The Nightmare Begins

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Dipper POV:

Lately, I've felt like I'm being watched. It was weird, not in the good way like Bill, but in the creepy don't-turn-your-back way. A comercial was playing about someone named Gideon and his Tent-o-Telepathy. Mabel wanted to see and I was kind of curious myself.

Gruncle Stan walked in and ranted about how horrible he was. He told us we weren't allowed under Gideon's roof. "Do tents have roofs?" I asked Mabel when Stan left. "I think we just found our loophole!"

Mabel, Soos, and I went to the Tent to see what this guy was all about. When the show started, I felt that creepy feeling again. Gideon was making eye contact with me the entire time. Even when he was singing at Mabel. It was creepy. He seemed to be blushing?

When the show was over, Mabel and I walked out there laughing about the show. I still felt him watching me. Should I tell Mabel about this? No, then she might freak out and I do not want to deal with that.

The next day, Mabel went to answer the door and I followed. I was curious to see who it could be. When she opened the door, Gideon stood there. He immediately locked his eyes on me. I shivered a bit and listened to their conversation.

She shooed me out of the room and stepped outside when Gideon whispered something to her. I heard her slightly fangirl outside, wonder why? She came back in with a smile on her face. "Bro-bro I need you to look presentable at this time tomorrow!

She handed me a peice of paper and walked off to the living room to finish our game. I was confused, disturbed, and slightly curious. So, I pulled out a black tux and set it up for tomorrow.

~Time Skip to the Next Day~

When it was time to get ready, I slipped on the outfit. The doorbell rang and I answered it to Gideon on a horse. Before I could think straight, Mabel shooed me out the door, whished me good luck on my date and Gideon pulled me up on the horse with him.

It was information overload and when I sat down at the tabel I realized what was going on. Instead, I played innocent. "Um, hey. Gideon." I gave a slight wave. He looked up at me and smiled. He was definitely blushing.

This was getting really awkward. "Um, what happened? With my sister and me being here?" Gideon smiled at me again, "Why, Dipper Pines, this is a date! Your sister helped me set it up and get you ready!"

Right at that moment, I was furious with Mabel. "Look, you seem really nice, but I like someone el-" suddenly, a giant rainbow bird flew in from no where and landed on the tabel, "Dipper. Pines. Will. You. Accompany. Gideon. To. The. Ball. This. Evening?" It cawed out and opened it's talons to reveal an invitation with a blue pinetree symbol.

All I could think about was Bill in that moment. What should I do? What should I say? People crowded around us and exclaimed at how cute we were. I felt Bill's presence wash over me, and without my consent or control, my mouth opened and I said, "Fine, one date."

I soon found myself pacing and worrying about what the heck had just happened. I was back at the Shack and all I could do was worry. Bill. I needed to consult with Bill. I raced up to my room, got into my night clothes, and hopped into bed waiting for a Bill to enter my sleep.

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