Chapter 6

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Megan's pov:

It's one to six.
I can't believe I'm actually counting minutes.
I don't understand why I'm so nervous about this thing.
I mean it's nothing different from four years ago.
Apart that I was his girlfriend and now his girlfriend is someone else.
I stared out of the window trying to distract myself.
Nat has already gone home and I'm probably one of the last people in the whole building but I already stay here till late quite often so it doesn't change anything.
The sky was turning dark and on the west side there was a beautiful sunset.
The sky had a orange-pinkish color on that side and on the other it was almost deep blue.
The sky scrappers reflected the light and the streets were busy as always.
On the background I could see the London eye.
This is a really prestigious company.
I don't even know how I managed to get a job and first an internship here.
I started the internship with Mr Smith when I was at the third year of Uni and after I graduated he hired me as marketing manager.
He's one of the few people that actually believes in me and I'm so glad for that.
A knock on the door cut me off my thoughts.

Megan:"come in."

As I spoke the door opened and rye got in the room.


He smiled and I grinned before getting up from my chair and taking my purse.

Megan:" I was born ready."

Then we headed out of the building.

Megan:" where are we going this time?"

I asked curiously.

Rye:"it's a surprise. We have to drive there though."

Megan:" that's fine. My car is broken so actually it's better like this."

My car broke yesterday night and this morning I got Nat to give me a ride to work.

Rye:" I'll guess I'll have to take you home too, then. "

Megan:" it depends whether you like or not spending time with and in the case you don't you can leave me in the middle of the street. It's your choice."

I laughed at my statement.

Rye:"you're too funny to leave you in the middle of a street."

He laughed too.

Megan:"then thanks."

Rye:" you're welcome."

We got in his car and he drove to the outskirts of London.
After around twenty minutes he pulled up next to an Italian restaurant.
I turned to look at him with a questioning look.

Rye:"what? I know you love Italian food."

I smiled at the memories that filled my mind.
We had our first date at an Italian restaurant.

Megan:" you still remember it."

We got out if the car and walked towards the entrance.

Rye :" yes, I do. We used to spend so much time together that I can't really forget about it."

He can't forget it.
I smiled at him and we got in the building.
Immediately a waiter took us to a table and we sat down.

Rye:" what are you getting?"

He said looking up from the menu.

Megan:" I don't know. you? "

Rye:" let's do like old times we take one or two dishes and then we share."

Megan:" I choose one you choose the other one."

He nodded and in a few minutes We had ordered.
I took a sip of wine and he spoke.

Rye:"do you like working in an office? I wouldn't like it."

Megan:" yes, I do. Sometimes is a bit stressful but i can cope with it. What about you? Do you like the fame and all the fans?"

Rye:" yes, I love singing and I love the fans but sometimes it's hard having a privet life. And also if I wasn't in roadtrip I wouldn't have met Jessica. "

I felt my heart skipping a beat.
If he didn't join roadtrip maybe we would have been together now.

Megan:" is she your girlfriend? "

He nodded and our dishes arrived.

Rye:" she's a model. "

Megan:" she must be gorgeous. "

Rye:" yes, she is. "

He smiled probably thinking about her.
I'm not even close to be as beautiful as a model.

Megan:" you love her a lot, don't you?"

He took his gaze off mine and looked down at his plate.

Rye:" do you want some of this? "

He suddenly changed mood.
I nodded and we exchanged plates.

Megan :"do you like the project?"

I asked changing topic too.

Rye:" yes, you're really good at what you do."

He said eating a mouthful of spaghetti.

Megan:" thanks."

We finished our meal quite in silence.
Apart some questions and some short answers we didn't talk a lot.
He seemed deep in thought and even though I tried to start a conversation he would answer quickly.
We paid, or better he paid because also this time he didn't want to let me pay and then we left the restaurant.
We got in the car and he didn't wait a minute before starting the car.

Megan:" are you ok?"

I asked breaking the silence in the vehicle.

Rye:" yes, why?"

He gave a questioning look before looking back at the street.

Megan:" because you're taking me home but you don't know the address."

I giggled.


He did a fake laugh and I gave him my address.
Then another silence filled the car.
I really don't understand what happened.
He changed mood in a second.
After a while he pulled up in front of the block of flats I live in.

Megan:" thank you for the ride and dinner."

Rye:" thank you for the night. Bye."

He smiled quickly.

Megan:" bye."

I smiled back before getting out of the car and walking to my flat.
I got in and took off my heels and went to my bedroom.
I took off my clothes and wore an over-sized t-shirt.
It's much more comfortable.
Then I took off my make-up and brushed my teeth.
I checked the time and flopped on the bed.
It's just half past eight.
I'm not tired yet.
So I turned on the TV and watched some Netflix.
I couldn't focus on the screen, though.
I couldn't stop thinking about him and how he changed mood so quickly.
I can't stop thinking that maybe I said or did something wrong.
I'm so confused right now.

This is the sixth chapter.
Let me know in the comments what you think will happen. Then I'll let the story next chapter speak for me.
Thanks for reading.

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