Chapter 31 My little world

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Sightless opened his eyes, but of course, he couldn't see. His body throbbed with pain, to the point where he was starting to feel sick. He tried to since his surroundings...

Fire...Burnt wood...Most likely a torch...There's barely any wind currents, he was inside. He couldn't feel the warmth of the sun, so definitely no windows. He knew it couldn't be night, because he would hear animals, or at least something. He blindly tried to get up, but stumbled back onto his side.  He hissed a deep quiet hiss. He got up again, he hated this feeling. Feeling so trapped and blind, with th only sound being an echoing waterfall. A waterfall. He listened intently, he could just barely hear in the distance. He felt like he was listening to a conversation, miles away.

It was so far, and almost unbearably annoying to focus on. Arg! This was starting to give him, a headache. He took another step forward, but totterd awkwardly.  He sweared, if he hadn't just been kidnapped, he'd roar loud enough for all of pyrrhia to hear! Work legs!

He heard something, he stopped, listening. He gazed into the empty darkness, in which, was all he could see. "Ah, poor little dragonet," a voice suddenly hissed. He jumped. He hissed, he should of scened the dragon coming. Sightless hissed, giving the thing a cold glare. "Who are you?" He hissed deep in his through.

"Oh, I almost forgot you were blind," the voice examend. "Hm, you would know who I am if your pitty injured eyes could see me. Isn't this your punishment? Why should I tell you?" Sightless paused. He felt the creacher lume closer. "Cat got your tongue?" Did she want him to answer that? He already had almost forgotten what she said.

Sightless gave her a smirk. "I guess you can say that," he raised his whip like tail threatening. "You can't see if right now, hmm, or...ever. But I'm raising my little tail to Icewing," She said. Sightless growled. "Tell me Icewing, what do Iook like in your mind. What can your mind see?" he hesitated, should he tell her? Should he stay silent? Ugh, think Sightless you sound like an idiot!

"I sense a shape, huge and dark. It has weird, disfigured lumps and spikes poking of of it, your quite terrifying if that's what you wanna hear," he rolled his blind eyes. "Interesting...Willow! Write that down!" Sightless felt his heart sink as he quickly looked around the room.

The thing let out a hum of amusement. "You don't trust yourself fully. Of course know ones here. Im not a fan off company...You hesitated, your probably noting that down right now. Smart little dragon," Sightless growled. "Mad isn't he? Your so focused on me, you forgot why you can't walk smoothly."

"It's your own fault really," she purred. Sightless stopped. This, was one of the many times where it would be incredibly helpful to see. He tilted his head. He took a one, small step forward. He realised his right arm was the only thing messing with him. He brushed his arm with his tail, carefully. Not wanting to make it seem obvious he was checking for whatever wound caused him to annoyingly limp. His tail brushed mid-air suddenly. He flinched, confused. He kept his eyes on the...Thing. He wanted to make it look like he was waiting for her to say something.

He felt the spot again, where his talon should have been, there was nothing but empty space. He flinched, starting to connect the dots. "Oh, finally you're realizing it," she said as if she read his mind. "Yes, when you tried to kill me mind you, I used something I like to call the copycat to well, reverse the effect. I didn't mean to only hit your talon and ear, I meant to freeze, and shatter all of you...But, I missed. Clumsy old me!"

Sightless utter fear turned quickly to rage. He roared and leaped at the creature. But his ragged claws closed on empty air, and he hit the wall with a crash. "So close," the creature purred. Sightless rose with a hiss. He lashed his tail from side to side. "Come dragonet," it said, changing the subject. "Let me show you me little world..."

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