Chapter fourteen

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The neighbor's barking dog brought me to a form of awake. God, my head hurt. What the hell did I do last night?

I swung my legs over the bed with the idea that I would stand up, but my head hurt so much all I could do was bury my head in my pillow.

Brian again, damn it. Last night was not the first time he had gotten me wasted, but this was a good one. This hangover is going to take the record. I finally got my feet to the floor and got carefully stood up. My legs felt like rubber. I headed for the bathroom. Did I mention that my head hurt?

I got halfway to the bathroom when I noticed her. Who the hell is that I thought. There was a girl in my bed. Well, that was a new one for me. At least in quite a while. Who was she and what was her name?

She was a looker, to be sure, but I don't remember having sex. God, I hope I didn't fail. Please at least make it seem like I knew what I was doing. I have always tried to be a good lover. Why can't I remember anything? I made it to the bathroom and shut the door. I sat, just because my head hurt too much to stand — not a manly thing to do, but who cares. I sure didn't.

Brian. I remember I went out with Brian to Jackson's. It is a local's bar with a pool table, darts ...that kind of bar. Jackie was behind the bar serving drinks. He is always behind the bar, and he liked to make shots, doubles. You know, a real friendly kind of place.

Okay, so who was the chick in my bed and why can't I remember if we did anything? Did I mention that my head was killing me?

The doorbell rang. Now, who was that? Not that I gave a damn, I wasn't going to get it. I heard Sis's voice answering the door but couldn't make out anyone else's or any of the conversation. Just as well, I was in no mood to talk to anyone.

A thought crossed my mind; I hoped that was not the cops. I did not want anyone to hassle me today; I hurt too much. They could save that for tomorrow if you please. The talking had stopped, and I heard the front door close.

I got up washed my hands and face with some effort and opened the bathroom door. The girl was still in my bed sleeping. Now that I could focus a little bit better, I could see she was a very nice-looking girl. Very nice indeed, I thought. Such a disgusting man you are. You have a girl in your bed, and you have no idea who she is, and you are patting yourself on the back because you might have slept with her. Well, I did sleep in the same bed as her, and whether we had sex or not, she was still good looking. I shrugged and headed out to see Sis.

Sis took one look at me and started to laugh. "Nice," she laughed. "Very nice," she repeated.

I was in no mood and told her to shut up. She just laughed some more. I asked, "Who was at the door?" as she turned and went into the kitchen area. Sis came out a minute later with a glass of water and something in her other hand. Her hand was curled up. When she came over to me and opened her hand, she handed me a glass of water. I started to speak but saw the aspirin in her outstretched hand. She had this look on her face like she thought I might need them. I did of course and took all four. She smiled and asked, "You all right?"

"Hell no," I hollered. "My ... head hurts a lot," I told her. "I think I'm dying," I said much softer. Yelling hurt too much.

With a big smirk on her face, she said, "Not today you aren't. Serves you right. Where did you go last night anyway?"

"I don't know. We started at Jackson's, but then I have no idea." Then I remembered the door. "Who was at the door?" I asked.

Sis got kind of a frown on her face and looked me up and down. She said, "You know, I have seen you naked before, and I have seen a few guys naked as well, but that doesn't mean I need to see you right now." I looked down and saw what she was referring too. I was only in my boxers, and they were not covering up much.

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