Chapter Two "Tonight"

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"Phhss. Sightless? Come on you have to get up" Sightless opened his eyes. For a heartbeat, he imagined to see lighter he opened his eyes. But when he did. He remembered that he couldn't see any better with his eyes opened. Sightless rolled on his side, putting his wing over him to catch more warmth. "Why Active?..." he asked tiredly. He tucked his limbs into a more comfortable position. "Because were, were..." He sighed " Just please-" "Get up!" A voice interrupted in a whisper. He pulled Sightless of his bed by the roof and he fell to the ground. "Ow! What the heck Scar!" He hissed angrily throw his teeth. Scar lashed his long tail across his muzzle like a whip. Sightless shook his head, small blood drops flying. He hissed, ready to attack. "Shut it cow-brain!" Scar hissed, tugging his out of the cave. "Your gonna wake them up stupid" Fang suddenly chuckled playfully. Sightless felt a wave of anger rush throw him. He didn't say it, but he hated it when she teased him like that. As if just because he was blind, he needed a monitor to guide him around in life.

He didn't say anything. He felt air brush his scales as Active ran by. Then he heard footsteps ahead of him begin. He could hear them echo quietly in the halls. He followed them. He flicked his ear. He could smell the scent of prey. It was strong, then it got weaker and weaker. It disappeared above him. He could tell they must be entering the "Winter" cavern that he had found. A few years back, back before Sightless was blind. Sightless found a small cavern. They voted on calling it the "Winter cavern" It was a small hole under the carved stairs. The small hole lead to a big cave. It wasn't huge, but It was big enough for them all to be in with plenty of space to lay down. Sightless took a seat by the corner, putting a far space between them. Fang sat down and said. "Ok, I gathered you all here for a meeting" "Phh, who knew."Sightless joked. The others shoot him a look, but Fang chuckled, and Active made a snort of amusement. Scar twitched his tail as if he was annoyed. "As you can see, Cloud is not here, I don't want ANY of you, to say a word about this to her" Fang sighed. "Roger that!" Active suddenly called out, he glanced around. Embarrassed, not meaning to be that loud. "We needed someone to talk, It's so quiet in here" Sightless encouraged to him, not even having to see to know the others weren't happy with him. Sightless had only become blind 7 months ago, and barely anyone knew how good his senses were. He never mentioned it, not wanting to brag. He only did it when it was necessary.

He could Active shot him a smile right before Fang continued..."We need to escape, I can't stand this place, and I think you can all agree with me" She said. "That's informative!" Sightless called. The others made small, un herd comments of hesitation, which only Sightless could hear. "And how are we gonna do that?" Scar scoffed with a glare throw his amber, green, snake-like eyes. "Um, I don't quite know yet." She sighed. "Any ideas Sightless" Sightless jumped to hear his name, though, then said. " Maybe you can do that thing where your practically invisible-" "You mean camouflage Sightless" Scar scoffed. "Um, yes..Yes, I did...But if you can get throw the vents maybe. I mean I know there's cameras guarding it, but I don't think they sense heat...Do they?..." Sightless protested. Their guardians had found a small object called a "camera" In an abandon scavenger's den. They had always been worried about them escaping, and use to keep watch. But when they found the camera, they put them everywhere in that room only.

"I can try that," She said with a satisfied nod. "Tonight" She decided. "Tonight?!" Widow echoed. "When else?" Fang chuckled. SIghtless flicked his tail, he knew they had to do this, but the word tonight clung to him. It just seamed, err. Unlikely. He couldn't imagine what they would do if they found her. But he agreed. Sightless got up and said. "Come back tomorrow morning. It's already past dinner, so that shouldn't be too long. We'll make sure they don't notice your absence" Fang noded, thanks Sightless. Sightless gave her a nod and said. "Sure, sure" He started toward the exit and said on his way out. "See you tomorrow". The others hesitated, then followed.

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