Day One

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Dipper POV:

I don't remember waking up, eating breakfast, loading into a bus, arriving, nothing. The only thing I really remember was standing in front of the 'Mystery Shack.' It was a tourist trap so our Gruncle Stan could make a living ripping off tourists.

Mabel was already up the stairs as I entered the house. "Heyo, kiddo!" I look up to my Gruncle. He didn't look too old at least. "Hello Gruncle Stan." He shooed me to my room after that introduction. Me and Mabel would be sharing a room in the attic. The moment I stepped in and set my stuff down I heard a scoff. "Oh, great. I have to share a room with you." It hurt to hear those words, but I was used to this by now.

I knew Mabel would share her sob story with our Gruncle, so there was no point in getting close to him. The day was ending and we ate, went to bed, and I fell into a fitful slumber.

Hey, Dipper!

What? Who was that? I opened my eyes to see my room, Mabel gone, and everything black and white. Weird.

Hey, kid. It's rude to ignore someone when they're talking.

I look up to see a flying...Dorito?

Haha, verry funny kid, you know it's rude to call people names.

Huh? Wait, where am I?

The Mindscape kid. And the name's Bill Cipher by the way.

I was sure I hadn't spoken, so how did he know my questions. And wait! Didn't he say my name first?!?!

HAHAHA! It's funny to watch you suffer Dipper!!!

"Who-What are you?"

Ooh, this one has some smarts, I like you kid! But the sun is coming up, so I'll see you later. Remember, Reality is an Illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, bye!

My alarm clock screeched beside me and I slammed a fist on it. I massaged my temples from the massive headache I got. Mabel wasn't in her bed, so I guess she has already told Gruncle about the incident.

Sure enough, when I walked down, he wouldn't even make eye contact with me. "Here are some Stan-cakes kid, eat up, you'll be working as part-timers today at the Shack." I ate the food and was given a broom. I swept around the gift shop for a bit. Watched Mabel flirt with a couple of guys, and fail miserably. To wich I tried to surpress a laugh, but a small chuckle escaped and Mabel went strait to Stan who ordered me out to put up signs.

So, now I'm walking outside in the creepy woods. Hanging up signs as 'punishment.' Frankly, since it was supposed to be haunted and such, I was having the time of my life. I saw some cool plants, weird footprints, and a giant thumb that looked to be set up as a table.

I soon got to work putting up the signs and while hammering a nail into a tree, there was a metalic sound. Cool. I opened a hatch at the side of the tree and found some old communicator looking device. I fiddled with the switches and heard a shuttering sound. Looking behind me, there was a trap door in the ground that had opened. I looked into the hole to discover a red leatherback journal with a gold six-fingered handprint with the number three.

I hurriedly put up the rest of the signs and sat down at the giant thumb table thing, and began to read. It was amazing their were things out of horror movies, like zombies. Not to mention, it also had the table I was sitting at, and it was indeed a giant's thumb. It was so interesting to read that I lost track of time

I looked to the sky and saw the sun setting over the horizon. "Oh no! Gruncle Stan will be furious." I silently dreaded the walk to the Shack. I stuffed the journal inside my vest to hide it. When I reached the entrance, I took a deep breath and slowly opened it. "Gruncle Stan! I'm back." My voice faded while I faced a furious Gruncle. "Where in the world have you been Dipper?!? WHY WEREN'T YOU BACK EARLIER?!?!?" I felt my eyes tear up. "I-I was frightened by some noise, a-and got lost. I-I'm sorry Gru-" he was cut off, "I don't want to hear sorry you nincompoop!!!" Tears started to streak down my face.

Realizing he had gone too far, Gruncle Stan mumbled something that sounded close to an apollogy and left. It was nothing compared to what I've been through. After having family you were close to turn away from you, having family you hardly knew do the same was a breeze. Not to mention, I've been working on my acting skills. I frowned and headed up to my room.

"So, little Dipshit was frightened in the woods? HAH! Classic." Mabel snarkly commented, "Goodnight Mabel." I said, I was exhausted and it showed in my voice. "I'm gonna change now, so leave or turn away." She grumbled insults as she left the room. I undressed and opened up the floorboards under my bed to hide the journal. Once it was secure and looked untouched, I went to the stairs and shouted for Mabel to tell her I was done changing. Before she could get back, I was already in bed and asleep.

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