Comfort Zone

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Dipper POV:

I drifted off to a peaceful sleep and opened my eyes feeling warmth envelope me. A bit of wind tickled my neck and I turned my head around to see Bill spooning me. My face burned a bright red.


Hm? Oh! Hey Pinetree! I heard you wanted to cuddle, so I thought 'why not?'

"U-Um, o-okay. T-Then I'd also l-like to ask you-"

About earlier?

I nodded.

Simple Pinetree! I took over the majority of your conciousness and saved you, your sister, and everyone else. I also got to relieve some stress.

I nestled into Bill's warmth and sighed.

"Thank you Bill."

Can I get a 'thank you' kiss?

I blushed again before turning my head and pecking him on the lips.

Awe! Pinetree, no fair! He pouted before snuggling up to me. Just remember that I'm the only one you can kiss, okay?

I laughed slightly, Bill was so cute.

We talked until we both dozed off. I woke up shortly after and the sun glared into my eye. I was smiling, I was happy that Bill had my back. Mabel was still in bed, must be a weekend day. Gruncle Stan was downstairs. He was talking to someone? The voice was very familiar, the bad kind of familiar.

I got ready fast and rushed downstairs to see Stan talking to Gideon's father. Gideon was here too, he was discussing a contract potential with Stan if Gideon and I were to start dating. I could tell what was going to be asked of me later so I just came out and said my answer.

"Gruncle Stan, you can sign the contract. The Mystery Shack could use the extra boost." Everyone turned to me and stared. Guess they hadn't realized I was in the room. Gideon looked delighted, Stan was looking at the contract with greedy eyes, and Gideon's father, Bud, was happy for his son.

Gideon insisted on going on another date and the two grown-ups just let us go. Kinda irresponsible but whatever. Gideon dragged me all over town. It was kinda annoying, but I had to put on an act, for Bill's sake.

The first place we went was the hillside for a picnic. This was the hillside that you could see both the cliffs that had mouths like monsters. We sat on a blanket and ate fruit and sandwiches. It was kinda nice. I wish I chould do this with Bill.

"Dipper, I've never really felt this way about anyone before. I'm sorry if I came off as too strong." I looked at him as his chubby face was lit up by the sunlight. "No, it's alright. I understand how awkward things can be." He looked me and leaned in.

Before I could react, before I could do anything. He kissed me right on the lips. I was disgusted. I wanted to vomit. This was the worst feeling ever. All I could think of was how I failed Bill. I felt like a pathetic boyfriend. Gideon pulled away and I had to pretend that I was flustered, when instead, I was disgusted.

The next place we went to was the lake where the Gobble-whatever was supposedly sighted. We took a boat out to the water and talked about each other. I learned that he is very sensitive and possesive. He learned that I loved adventure.

"Dipper, do you like the water?" I shrugged, "I guess, I'm an okay swimmer." We sailed back to the shore. He was being a gentleman, surprisingly. It was weird going on physical dates, I liked the feel of them. Maybe when Bill comes to me in real life we could go on dates.

The final event for the evening was a fancy dinner at the same resaurant from the first date. We had a nice and quiet dinner. That was until Gideon started asking some personal questions. The whole atmosphere took a one-eighty turn fast.

"So, Dipper." I looked up. "Have you ever had a boyfriend before me?" I thought for a bit, "No." Then remembered that there was Bill. "Who is this Bill?" I looked at him shocked. "Uhm, he was my boyfriend before you."

Gideon nodded, "How many times did you kiss?" I thought there were too many times to count. "A few times." "You're a terrible liar Dipper." His voice sounded harsh and cold. I searched for Bill's presence, but found nothing. I started to tremble slightly.

"Let's go some where more private." Gideon dragged me to the middle of the woods. "Now then, Dipper Pines." I looked up, frightened. "Tell me the truth and you won't get hurt." I nodded. "Who is this Bill?"

~Interrogation mode activated~

Dipper: "My old boyfriend."

Gideon: "How many times did you kiss?"

Dipper: "More times than I could count."

Gideon: "Did you enjoy them?"

Dipper: *Looks Gideon straight in the eyes* "Every. Single. Last. One."

Gideon: *Looks furious* You are not to speak of him to me EVER after this!

Gideon: "Do you love me?"

Dipper: "I don't know."

Gideon: "Dipper Pines, tell me that you love me!"

Dipper: *Almost chokes on words* "I love you."

~Interrogation mode deactivated~

Gideon relaxed and leaned in to give me another kiss. I wasn't able to resist, seeing as he had grabbed hold of my shirt. Then, in the blink of an eye, I was left alone. Gideon was gone. I was still in the middle of the forest.

I stood up and wandered around for a bit. I came across the giant coffee table and realized where I was. I raced home to the Mystery Shack and practically broke the door coming in. I ignored Mabel when she asked if I was okay. All I could think of was how angry at Bill I was. He left me alone.

I got into pajamas and laid down. Soon, I fell into a deep sleep. I woke up to a white room with plush walls.

"Bill Cipher! Get your ass over here right now!" I screamed for him, but he didn't show up.

"Bill! Please! I need to talk to you!" Still nothing.

"BILL YOU ASSHOLE! YOU LEFT ME ALONE!" Still no response. I collapsed to the ground and stared blankly at a wall. I felt silent tears slip down my face, but I didn't make a sound.

"Bill, you're such an asshole. If I ever see you again, you're gonna regret abandoning me." I swear.

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