Chapter Twenty-eight

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I brushed off the snow on the motorcycle in the parking lot. About a half-inch had fallen, but the roads were just wet, not yet frozen. I figured I could still drive it to Doc's, but I needed to be quick about it. I was halfway to Doc's when I heard the siren, and the lights of the police car came on behind me. I pulled over thinking, oh great, what else could go wrong. It was Chris, and my heart sank. Well, if I got arrested, at least I could get some sleep. Right then I didn't care.

"You do know this dirt bike is not road legal and has no plate," he said.

"I guess I never even thought about it. I have been kind of busy," I said sarcastically.

He smiled, "Yes, you have. I tried to find you, at the hospital, but they said you had left. I wanted to say nice job. Very impressive. I am sorry for what I said at the airport. I went to see Doc yesterday, thinking you might be there. He has always been fond of you. He told me what you had put together. It turns out you were spot on with your reasoning. Much better than ours. Have you ever considered a career on the force?" and he laughed. Soon we were both laughing. The thought of me on the force was absurd, and he knew it.

"Chris, I am sorry, but I am afraid I can't join the force," I chuckled and continued. "No. I am sorry for my behavior...after the fire. I know I was drunk, for those months, and I know you could have arrested me, many times. Lord knows I deserved it, but you didn't arrest me. You even drove me out to Doc's, more times than I can remember. I wanted to say thank you. I know that wasn't easy for you to do,"

I hesitated a moment and was looking down when I said, "And I wanted to say I am sorry for the troubles with your family. That had to be hard on you. Doc told me a little of your troubles, and I just wanted you to know, I am sorry," I put my hand out to shake his and looked at his face.

He looked at my hand and then at my face, and finally, he shook my hand and said, "Thanks, but I think I owe you an apology for my actions during my senior year in school. I was an asshole."

I smiled and said, "Yes you were, but if you can forgive me, I have already forgiven you. That was a lifetime ago."

"Deal," he said. Then he added, "Now get that thing back to Doc's before some nasty cop finds you, and you get arrested. I hate it when heroes get arrested."

"I am no hero, but it is getting colder, so I will get going. Bye, Chris. Until next time," I started the bike and rode to Doc's freezing all the way. When I arrived, he had hot water ready and waiting on the stove. I said little during tea time as I was exhausted, and to Doc's credit, he didn't ask many questions. I replaced the bike in the barn, and after having the tea and a small sandwich that Doc made for me, I went to bed.

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