Chapter 9

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Megan's pov:

My alarm just started going off.
I slowly opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was rye's face.
He had his eyes closed, and soft, small breaths came out of his parted lips.
A small smile appeared on his face and he opened his eyes.

Rye:" good morning."

He smiled pulling me closer.
I rested my head in the crock of his neck.
He started drawing small shapes on my bare back and I closed my eyes, smelling his scent.

Megan:"good morning."

Finally my alarm stopped and I looked up at him.
His eyes didn't leave mine.
I didn't know what to say but the room was filled with a peaceful silence.
He smiled and moved a strand of hair behind my ear.
Then he pulled me closer and our lips met.
I immediately kissed back.
After a few seconds he pulled away and our eyes met again.
Then I laid on his chest again.

Megan:" I have to get up."

I whined before moving up but he pulled me back.

Rye:" don't. Stay here."

Megan:"I have to go to work."


I shook my head and he let out a groan.

Megan:" if you get up, we can have breakfast."

I laid on my elbows and looked at him.

Rye:" fine but first, can I have a kiss?"

I smiled before laying my lips on his and he turned my sweet kiss in a rough one.
Then he pulled me on top of him but I pulled apart.

Megan:" not now. "

I pecked his lips and hot off the bed.
I picked up from the floor his t-shirt and threw it on.
Then I walked out of the room.

Rye's pov:

I watched has she left the room with my t-shirt over her naked body.
I know it's wrong but I couldn't hold back the feelings I have for her.
Jess, is mad with me because I "rejected" her, as she said.
Sometimes I think that thee boys are right: they say that she's too childish for me but I think about all the happiness we had together and also the roadies know about her.
We told the just a couple of weeks ago I can't break up with her already.
But that's not the main problem.
The real one is that I love Jessi but I like Megan.
She's such a nice and beautiful woman. She's grown up so much and she's so mature, now.
I got out of bed and wore my underwear before walking to the kitchen.
I got in the room and saw her cooking something.
I got behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist.
I left a kiss in her shoulder and a smile spred on her face.

Rye:" did you sleep well?"

I asked leaving small kisses on her neck.

Megan :" yes, you?"

I hummed an answer and she turned off the pan full of eggs and bacon.
I sat at the counter top on the side and she brought two plates.
We started eating and talking about nothing.
She so different to Jess.
Megan is spontaneous and joyful while Jess has really controlled reactions and she's also really serious: she almost never understands jokes and she barely smiles.
They have both blue eyes but Megan's have something different that makes me want to get lost in them.
I'm so confused right know.
I love Jess but I like Megan.
I just cheated on my girlfriend with someone I work with.
What happened last night was wrong on so many levels.
It was a mistake, a beautiful one.

Megan :" I'm gonna have a shower you do as this is your home."

She said before getting up from the chair.
I took her hand and pulled her closer.
She stood between my knees and rested her hands on my shoulders.
I wrapped my arms around her waist while looking up at her.
I kissed her.
She pulled away and spoke.

Megan:" I'll be late if I don't hurry."

I nodded and before she could leave I smacked her bum.
Then she locked herself in the bathroom while I cleaned up in the kitchen.
Then I got dressed and waited her in the bedroom.
After a bit she came in the room just in a Grey Calvin Klein set.
Then she threw at me my t-shirt and I wore it.
It smelled like her.
I breathed in and her scent filled my senses.
I watched every move she did while she got dresses.
She wore a black dress with a cardigan on top.
Something simple but appropriate.
She looked really beautiful.
She applied what I think is mascara on her lashes.
I looked at her enchanted by her.
I followed every move she did.
I don't deserve her.
She's a career, she's happy.
I left her once and I don't want to have to do that again.
Her eyes in mine interrupted my thoughts.

Megan:"I'm ready, are you?"

She smiled.

Rye:" yes...... No. I need to talk to you."

I spoke disconnecting words.
Her smile dropped and she sat in the bed.

Rye:" Megan, I. We can't do this. I have a girlfriend and it's not correct both for you and her."

Megan:" I understand that. I know we can't be together or anything else. My boss would be so mad. "

My heart broke a little as she spoke but I pretend everything was good.
I don tknow whu but it felt like an excuses to justify that we can't be together.

Megan:"can you drive me to the office, though?"

She spoke coldly. I feel so bad but a "we" is not possible. I have Jess, roadies just found out about her and I can't leave her and also she my marketing manager, she would have so much trouble at work.

Rye:" yes, then it's better if we go."

She nodded silently and we left.
We got in my car and I drove to her office.
The streets were busy as always and it took us thirty minutes but as we were there.
She said bye and left quickly.
I watched her walking towards the building and desappearing behind the doors as she got in.
Next week is going to be so hard.
We have an appointment, with our marketing manager, aka Megan, and it's going to be so weird.
I let out a big sigh and started the engine before driving away.

Did they make a mistake? What should rye do? What's going to happen?
Let me know what you think in the comments.
Thanks for reading.
Follow my Instagram account @aurora_fowler04.

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