Chapter 20

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Megan's pov:

Rye:" I think we should wait a bit."

I shoot up and looked at him.

Megan:" what? You're still with Jessica? I can't believe you."

I sat up keeping the sheets over my chest.

Rye:" no, of course not."

Megan:" then what?"

I almost yelled.
I quickly threw on a shirt.
I paced around nervously.

Megan:" I don't work for you anymore, You're not with Jessica, I don't understand what's the problem."

He got up and put on his underwear.
He got closer and rested his hands on my shoulders.
I looked around avoiding his gaze.
I don't knowing I'm mad or sad or upset or everything together.

Rye:"look at me. Meg. Look at me."

I stopped avoiding his gaze and stared right in his eyes.

Rye:" first I have to tell Blair and the boys that I broke up with Jess then I'll tell them about you. And then we can make this relationship publish. I have to think about my image and about the band."

He spoke calmly.

Megan:" Ryan I know that you have to think about all of that but will you ever think about me first? "

I asked feeling frustrated.

Rye:" I... "

He stared in my eyes looking for an answer but he couldn't find one.
He let go of me.

Megan:" see, Rye i love you and I know you feel the same but if you can't assure me that you'll be by my side always then I don't think this is the kind of relationship I need. "

He was speechless and I felt so bad for speaking so harshly but I had to be clear. I had to speak my mind. I couldn't keep all in.

Rye:" meg, I love you. "

Megan:" I love you too but I can't. It feels just like four years ago. We were younger and we didn't want what we want now."

Rye:" I know. It's the exact same feeling but I can't throw everything away."

Megan:"oh, so now you're throwing everything away for me. I'm not worth it right? Well, I'm not asking you to leave your career and stop singing. I'm asking you think about me, to stay by my side when I need you but I guess you don't want to."

I can't believe it.
He took a step back just like I had hit him and he couldn't take it.
I was harsh. I can't deny it but the words left my mouth without going through my ming first.

Rye:" I'm not saying that. I'm just saying that.. Urgh.. I just have to think. I need to think."

He started rushing around the room picking up his clothes.
He quickly got dressed.

Megan:" what are you doing now?"

I asked looking at him confused.
He seemed even more confused than me.
He sat on the bed and tied his shoes.

Rye:" I need to go. "

Megan:"Ryan you can't just run away to avoid the truth. Just give me an answer."

Rye:" I have to think. I'm sorry. I love you. Bye."

He kissed my head before rushing out my flat.
I stopped in the corridor stating at the door.
Everything happened so quickly I was shocked.
He ran away.
He left me here in the middle of an argument.
Once again we argued and once again I'm destroyed.

Rye's pov:

I just rushed out of her flat. She broke up with me again even though we weren't even together.
I have to think. I have to clear my mind.
I got in the car and drove to my favourite place.
Where I go when I need to think and tonight, even though it's almost midnight I need to go there more than ever before.
As I got there I got out my car and started walking through the park,thinking.
I love her so much. After I broke up with Jess I realized how important she is to me. She has always been the one that was able to make me change my mind. The one that made meaugh and smile. The one that makes me feel myself.
She asked to put her in front of everything but I don't know what to do.
Singing has always been my priority. Losing my place in the band or even just causing trouble for the boys would be the worst thing but I can't lose her not again.
I know what I have to do.
I got back to my car and drove to meg's.
I quickly got out my car and walked in her block of flats.
As I reached her floor I knocked on the door impatiently.
Just an hour has passed and I think she might be up but not sure. I hope so.
Then megan opened the door.
She looked exhausted and her eyes were red and puffy.

Rye:" I can."

I spoke staring straight in her eyes.
She looked at me confused.

Megan:" what?"

Rye:" I want to put you in the first place. I can't lose you."

I cupped her cheeks and kissed her.
She didn't hesitate on kissing back.

Rye:" I'm sorry. I made you cry. I'm sorry I hurt you. I'm sorry about everything. I love you and nothing can change that. "

Megan:" what about the band and everything else?"

Rye:" I don't know. I'll sort everything about but I don't want to give you up."

I kissed her again.
Then we got in her flat and went to bed.
She cuddled up to my chest and I held her close to me.
I don't want to let her go, never again.
I left a kiss on her head while stroking her hair gently.
She kissed my chest and traced small circles on it.
Then get eyes met mine.

Megan:"thank you. For being here. I love you."

Rye:" I love you too. I don't want to lose you. You're too important."

I said for the millionth time in an hour but I needed to say it,for myself and to let her know how important she is to me.
She smiled before resting her head back on my chest.
She's in my arms and that's all I need right now.

Rye beaumont finally understood the right way,after a lot of difficulties and doubts.
But will the people around them let them continue this relationship?
Let me know what you think in the comments.
Thanks for reading.

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