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Dipper POV:

Bill had warned me to stay wary of Mabel. However, he wants us to get closer. I didn't ask why, I trust Bill. So, I made it seem like I forgave her when I came back. Now, a few days have passed and we're racing with syrup. She won, even though she cheated, but I didn't say anything.

I looked to the magazine next to me and flipped through a few pages when I saw something interesting. "Mabel! Look!" I showed her the page with the monster hunt prize. She looked and pointed to the page next to it with a giant hamster ball, "OMG!!! A life sized hamster ball!" I shook my head, "No, not that. This." I pointed to the prize money.

"We see weirder things everyday! Did you get a picture of those gnomes?" She shivered, "No, sorry. Too busy fleeing for my life." I look down remembering the event. I felt her punch my arm gently, "Thanks for doing that bro, you really saved me back there."

Did Mabel just say thanks? I was kind of happy, but remembered to be cautious. "No problem Mabel, what is family for?" I smiled at her. Gruncle Stan walked in, "Okay kids! Put these blindfolds on and get in the car!"

After a very horrifying trip in the car where I thought I would loose my life, multiple times, we were escorted out of the car. When we took the blindfolds off we stood at a fishing lake. "Today is Family Fun Day! And we are gonna fish together!" He shoved two hats on our heads. I was surprised I got one.

When we took them off to look at them our names were hand stitched onto the front of them. Mabel had her name while mine was shortened to 'Dippy' I surpressed a shiver. I looked at Mabel who had the same expression on her face.

Suddenly, an old man started to make a ruckus and screamed about some monster. "The Gobblewonker skiddadled to Scuttlebutt Island!" I looked to Mabel again. "A Gobble-whater?" I asked. The old man grabbed my arm and yelled, "The Gobblewonker!!!" I pulled my arm free just as a guy came out and sprayed him with a waterbottle.

I looked at Mabel, I was doing that a lot for some reason, "Mabel did you hear what he said?!" She said some weird thing that involved a Donkey and...spit? Whatever. "No! Not that! About the monster!" I pulled out the magazine and showed her the prize money, "If we get a picture then we can win the money and split it fifty-fifty!" She said something stupid about two fifties before Soos pulled up wih his boat.

"Hey, dudes. I heard you wanna go on an Epic Monster Quest. You can totally take my boat." Mabel and I looked back at Stan when he coughes to get our attention. "You could do that, or you can learn to tie knots and skewer worms with your Gruncle Stan!"

Mabel looked to me and smiled, I knew she wanted to go on this trip. We hopped into Soos's boat and began our journey. I explained that we had seventeen cameras, which soon shortened to twelve cameras. Mabel wanted to be co-captain and I granted that and Soos was, something I can't remember, oh right! Associate co-captain.

We arrived, more like crashed because Mabel wasn't doing lookout like she was supposed to. Soos made a joke about this being butt island. I was too fascinated to respond. This island was the definition of creepy, a perfect place of horror! I was happy until Mabel started to poke me, hard, and called me scared.

I wasn't though. Just to get back at her I pretended to get frightened by a rat and drop our lantern, breaking it. I looked to her and could see the flash of fear in her eyes, she had always hated the dark. Here, it was dark, cold, foggy beyond belief, and we were looking for a monster.

I was surprised she didn't scream. I'm not gonna lie, I would have liked to have seen that. I pretended to run to her in fright and hold her arm for comfort. She smiled at this and marched forward toward the sounds of monster roars.

When we got there, I was trying not to laugh and tried to seem upset. Everything was just made up by beavers and chainsaws. It was great. I wanted to grab the chainsaw, would that be too weird? Probably, I'll leave it for now.

Mabel and Soos started to back away and I looked behind me to see a monster! I snapped a good picture of it and Mabel grabbed my arm and ran out of there. It chased us over the land and through the water. Mabel was driving and we ran into the beavers. Before us was a giant waterfall and I looked around. I recognized this from the book. There should be a cave behind it.

I told Mabel about it and she drove us into it for safety. The monster followed us but got stuck. I grabbed the camera under my hat and ran to a good shooting point. The camera flashed as I snapped picture after picture of it. Until a rock hit it on the head.

It seemed to short-circut and then die. I was confused and walked up to it. By knocking on it, I heard it was metal and hollow. Looking up at Mabel and Soos, I climbed over to the other side and found a hatch. Inside was the old man.

He explained to us that he just wanted his son to notice him. Apparently, he built a lot of nifty robots. Mabel started to look guilty, so I coppied her look and we pulled out our fishing hats.

Soos told us we were the real monsters, and for a second I thought. 'Man, you have no Idea.' I chuckled to myself mentally. Mabel and I decided to appologize to Gruncle Stan and fish with him. I have to say, It was a lot of fun. I wish Bill could be here and do this with me.

We were all exhausted by the time we got home. Mabel had enough photos to fill up a page in her scrapbook. We had even taken a selfie together with our Gruncle and fishing hats. I was content as I laid in bed and drifted off to sleep.

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