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Bill POV:

I was getting worried because Pinetree hadn't reached out to me since the fight earlier. I checked the shack and realized he wasn't in his bed, I knew he wasn't at the cabin because I couldn't sense him there. I checked around to find him. When I did I froze in horror.


I forced my way into his head.

"What do you want Bill Cipher!!!!" He looked at me with hatred and heartbreak.

Pinetree! You're hurt-

"No fucking thanks to you!"

Please listen to me!

"Why should I listen to you?!"

Because I've come to apologize!

He paused and looked at me expectantly.

Pinetree, I thought about it, and I realized how selfish I was being. Sure I gave you some things, but I was asking you to be in a place you felt unsafe in return. I'm so sorry I didn't think about how you felt. I really was only focusing on the plan. I know that when it is complete, we can be happy and you can live like you said you wanted.

He looked like he was puzzling in thought before looking up at me.

"You promise?"

I held up my pinky finger and he hooked it with his. I promise Pinetree.

He sighed and rested his head on my chest.

"Don't think I'll forgive you just yet. I'm still upset with you. But.." He put his hands on my face and tilted our heads together to press a soft kiss to my lips. "I'm really happy you came back and apologized."

I smiled at him softly and held his hands in mine. I love you Pinetree.

"I love you too Bill." He hugged me and I hugged back.

I need you to wake up and clean your wound before it gets infected. And promise me you won't use the unicorn knife on yourself ever again.

He looked up at me and I kissed his forehead.

"I promise Bill. Will you be here when I go to sleep after cleaning up?"

I nodded. Of course Pinetree.

He smiled and I could feel him fading fast before he was gone and back in the real world, awake.

Dipper POV:

I woke up and instantly hissed in pain at the cut on my arm. I pulled out the medical kit and patched up my arm and fist. I made sure there were no broken glass peices in it and cleaned up the bathroom before heading quietly upstairs and changing into not blood stained clothing. I laid down in bed and drifted back to sleep.

The next morning I woke up before Mabel and went downstairs after getting ready. I had learned how to make scrambled eggs and not quite burnt bacon that week I was at the cabin. After making my breakfast and eating it, Gruncle Stan came in and looked over at me grumpily.

The next to wake up was Mabel who ignored my existance for about halfway through eating her Stancakes.

"So, are you going to apologize to me?"

I snorted in amusement. "Why should I?"

She pursed her lips together and Gruncle Stan opened his mouth.

"Dipper, don't talk like that to your sister!"

"I have a sister?" I asked mockingly.

Mabel looked down.

"Don't even pull that upset act with me Mabel. Why don't you tell Gruncle Stan the truth about your sob story you told him the first day you were here?"

Gruncle Stan looked to Mabel confused.

"Oh, wait, I forgot. You don't care about anyone else but yourself."

"That's not true Dipper!" She stood up.

"Really?! Then prove it! Right here. Right now." I had also stood up to look her square in the eyes.

She deflated and sat back down.

"Alright, what is going on?! What truth have I not been told?!" Gruncle Stan stood up this time.

I plopped down in my seat. "Doesn't matter if I tell you. You won't believe me anyway."

He opened and closed his mouth like a confused fish and I stood up and walked out to start my job for the day. Mabel had a lost look in her eyes through the whole day, she didn't even flirt with boys. Gruncle Stan still took people around on the tour, he was just awkward every time he would get near me.

By the end of the day I stretched and went to the kitchen to cook up a bit of dinner for myself. Gruncle Stan made dinner for him and Mabel after I was done and I was the first to finish and leave.

When I was sitting on my bed almost ready to go to sleep, I heard a faint knock on the door and looked up to see Mabel in the doorway.

"You don't have to knock, you sleep here too." I passively said.

"Yeah, I know..but I wanted to ask you something."

I looked up at her and gestured for her to ask the question.

"Do you really want me to tell Gruncle Stan the truth?"

"Do you really need the answer to that question?"

She looked down. "If I tell him he won't be able to trust me."

"Should have thought of that when you first started lying."

She deflated more and walked over to her bed. I flipped over and switched off the lights, getting cozy under my covers and drifting to sleep.

A/N: Three updates in one day?!?!? Blasphemy!!!!! Couldn't be possible!!!! Hello! I felt bad leaving you all with such a sad last chapter and one of my commenters actually gave me an idea to help fix things a bit. Thank you lunara_eclipsa_13 for the suggestion!

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