The Reason for it All

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It had been three weeks. Three weeks of no Bill, dates with Gideon, and that same room with the plush walls. I was drained of any real will to do anything at this point. Anything my body did was based purely on force of habit. Mabel assumed I was just being a hormonal teanager and left most subjects untouched. She still spent time with me and talked to me when she wasn't busy "boyfriend hunting" and I wasn't busy "dating" Gideon.

I woke up from the white walls of my dream to the brown moldy ceiling of the shack. I could feel nothing emotion related, I was still in denial that Bill had abandoned me, that he was going to come back and explain everything. Ever since that forest encounter with Gideon, he's made me wear a bracelet and I couldn't refuse out of fear.

Maybe I should tell Mabel, we are closer now. She might understand. I got out of bed and got ready for the day. When I came down the stairs, Gideon was there, he wanted to take me on a date again. I can't get a moment to myself lately and I hate it. I really wish I had Bill. Gideons face twisted in anger after that thought but it quickly vanished as he pulled me outside.

"You still haven't stopped thinking about this Bill fellow since our little chat."

I gulped and looked down.

"It's been three weeks Dipper. When are you gonna give up."

Something struck me.

"Wait, say that again."


"You said that it's been three weeks. How would you know that I haven't been in contact with him in three weeks?"

He began to sweat. "Dipper, I-I don't reckon I know what you're talking about."

"I think you do. I think you know more things than you let on, I think you are controling my mind and I don't like it."

"Dipper Pines I am better than Cipher! I know I can be better for you than that demon!"

Finally, now I know. "Gideon, we're done." I started to walk away. He started to shout insults and 'You'll regret this' at me.

I rushed home to Mabel and explained most of it. I left out Bill and told her that Gideon was controling me. She listened to it all and nodded with understanding at the end. I got an earful from Gruncle Stan, but I just wanted to get this day over with so I could see Bill again.

I rushed to eat dinner and get into my pj's. As soon as I got in bed and was settled, I was out like a light. I wasn't sure what to prepare myself for, but it certainly wasn't what happened next.

"Bill? Bill, are you here?" I cried out desperately. I was tackled and thrown to the ground from behind.

Pine tree.....

I was so relived it was Bill. When I turned to look at him, his eyes were puffy from crying and his hair was a mess.

"Bill, are you okay?"

Am I okay? PINETREE YOU LEFT ME ALONE AFTER KISSING GIDEON! OF COURSE I'M NOT OKAY! More tears streaked down his face. I stood up and held his hands in mine.

"Bill, it wasn't me. Gideon forced me to wear a bracelet that I think was the reason I couldn't meet with you. I thought you had abandoned me too, but you didn't! It was all Gideon!"

He closed his eyes and rested his head on mine. You don't seem to be lying, your memories prove that. He looked up at me and hugged me tight. Pinetree, I'm so sorry. I put you in danger and let a powerful foe know of my existance. Please forgive me.

I held onto him tight. "I'll always forgive you as long as I know you'll always be there for me. I'm sorry for not realizing it sooner Bill."

He held me at arms length and looked into my eyes. P-Pinetree, will you be my queen of sorts?

I looked at him confused. "What do you mean?"

I plan on taking over the world and spreading weirdness everywhere. And every king needs a queen, if that's all right with you?

I tackled him in a hug. "Bill! Yes! Yes I will be your queen! The rest of the world could burn to ash and I'd still stand by you!"

He sighed in relief and embrased me in a tight, but gentle, hug and we cuddled and just enjoyed each others presence. I didn't want this to end, I wanted to sleep for a little bit longer. However, the sun was rising soon, and Bill was fading fast.

Goodbye Pinetree, see you tomorrow.

"Bye Bill, I'll see you tomorrow."

And with that I slowly started to wake up from my sleep into the real world.

Hey guys, Author-Chan here! So sorry I haven't posted, I don't have an excuse but I'll try to update more frequently. I love you all and your support means the world to me! Thank you all for reading this and sorry it was a bit shorter than usual.

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