Chapter 14

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Rye's pov :

Megan just left. Andy caught us and we told him everything.
It feels so strange.
Two minutes before we were talking about how tiring ir is to hide all the time and then we got caught. It's so ironic.
Andy, though, seemed even more upset than me.
I'm going to see what has happened.
I walked upstairs thinking about how to start a conversation with him but nothing seemed right.
As I was in front of his door I took a deep breath and knocked on the door.
He didn't say anything.
I'm sure he's in his room he just doesn't want to speak to me.
So I opened the door and discritetly stepped in.

Rye:" Andy, I want to talk."

Andy:" about what?"

He started speaking raising his voice.

Rye:"Andy, don't tell the boys or anyone else. I have to understand what I have to do, first."

I didn't even dare raising my voice.
All he's saying is true and I can't deny it.

Andy:" and when are going to understand it. You have been cheating on Jess for a month. That's so wrong. She loves you."

Rye:" I know that she loves me and I love her too."

Andy:" but what? You love also Megan. She works with us. Blair wouldn't agree on this. "

Rye:" I know thats why we didn't say anything. Her boss wouldn't agree on this too. "

Andy:" but why didn't you break up with Jess. She does t deserve this. "

Rye:" when I started my relationship with Megan, Jess and I had just announced our story to the roadies and I couldn't break up with her like that. There would have been so much hate and if anyone found out about Megan it could have caused so much trouble. Andy, you have to understand that I need time. I love both of them but I don't know which one I love more. "

He looked at me bluntly and I felt ashemed under his gaze.

Andy:" rye, when will you decide? "

Rye:" I don't know. We just finished the meetings with Megan so I still have more time but she getting tired too. "

Andy:" look, I think you're just too confused right now to understand who you actually love, because I know that you know it. Deep down you know it. you just can't realize it. But Ryan you have to understand it because it's not fair for any of them.
You have to think, first, about your happiness, then we will think about the roadies and Blair.
If you want to break up with Jess do it. "

Rye:" I don't know. I can't clear my mind. It feels like everything is blurred and I can't see through it.
I think about how unfair it is to both of them but I can't get myself to decide. Jess has been by my side when I needed her and I love her but when I saw Megan I felt the same feeling I felt when we were together a few years ago. Just now I realized how stupid I've been to break up with her."

Andy:" I don't know how to help. You have to clear it up. I won't tell anyone but promise me that when you decide you will tell Jess and the boys. "

He spoke, looking at me with sympathy.

Rye:" thanks man. I will. "

I stepped closer to him and hugged him. It was what I needed. He can always help me. He can clear my thoughts even better than me.
Sometimes I think his too wise for his age but that is a gift that God gave him.
I wonder why I didn't ask for his help before.
Now, though, I have to decide.
It's going to be so hard.
I love Jess, she's always been by my side, she's sweet, beautiful but sometimes I think she takes everything as a game.
Then there's Megan, she's intelligent, beautiful and she's so mature, I love that aspect of her character. I know that she could be a person to think about my futere with but I can't leave Jess. She's just someone I need, she helps me trough everything.
Andy and I pulled apart and I left his room.
I got in my room and collapsed on the bed.
The sheets smelled like Megan.
Her perfume filled my senses.
The ring tone of my phone interrupted my thoughts.
I took my phone and looked at the ID caller before answering.
It's Jess.

Rye:" hi."

I spoke up.

Jess:" hi. How are you?"

Her voice echoes in my eardrums.

Rye:" tired, you?"

Jess:" me too. I just arrived at Cardiff."

She's on a business trip, she left around midday.

Rye:" how was the journey?"

Jess:" I listened to music all the time. I already miss you. "

Rye:" I miss you too, baby."

Jess:" now I have to go. I love you baby. "

She said sadly.

Rye:" I love you too. Bye."

Jess:" bye."

She hung up on the phone and my head started working, thinking about how I'll be able to understand who I love more when I fell love for both of them.
I'm so confused.

Rye's pov. He's clarifying with Andy.
He has to make a decision but when and what will he decide?
Let me know what you think in the comments.
Thanks for reading.

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