Chapter 17

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Rye's pov:

I'm in my room waiting for meg. She's a bit late but it doesn't matter.
The boys left about thirty minutes ago, Andy too.
It's two days that we broke up and i don't know how it's going to be between us but she's coming and she will be here at any minute.
I laid on the bed trying to watch TV but I couldn't focus on the movie.
I hate to admit this but I'm so nervous about meeting her.
Just as I got up I heard the door bell ringing.
I ran down the stairs and as soon s I reached the door I stopped, took a deep breath and opened the door.

Rye:" hi."

I scratched the back if my neck as I looked into her eyes.
Her blue iced eyes.
She looked even more beautiful than usual. I didn't think it was possible.
She wasn't wearing make-up, she was wearing the simplest dress and still she looked amazing.
Her brown hair were down over her shoulders.

Megan:" hi."

She looked at him and her eyes showed how vulnerable she was.
It's my fault. I can't deny it. I hate seeing her like this.

Megan:" here's your stuff."

She handed me a paper bag full of my clothes and I took.
Just as I did she started leaving but I stopped her.

Rye:" you don't even want to come in? I mean you drove for so long.cime in and sit down."

I spoke awkwardly.

Megan:" I.. - "

She hesitated and a flush of doubt went through her eyes.

Megan:" yes,just a bit."

She gave in and we got in.

Rye:" do you wanna go up or..? "

I asked as I had to put away the bag she brought me.

Megan:" I'll follow you."

She criseed her arms over her chest and followed me to my room.
I left the bag on the floor and she hesitated but sat on the bed.

Rye:" so how have you been? "

I asked stupidly. I know she hasn't been fine. We both haven't.

Megan:" what do you think?"

She asked coldly.

Rye:" I know."

I looked down at my feet.

Megan:" you? What about Jess?"

Rye:" you know I haven't been good either. I miss you so much. It's three days that I don't sleep."

I admitted more to myself than her.

Megan:" rye, how do you think I spent the last three days? I did what you would have never done. We couldn't go on like that. You didn't know what you wanted and I don't think you do now. "

She spoke harshly.

Rye:" Megan, I'm sorry. I have to think about the band. I know it hurt you and it hurt me too. "

Megan:" it's like a dejavu. Four years ago you said the same thing. You had to think about your career and you knew you wouldn't be capable of having a distance relationship. You already siad that a lot of time ago. "

Rye:" it feels like that for me too. I hate seeing you hurt and seeing you suffering what I did. If I could go back and never break up with you I would."

Megan:" but unfurtately you can't. We can't go back."

She got up and our eyes met again.

Megan:" rye, I swear that if I could I would go back too and never let you go and I think I'm doing again this mistake but if you're with jess than I'll do this mistake again. "

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