When Did Mabel Become Boss?!

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Dipper POV:

Mabel was chasing boys again while I cleaned the shop. When will she learn? I thought the whole Norman thing would have taught her to be more careful. I had zoned out and was in my own world. I didn't register anything that was going on while both Stan and her argued.

The next day we were all called to Stan's office, and Mabel was in his chair. She had poor wording and made it seem like Stan died, which made Soos cry. She quickly explained that she and Stan had made a bet that she could get more money than him running the shop.

Dipper: "This is a stupid idea."

Mabel: "Hush now, employee! Let us begin our day!"

I sighed. This was going to be a disaster.

And I was right, this was a disaster. Mabel told me to go out into the woods and find a monster to showcase. I feared for Soos because I have seen his mascot design. I sighed as I walked through the woods. Do you think she'd notice if I just stayed here a bit? I looked around, my feet had brought me to the clearing while I had been lost in thought. I sat down in the soft plush grass and sighed.

You sure are sighing a lot Pinetree~ A familiar voice whispered in my ear. I spun around and came face to face with the most handsome grinning demon I ever knew.

"Bill!" I threw my arms around him and buried my face into his chest, inhaling his calming scent. He began to pet my hair.

Woah now Pinetree~ Didn't know you missed me that much! His smile lit up my whole world.

"Well, yeah. Since I haven't been getting much sleep lately, I haven't seen you as often." I gave him a pout, and he kissed my forehead.

Now, now Pinetree, I warned you of this when you agreed to pull that prank on your sister.

I sighed. "Yes, I know, I just miss you." 

I buried my face into him again, thinking back to when Bill had offered to help me get a bit of revenge on my sister.

~Memory of the Dream~

"I wish I could get a little revenge on Mabel, you know?" I said, wrapped in Bills arms while we cuddled on a bean bag.

Well, you know Pinetree~ There is a way to do that! He smiled and had an evil look in his eye. Suddenly, I was curious.


Well, I can take you into her dream and we could....put on a show. He chuckled. I liked the sound of that.

"Awesome! Can we do it now?"

Calm down Pinetree~ He chuckled and patted my head. We can, however, there are repercussions.

I tilted my head. "Like?"

He held up a finger. One, you might not be able to sleep well. Two, if you don't stick close to me, your conscience could get lost in her mind. 

I hugged him with a bright smile. "I trust you, Bill!"

~Memory of the Dream End~

And that is how we ended up going into Mabel's dream and scaring her. I didn't feel the least bit guilty. I looked up into Bill's golden eyes and felt my chest swell in happiness. I couldn't imagine anything but him and me. I didn't want our time to end. I sighed and stood up.

"I need to get going, I have to find a monster to find for Boss Mabel."

He lifted an eyebrow with a gleam of humor in his eyes. More like Bossy Mabel.

I laughed with him. I loved how casually he could talk with me. He jumped up.

Pinetree! I have a great idea! I'll give you a monster that will wreak havoc! He looked so adorable, there was no way I could refuse, not to mention I really wanted to see Mabel panic.

And that is how I came to get the huge sack of a monster that I dragged into the Shack. Mabel told me to go cage it up, and I did. However, I accidentally looked into its eyes, but nothing happened. I smiled, I've been through too much for it to harm me, and because Bill, I suspected, was keeping it from hurting me. I went to inform Mabel it was done and almost screamed. I knew my fear for Soos was accurate. His outfit made me gag, but Mabel basically told him to suck it up. I covered my sight of him and told Mabel that I was done.

People came in and explored, we gave them tours and sold some items. I sent quite a few people to the E.R. I was kinda proud of that. The day progressively got worse for her. Soos went out for a walk, I was worried for him, but knew he'd be fine. Everything got so much worse for Mabel when the monster broke out. She poured water on it, making it madder before she used my idea to put a mirror in front of it. It was slightly funny to watch the big scary monster run away crying.

The Shack was in shambles. Wendy came back for something, and Soos came back from his walk. Soos said he needed to get back to his pack, and Wendy said she was still on break. I almost burst out laughing when Mabel lost her shit. I kept a straight face, so as not to look suspicious. I watched as the other side of her came out as she yelled and bossed people around. We got the shack back together just in time for Stan to come back. We only had one dollar, but apparently, Stan had lost it all because he couldn't say please. 

Things were getting back to normal after a bit. Mabel swore to never do that again, and I chuckled. I would share with Bill how awesome his idea had been. It definitely made today much more entertaining. By the time it was night, Mabel was passed out on her bed as I was reading through the Journal again. I felt like there was something I wasn't understanding. I turned the light off and hid the book before lying in bed and looking up at the ceiling in thought.

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