Chapter Fifty-five

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Sarah wanted to get away and spend some quality time together before I left, so I one day I borrowed Mr. Olsen's car, and we took a drive. We headed towards Gastrell, a quaint little town about an hour or so away from the city. It was a beautiful sunny morning as we left at nine. Sarah and I were enjoying the ride together chatting, laughing and just being together. We were in no hurry, and I took the back roads which extended our time, but neither of us cared.

"Wait. Stop," Sarah said.

"Ok, why," I asked, pulling over.

"That little farm back there sold honey. I want to buy some. Please go back," Sarah said.

"Your wish is my command, oh dear one," trying my best to sound subservient.

"Oh, shut up and turn around."

"Yes. I will obey your lordship," I said laughing.

Sarah opened her mouth to speak but laughed instead.

I turned the car around and drove in the gravel driveway past the small sign reading "Honey for sale." We parked next to a white farmhouse which had seen better days, and Sarah got out.

"Come on," she said.

I dutifully got out and watched as she rounded the side of the house. There stood a man of about sixty or so with thinning white hair. He was slightly stooped wearing blue overalls, black tee shirt and sported a long grey beard with no mustache. He looked none too pleased that we drove in his driveway and got out of the car. Even at this distance, I could see the deep frown on his face. I could hear talking but couldn't make out the words as I leaned against the car and let the sun warm my face. When I opened my eyes, I could see Sarah's arms moving as she spoke and grey beard nodded every so often. Finally, Sarah turned in my direction and waved for me to come to her.

I got within a few feet before Sarah said, "Darling. This is Walt, and he is willing to show us a beehive. Isn't that great? I have always wanted to see the inside of one," she said bouncing.

I could tell how excited she was. I shook Walt's hand, and he said to follow him.

Sarah took my arm in hers and was all smiles and antsy. When we got to a side shed, Walt dug out some bee helmets with veils and two long sleeve shirts for us to put on when we got close to the hives.

Sarah was talking to Walt until he stopped and said, "You might want to be quiet and still now. Slow movements only and put your shirts and helmets on."

"Okay," Sarah whispered. I chuckled a little. Getting Sarah quiet and still is a challenge. She usually is like a fifth grader on Red Bull.

"Walt. Can I ask a question?" I said.

He nodded.

"Why don't you wear one of these?"

Walt smiled and said, "The bees know me. They won't sting me unless I rile them which I have no plans to do." Right then as if on cue a honey bee landed on his forearm. He lifted his arm to show us and to look at the bee. "Can you see the yellow pollen on this fella's back legs?"

"Sarah was about to shout, and I gently squeezed her hand, so she only nodded. I grinned.

Walt slowly led us over to a group of hives. He slowly lifted the top of the closest one and told us to look inside.

Inside you could see all the honeycomb and the bees flying in and out of the hive. The comb appeared to be alive with motion.

"Can you see the yellow of the honey?" Walt asked.

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