What Have I Come To?

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Dipper POV:

I was back to working in the Shack and everyone had already forgotten the incident. I was upset, but for Bill, I stayed strong. I know what some would say. That he's using me. But I can't help it. He's the first person, even if he is a demon, to ever even slightly love me, even if it was fake. I got a little sad thinking that but continued on with the day. At lunch I went to the clearing to talk to Bill.

"Hey Bill." I said as the familiar sceen came in.

Heya Pinetree~! He smiled to me but I didn't smile back. Something wrong?

"Yeah, I know this sounds stupid but, I'm having doubts."

His eyes narrowed and I shivered. What kind of doubts?

I gulped and stood straight. "Bill, I love you. However, every favor you ask is something against my will. I know you have a big plan, but we're dating. Please think of how I feel."

I've never expressed myself in any relationship before and I was kinda proud of myself for getting it out. Bill, however, was scaring me.

Pinetree, I have given you comfort, love, and a house. I've given you weapons and materials to defend yourself, all I asked was for you to play pretend to your family.

I stood there, shocked.

I love you too Pinetree, but it hurts when you ask me to think of you after everything I've given you.

I stopped, almost crying. Then, I walked up to him and slapped him across the face.

"Bill Cipher, I have had my sister use me, my family ignore me, my friends dissapear, my life turn to ruins, my heart revived and shattered all over again, and a forced relationship with a man I never loved. I have been going along with your plan because I'm broken, but right now I want to be selfish! I want to feel like a human being! I want to be able to relax and be happy without a care in the world! I want to act normal! I want to not be broken!"

I paused as his shocked face turned to me.

"And right now Bill Cipher, I'm gonna do what I want because I don't give a damn."

I pulled him in for a rough kiss before pushing him away and leaving the clearing. Right now, I was done.

Bill POV:

I watched, stunned as Pinetree walked away from me. It took me a few seconds to realize we had just fought. I was confused by all the emotions inside of me. Pinetree slapped me, yelled at me, kissed me, and then left. I smiled. He was getting stornger. Both emotionally and mentally. Of course I would have to apologize later, but right now I was proud that he had stood up to me.

Hmm~ My Little Pinetree~

I chuckled and moved to the mindscape. Leaving the clearing in silence.

Mabel POV:

My brother got back from lunch, but he seemed.....different. I wasn't sure how to take it so I bounded up and started to talk to him about my day when I noticed he wasn't paying attention. I snapped my fingers in his face and he glared daggers at me.

"Hey Bro Bro? You okay?"

He scoffed. "Like you would care, Mabel."

I blinked. "What?"

He turned his whole body to me. "Sorry I'm not all happy-go-lucky like you are. Sorry I'm not the child who can do no wrong. Sorry I'm the one who shouldn't exist."

I was shocked. "Dipper...I..."

He held up a hand. "Don't give me that fake bullshit. I'm tired of it Mabel. You said you'd be a better sister, but you still look down on me, ignore my feelings, and haven't even owned up to your own lies."

"What has gotten into you?!?"


He yelled at me before heading to the bathroom and slamming the door. All was silent and he didn't come out. Gruncle Stan yelled at him through the door about how he shouldn't yell at me. But he never came out. Night came and he was still in there. I wasn't sure what to do. So, I just got ready for bed and went to sleep.

Dipper POV:

⚠Warning⚠: There is some self harm in this next part. If it will trigger you Do Not Read!!!!⚠

I slammed the bathroom door and locked it before turning to look at myself in the mirror. My anger welled up inside of me and before I knew it I had punched the mirror so hard it had shattered and my fist was bloodied. It hurt so bad. Then, an idea hit me. Maybe, just maybe, I could help to make myself forget, even just temporarily, about everything.

I was hesitant until Gruncle Stan started banging on the door and shouting at me. I made up my mind and grabbed the unicorn horn knife I had kept in my vest and sat down in the tub. I carefully sliced a small part of my arm and pain shot straight through me making me fold inward and grunt in pain. I calmed down and set the knife inside my vest again and laid down in the tub staring at the ceiling.

"What is my life coming to?"

I asked myself softly. No matter how hard things got, I had promised myself to never hurt myself, because I was all I had left. But it looks like even that has been taken from me.

"I've sold my soul to the devil, I don't know if I'll make it out alive."

I breathed out those last words before drifting off into a painful sleep full of nightmares. But nothing was more terrifying than the thought of waking up again. Before I knew it, I had been laying there all night, blood running down my arm.

A/N: Sorry for the angst, if it is too much or hurts the storyline too much I can delete it. I got the idea and just had to write it before I forgot. Let me know how you feel, if I should get rid of it or not.

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