Save Mabel

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Dipper POV:

Mabel had gone out with Norman again. It had been a while, Mabel hadn't come back yet and everyone was getting worried. Everyone except me. I found myself outside not caring, until Gruncle Stan came up to me. "Hey, kid. Go find your sister." And handed me the keys to the golf cart thing we had.

I sighed and grabbed a shovel and a baseball bat. I don't know why but I did. Before leaving I pulled out the journal and stopped on a page. Zombies, it was a possibility that Norman could be a zombie, so I kept that in mind.

I drove off and soon heard Mabel screaming for help. I drove fast in that direction and soon came to a little hollow with....gnomes? I looked at Mabel who spotted me, "Dipper, help! Norman turned out to be a bunch of gnomes and their jerks!"

I sighed and mentally face palmed. "Hey! Let go of my sister!" The one that looked to be their leader turned around, "Oh! Hey Dipper! Don't mind us, we're just making your sister our queen for all eternity!" I looked to him and sighed, I was doing a lot of that lately.

"Look, as much as I would love for you to take her-" "Hey!" "-Mom and Dad would murder me and I've got my own problems right now." I pointed the shovel threateningly at him, "So hand her back!"

He started going off on some rant about how they were not to be messed with and how powerful they were. I wasn't listening, I picked him up with a shovel and tossed him to the side.

I quickly got Mabel and we hopped in the car thing and drove off fast. "Put on your seatbelt!" I yelled to her. "OH! SO NOW YOU'RE CONCERNED ABOUT ME?!?!" "MAYBE IF YOU ACTUALLY TREATED ME LIKE YOUR BROTHER AND NOT SOME TRASH THEN I WOULD ACTUALLY LIKE YOU FOR ONCE MABEL!" I lost it on her and she was speechless. I was crying and trying to drive fast when we heard and felt a large tremor.

I looked back and saw a giant gnome made up of all the other gnomes. How were there so many? They shot at us and I vented my frustration at any gnome that came near me. We made it to the Shack but got cornered.

Mabel looked from me to the gnomes. I pulled out the journal without her noticing and flipped through the pages. Gnomes had no known weaknesses. Well that was great.

I see movement and look up to see Mabel standing in front of me. "Mabel wha-" "I'll do it!" Everyone stopped. "Jeff, I'll marry you." He climbed down and put a ring on her finger. I was speechless.

"You may now kiss the bride." Just as he was about to, Mabel pulled the leafblower on him and sucked him in. "That's for lying to me!" She sucked in more, "That's for breaking my heart!" She sucked more, "And this is for trying to hurt my brother!"

Everything felt like it froze. Did she just say, what I think she said. I looked at her and she lookes back and smiled, not a mocking one, a real, genuine, kind smile. "I think it's way past time I start being a good sister to you, Dipper."

She said my name. SHE SAID MY NAME!!!! Happiness bursted through me like a dam breaking and letting in the over capacitated flood water. She gestures to the blow switch, "Would you like to do the honors?"

I went behind her and we aimed together. This was the happiest moment of my life. We shot Jeff into the gnomes, scattering them everywhere. She let out a happy 'phew' and turned to leave.

I stopped her, a little hesitant. "U-Um, hey M-Mabel?" She looked at me, "Yeah?" I held up a camera, "S-Scrapbook-urtunity?" She smiled a wide happy smile and hugged me to the side as we both held the camera up. "Say Twins!" Mabel shouted. "Twins!" We both said with a smile as she clicked the camera.

"Awkward sibling hug?" She asked. I held out my arms, "Awkward sibling hug." We hugged and in sync said, "Pat, Pat." We walked into the shack looking like trash.

"Woah kids! You get hit by a bus or something?" Gruncle Stan said while counting money. We both sighed and started to head to our room. "Uh, hey! Wouldn't you know it, we overstocked the shack, so each of ya pick out an item. One each, on the house."

We looked at each other and Mabel ran to a grappling hook and shouted, "Grappling Hook!" I just grabbed a blue hat with a pine tree symbol on the front.

We walked up to our room and got ready for bed, I couldn't wait to tell Bill all that had happened today. Especially about Mabel and I. I drifted to a soft sleep after Mabel and I said goodnight to each other. I was so happy we finally were getting along.

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