.
I got closer to her.
I rested my hands on her waist.
Our noses were nearly touching.
She rested her hands on my shoulders and her eyes closed.
I hesitated but closed the gap between our lips in a slow, delicate kiss.
Her soft lips moved on mine.
Then she pulled apart.
Our eyes met and I got lost in that blue-greish shade.
Her hands slid on my chest and she fluttered her eyelashes before speaking.

Megan:" we can't."

It came out as a disappointed whisper more than a order.

Rye:"I know."

Rye's pov in this chapter.
A big change happened.
Did you expect it ir was it a surprise?
Let me know below in the comments.
I hope you enjoyed reading.

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