Chapter Four "We have to go"

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Sightless jumped when he heard lightning flash, and he watched it in amazement. He knew this must be a dream, and that's why he could see. He walked around with a smile. He was on a plain. It stretched out for what looked like forever. A rabbit ran by him, and he lashed his tail across its legs. It fell, and he finished it with a quick swipe of his talons. He ate it. Admiring what he could see around him. When he finished, he stretched out his wing, and took off into the air. He flew higher and higher. He watched birds fly past him. He flew in a flip, and dove back down. He landed then saw he was by a cliff. It was night now, and water splashed against the sharp, wet rocks.

He felt grass under his talons, and rain beat onto his scales. He flew down into a rock. But when he opened his eyes, he was perched on a metal rod. He jumped down, the rod shock. He looked at it. Light shoot out the top, which faced the ground. It spread out a beam of light towards the ground. Around him, were houses. It looked empty, and abandon. Most of the houses were torn apart, and didn't even look like houses anymore. Past the houses, was a desert. It stretched out for miles, and miles. Suddenly he saw a small human. It looked at him with fear in its eyes. "Hey, I won't hurt you" Sightless said to him with a smile. It grabbed something, and it made a loud bang like noise. Sightless jumped back, and herd lightning crash in unison. He hit something hard behind him, and darkness filled his gaze. He was awake. He felt something nudge him. He turned his head towards it. He could smell Fang's familiar scent. "Hey, I-I..... I need you to come w-with me" She said in a quiet, calmish voice. Sightless tilted his head and said "O-ok?..."

He followed her, she walked into the dorm next to them, which belonged to Cloud and Widow. Cloud bounded out a few seconds later. He bounced on his talons and said. "We're going on a mission! A secret Mission. A real secret mi!-" "And we need to use are quiet voices, we don't wanna we spotted" Widow interrupted with a smile. "Ok!..Wait I mean..Ok.." He corrected in a whisper. Fang sighed, then ran off to get the others. When she returned, she looked at them and said. "We have to go".

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