Boyfriend #1

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Dipper POV:

"Dipshit! Wake up!" I sighed as I sat up in front of Mabel. "I don't know why I'm sharing this with you, but I got a date!" I raised an eyebrow, "Good for you. Who is the luck guy?" Like I actually wanted to know. "His name is Norman! He's perfect!" She babbled on for a bit about him and I pretended to listen.

The doorbel sounded. "That's him!" Mabel squealed and raced downstairs. I followed her slower so I wouldn't fall. "Hey, Dipper! Meet Norman!" I looked to the pale teen. "Hello Norman, I'm Dipper. Mabel's twin. Make her happy, okay?" He nodded and Mabel ushered him out the door. 'Make her happy' yeah right. I'll wish for her happiness when she wishes for mine.

I stood at the cash register since today was, what was her name? Wendy, she had the day off. It was deserted so I finally had a moment to fully think. Last night, Bill had entered my dreams again, but, different.


I was walking through the Mystery Shack, flicking bobble heads and pressing buttons on the cash register.

Hey, Pintree~

I shivered, not out of fear. "Bill!"

Yep! Happy to see me?

"Yeah, actually. You're the only thing that likes me."

Wait, don't you have a twin or something?

Memories filled the air. Bullying, abuse, mental breakdowns, and the day I lost my trust in her.

"I do, but she isn't really family."

Bill calmly looked through everything. You know what kid? I don't like this, Shooting Star should have treated you better.

"Shooting Star?"

Bill looked to me. You'll understand later.

I wanted to understand now, but I could tell I wouldn't get any answers.

Time to wake up kid, the sun is up. Don't hit your sisters head when you wake up.

Remember! Reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram! Buy gold, bye!

~Flashback end~

Suddenly a tourist came in and was poking around the gift shop. Gruncle Stan took them on a tour of mystery. I checked out their items and they left, leaving the place in silence once more.

I missed Bill. I knew, or hoped, I would see him in my dreams again tonight. The day passed by excruciatingly slow. However, when it was bed time, I ate my food and rushed upstairs to see Bill.


"Bill?" I called out. "Bill~?"

Two soft hands covered my eyes. Guess who?

I stifled a chuckle, Bill! I turned around, but stopped and stared at him he wasn't a triangle. He was a human. He had a yellow brick patterned tail coat with an eye in the middle and a black dress shirt underneath, black dress pants and dress shoes. His hair was golden with the underside black. One of his eyes was covered by his golden hair swept to the side. Atop his head was his top hat and his cane rested on his wrist. I also noticed he was wearing black lace gloves that went up to his elbows.

His skin was perfectly tanned and his eye was a golden color with a black slit. He was, to say the least, Smoking Hot.

Awe, thanks Pinetree~ I was hoping you'd like this!

I tackled him with a hug and enjoyed the warmth while blushing slightly. "Like it? I love it!"

It was Bills turn to blush at this. Pinetree, I want to ask you something, this may seem a bit weird.

Huh? "Of course, anything."

Bill sighed, I want to know how you like your life.

I grimaced, "It kinda sucks if I'm being honest."

Bill waited for me to elaborate.

I sighed, "No one likes me. I don't know why or what I did wrong, but they just do. I took the fall for Mabel too many times and now I'm blamed for everythig and seen as the 'trouble child' while Mabel is viewed as a perfect angel. It doesn't matter where I go or if people know me or not. Mabel tells them some B.S. story and they eat it up and hate me for no reason. When I fight back, I'm viewed as a bad sibling cause Mabel starts to cry and hog all the attention. I just wish someone would get to know me first before judging."

I huffed as I finished my rant. It had been a while since I let everything out, and I realized I was crying.

Bill pulled me into his arm and rubbed my back whispering into my ear, It's okay Pinetree. You have me, I'll always be on your side. I'll never leave you.

I looked at hime through tear stained eyes, "P-Promise?"


I don't remember when, but at some point I drifted off into sleep in Bills arms.

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