Chapter Fifty

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We met with Harry at seven at the pet shop. Sis did come along, as well as the Gunthers who owned the building and pet shop. Sarah and I had just closed the shop when Harry arrived.

"Hi, Harry," I said and hugged him. Jenny hugged him as well.

"Good to see you both," Harry said. "Hello again, Sarah, and Mr. and Mrs. Gunther."

We all sat at a large card table that had been set up for this purpose.

"Okay, let me get started," Harry said. "First, the building is not in horrible shape. The bones of the building are okay, but it does need a lot of work to bring it up to current codes. I figured the cost would be two hundred and fifty thousand, plus or minus."

There were some low whistles, and some deep moans let out over that number.

"But that is not the real issue," he said. "Someone wants this building badly."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I can't get any permits for this building. It looks like the city is planning on coming in here and condemning it. I can't figure out why. This building is not in that bad shape. I believe someone wants it for something. I drove around the block earlier, and without this building, everything else could be torn down and never missed. That would leave an entire city block ready to develop."

"Any idea who is behind it?" Sis asked.

"No, and that is the strange part. The clerk couldn't tell me anything. I do have a friend who owes me a favor, and he is going to look into this for us. In the meantime...? I took the liberty of drawing up a new front for the building..."

We talked and looked at plans for the next hour before going to dinner. Sarah, Jenny and I were walking to dinner, but Sarah wanted o stop at her apartment first. While we were waiting outside Jenny asked me, "Bro, we have the money why not just fund the petshop yourself."

"No. That's money I never wanted. That money represents mom and dad to me. I won't use it. I want to do this without that money. Can you understand that?"

"Yes, little bro. I guess I can. You know dad would be proud of you."

"No. I don't know that" I said as Sarah came bounding down the steps.

"What don't you know," Sarah wanted to know.

"Nothing. I can tell you later. I'm hungry; let's go," I said.

"Where are we going to dinner?" Sarah asked.

Jenny said, "I heard about a great new place not far from here. It's called Jake's Smokehouse. They serve most everything, but I reportedly the ribs are fantastic."

"Sounds good to me," Sarah said. "Lead the way."

Jenny and I held hands, but the two girls were talking non-stop as we walked to the restaurant.

It was busy, but they had a table for us. The décor was typical Texan bar-b-que style. Everything on the menu looked good. I chose the ribs, so did Jenny and Sarah. They didn't stop talking until the food came and then only briefly. I found myself sitting back and watching the two of them gab. I was thrilled they got along so well, but I figured they would. Both Jenny and Sarah are outgoing and like to talk.

We talked a little about the changes and plans for the shop, but mostly it was catching up and learning about each other. Jenny shared stories about me growing up and of course included some of the most embarrassing things she could think to tell. Sarah ate it all up and laughed hardest at my antics down at the lake, like laying on the bee's nest and having to rush to the doctor as my throat was closing from the swelling.

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