The Clearing

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Dipper POV:

I laid my head on my pillow and closed my eyes.


Pinetree! How was your day?

"It was so awesome! Mabel and I uncovered a government conspiracy and-"

Woah Woah Woah Pinetree, take a breath and calm down!

I took and breath and hugged him. Bill hugged back and I snuggled into his chest. 

"Bill, my life has gotten so much better ever since I've met you. Thank you."

Pinetree, I've only just begun. When we reign over all others we can do anything!


Anything. He smiled.

I told him about the events of the day in full detail and we cuddled on a bean bag talking about what we'll do when we take over.

"Bill, I want to go on a date when you're real."

Real? Do you mean when I have a physical body?

"Yeah! Let's go on lots of dates!"

He kissed my forehead.

Pinetree, it's time to wake up. Remember, Reality is an illusion, The universe is a hologram, buy gold, bye!

"Bye Bill!"

I slowly open my eyes to another day. Mabel was already out and about flirting with guys. Gruncle Stan was giving the tour and Wendy was at the cash register. Soos was somewhere fixing things. I took a deep, clear breath, happy to be rid of Gideon. Things will be better. I smiled and waved at Mabel and she smiled and waved back. Gruncle Stan told me to go chop wood and I was too happy to really care. Bill. He was amazing.

I walked into the woods, my hat on and the journal in my vest. Maybe while I'm out I'll go and explore some more! I found the wood chopping place Gruncle Stan said and managed to make a good pile of chopped wood by lunch. I took a break and went to find the coffee table. When I sat down I thumbed through the pages to see what I could explore that was pretty harmless but fun. I closed it deciding to walk around a bit.

While walking around I entered a clearing in the woods and sat down on the soft grass. Suddenly, the world around me turned black and white. I wasn't scared, I instantly recognized the world Bill visited me in and looked around for him. He appeared from one of the pine trees near to me and hugged me from behind.


"Bill!" I smiled and leaned into his hug. "What's going on? This is the middle of the day, and you're here!"

It seems you have stumbled upon an enchanted ring. It is like a main place of power for us.

"A place of power?" I didn't really care about what it was, it made Bill able to appear in front of me during the day, that's all that mattered to me.

Well, technically this is where I'll 'die.'

"You said that weirdly Bill."

Smart Pinetree, I can't fully come to you here because I don't actually 'die' here. It's more like a near death spot.

"How can you tell all this?"

Because if I fully were to die here then I could visit in my physical body. It's a rare case, I'm not quite sure what causes it.

"I see." I said putting my hand to my chin in thought.

He kissed my forehead, Don't puzzle too much over it. I'm here now, so let's enjoy it! He smiled at me with his cheshire cat smile and I couldn't help but smile back.

Bill stood up and held out his hand to me. I looked up and took it without hesitation and he helped me to my feet.

Y'know Pinetree, I'm very good at doing chores.

I looked at him, confused.

I'm especially good at sweeping.

I was even more confused.

So, let me sweep you off your feet! He picked me up in one smooth motion, carrying me bridal style. I blushed madly and used the bill of my hat to hide my face.

'Goddamnit he's so hot up close!' Immediately regretting thinking that I looked up at his wide grin.

Why thank you Pinetree! You are rather good looking yourself! I covered my face with my hands and let out a muffled sound of emberrassment. He chuckled and we spent a lot of time talking. He would throw in an occasional pick-up line and I'd blush like a teenage girl every time.

Soon, it was getting late and I kissed Bill on the cheek saying goodbye and headed to the wood pile I made. I chopped a bit more and began to head back with some wood. It took a few trips and Mabel was always outside to cheer me on and make me laugh.

By the time it was all moved the moon had risen midway to midnight and Mabel looked like she would pass out. We headed inside and brushed our teeth together and got ready for bed. I know it hadn't been long since I'd seen Bill, but I was still impatient to see him again. My body was exhausted and was easily falling into a calm and deep sleep.

All I wanted that night was to see Bill. My body was fading fast and my mind was fogging quickly. Soon I felt too tired to fully resist the pull anymore. So with a small yawn and a shift of my body I began to quickly fade from reality. I chuckled in my head right before I was gone. Reality was an illusion, I can't wait to see Bill again.

Mabel POV:

I was so tired from staying up to cheer on Dip so he didn't feel left out or sad. It was so weird to actually see him as my brother instead of a tool. I felt really bad as I stared up at the ceiling recalling all the times he stood up for me. I used my brother. I was not a good person. But I was definitely not letting it happen again. I was going to be a good sister now that Dipper has given me a second chance. I can't lose him. I won't lose him. I glanced over at Dipper, he had a soft smile on his lips as he drifted to sleep. I smiled back and whispered a soft, "Goodnight Dip-Dot." before falling asleep myself.

A/N: Hello Everyone! I'm not dead and the story continues! 🎉🎉 So sorry for not posting. My school is hectic and the homework is long. I also am having slight writers block. I really enjoy reading all your guys's comments (Yes I read them, lol) and now you have the newest chapter! Thank you all for sticking with me and making me laugh! 💖

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