First Impressions

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Dipper POV:

Everything was actually going quite well, that was until Mabel and I stumbled across Gideon summoning Bill.... Let's rewind.

Mabel and I were actually hanging out, though, I still didn't trust her one bit. We went into the forest a little ways before hearing an all to familiar voice. Gideon. I wanted to turn back but Mabel insisted on finding out what was happening. And as we got closer, we crouched behind a bush. Gideon opened a book that looked suspiciously like my journal. And the words that he chanted out summoned what can only be described as my worst nightmare.

Bill Cypher. In all his triangle form glory. And before my very eyes I watched as my boyfriend made a deal with my worst enemy.

Bill POV:

I was summoned by none other than Gideon Gleeful. The child who tormented my Pine Tree. The very being that tried to take him away from me. And No One takes away what is mine. He offered a deal...and I had an idea that would benefit my Pine Tree greatly, but to do so, I had to make a deal with the disgusting creature. His deal did benefit me too, however. And it was far too late when I realized that my Pine Tree had seen the whole thing.

I had been far too preoccupied with my hatred for Gideon that I failed to sense Pine Tree and Shooting Star's presence until it was too late. And I knew, without having to look into his eyes, that I had hurt him. And that very implication broke my heart. I couldn't give away that they had heard because then my Pine Tree would be in trouble, all I could do was do my end of the deal.

Dipper POV:

Mabel and I rushed home, gathering Soos along the way. I opened my journal and found the page on Bill again and we entered the mind of our Gruncle.

It was quite crowded in his mind and the house we were about to enter looked all the more terrifying. And then he appeared.

"Greetings Pine Tree, Shooting Star, Question Mark! What brings you to the mind scape?"

I stepped up.

"It's over Bill! We're going to stop you!"

He almost looked hurt, just for a split second before his annoying laugh that I loved so much but was so mad at right now rang out.

"Oh Pine Tree, I don't think you get how powerless you are. In the mind I am All Powerful!"

He further proved his point by making a rather large hole appear in my torso.

Mabel tried to argue her point but was quickly and most irritably shut up by two of her dream boys appearing.

Bill vanished and we quickly got to work, splitting up to look for the code before Bill could find it. However, the second I was alone Bill appeared, in human form, and pulled me aside, a worried and pleading look in his eyes.

"Pine Tree I-"

"Save it Bill."

I cut him off, I was upset and it was clear.

"Please listen! I made the deal to help you! I wanted to help you get back at your family!"

"By making a deal with my worst enemy?! The actual heck is wrong with you Cypher?!"

He flinched as I raised my voice.

"I-I just....wanted to help you Pine Tree..."

"Yeah, well, you didn't. Your deal hurt me a lot more that it did help. We were supposed to get back at them together, not with the help of that dirt bag Gideon..."

I could feel angry tears building up.

"I know what I did was wrong Pine Tree! Please let me make it up to you! Please!"

"Break off the deal."

"I can't do that Pine Tree-"

"Then we're through."


"It's me or Gideon Cypher! Pick!"

I was angry, I was hurting, I wanted nothing more that to leave him and never look back....but I loved him...I loved him so much... And there they were. The tears I had been trying so hard to hold back. They streamed down my face and my lip quivered.


Mabel POV:

Dipper was taking quite a while to meet up with Soos and I. I was starting to get worried, which was still weird to me. I don't know why I did such a horrible thing to my brother, but I was going to make up for it!

I nodded my head as I made up my mind and soon saw Dipper coming into view.

"Dipper! Hey! Any luck?"

He smiled and nodded.

"Actually I was just thinking, that since this is Stan's mind and he hides all his precious things then a memory that important would be hidden too!"

I gave him a proud slap on the back.

"That's my brother!"

We started up our search again and soon found the correct memory, and then Bill showed up, stealing the memory. We chased him down and I shot the memory out of his hand before he could finish reading it to Gideon. He got angry, so very angry. And he was terrifying.

He turned all of our worst nightmares into reality and I was loosing all hope when Dipper spoke up.

"Don't give in! This is the mind! Use your imagination, anything is possible!!!"

Together we battled Bill and just before sending him away permanently he yelled.


Everything stopped and he calmed down.

"Alright, I'll admit you kids aren't half bad, but, this isn't the last you'll see of me."

And we were all spit back out of Gruncle Stan's mind. We laughed and praised each other before a loud explosion sounded and we all dreaded what happened next.

Gideon Gleeful had the deed to the Mystery Shack, and we were in a whole heep of trouble.

A/N: Hey! Sorry it's been so long since I updated. I'm sure you are a starving from not being fed in so long! But do not worry! For I have brought you another feast for you to enjoy! I know I already did this one but I wanted to try rewriting it a bit, so tell me what you think about this one, I may keep some aspects of it and merge it with the one I originally did.

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