Chapter Thirty-four

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I awoke at eight the following morning. I was feeling energized. I had to work today, but tomorrow, I would see Mr. Taylor.

During the whole bike ride to work, I was feeling on top of the world. I couldn't say why, but I just felt great. Sassy was there when I came in, and of course, she came over to see me.

"You look great today. Did you get lucky last night?" She was laughing.

"No, I am saving myself for you. I love you so-o much," I said as I put my hands over my heart. "Why won't you come and be my valentine?" I asked, laughing out loud. Sassy always made me laugh. Whenever I would start taking myself too seriously, Sassy would say or do something that cracked me up.

"First, Felicia, it's not Valentine's Day. Second, you had your chance at all of this," as she waved her hands from her neck on down. She even made a pirouette-type move. And third, I'm taken, thank you very much," she said proudly.

"Who's the flameout this week?" I asked. "Is he a cowboy? I think I may be jealous."

"Oh, honey, you lost out on this a long time ago." And she turned and walked away. I watched her go, shaking my head and laughing.

"Bye, Sassy," I said, sarcastically.

"Bye, Felicia," she responded in kind.

I wondered how long Ashley had been working at the hobby shop. She had been here since before I started. We were about the same age but had entirely different upbringings. She was raised in the city by divorced parents, and I was raised in the country with an intact family. I had no family now except Sis, and Ashley had two sets. How interesting. I liked Ashley, and maybe I was a fool for not realizing just how great a person she was. I would have to think about that.

I had a great time at work. I was busy talking to people about painting, painters, and painting kits. Ever since Grace gave me the book about da Vinci, I had done nothing but study and learn all I could.

One woman talked with me for almost an hour about all the great painters. Her name was Loren. This time I remembered to ask her what her name was. I was finally making it a practice to get people's names. Loren wanted to have a portrait painted of her mother and father. She wanted something unique and felt I might be able to help her. Loren came to me because of a recommendation by Mr. Taylor, the art gallery owner. She asked if I knew him. I said we had met briefly, but I was looking forward to getting to know him better. Loren and I made arrangements to meet with her parents on Saturday. I didn't promise anything, but I would make contact with her parents, and we would go from there.

I was amazed that Mr. Taylor recommended me. He must know quite a few artists, and I felt most of them would be more talented than me. Maybe he did because he thought I would be cheaper, but Loren didn't look like money mattered much. Money does matter to everyone, of course, but some people could afford a higher form of value. I figured Loren could manage a much higher level than most other people.

The fortunate thing about Loren coming in was that it gave me an excuse to see Mr. Taylor again. I absolutely would see him tomorrow. I was getting excited. Maybe I should go tonight instead? No, tomorrow would be better, I thought.

I got home a little after six, and I was still keyed up. I felt like going out and doing something. Sis wasn't back from her trip yet, and I decided that I wouldn't go out in case I hammered. I didn't want a hangover in the morning. I worked on Kitty's portrait a little more and studied until midnight when I was finally able to crash.

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