Chapter 2

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Lauryn's POV

"That'll wrap up practice for today Miss. You're excused," my ballet teacher said. I didn't waste a moment. I quickly took off my ballet slippers and rushed off to my room. I opened the double doors of my bathroom finding that a bath had already been drawn for me.

How sweet. I've been meaning to thank the staff for all their hard work. I shed myself of my leotard, and slowly sat in the tub. I let out a moan of relief. Finally I get to relax.

A knock came to the door. "Lou Lou, it's me. Open up," Brie's voice called from the other side of the door. Brie Larson. She's been my best friend since I met her at Comic Con a few years ago.

"I can't I'm in the bath, but I think it's open though," I replied. I hung over the side of the tub watching my best friend walk into the bathroom. "You're back early. I didn't expect you for another few weeks."

"We finished shooting early, and I missed you kid," Brie said ruffling my hair.

"You're only a couple years older than me. No need to call me kid."

"You're a baby Lou. I can call you whatever I want." Brie sat on the edge of the tub next to my head. "Did she respond yet?"

"You say yet as if she'd ever read it. I sent that over three weeks ago. There's no way she's read it at this point."

"You gotta have faith. She's gonna respond. You two will fall in love and live happily ever after."

"That's a bit far fetched don't you think?" I asked.

"Not in your case. Anything can happen for you. You're a princess for God's sake," Brie cheesed.

"But she doesn't know that." Brie furrowed her eyebrows.

"I'm not sure what you mean. Everyone knows who you are. You're Princess Lauryn McClain. Soon to be queen of England."

"You say that as if it's a good thing. If my sister didn't go poking her nose in family history, Queen Elizabeth would still be on the throne. And I didn't sign my name on the letter. I just put your number one fan."

"Cause that's not fucking creepy."

"I thought the same thing, but guess what? It lessens the chance of her reading it, which gives me longer to think."

"You don't exactly have that much time. Almost less than a year Lou," Brie said stroking my hair.

"I know." I'm sure that was a lot for you to take in and you probably don't understand it all.

See about two years ago Sierra and China came to London, and decided to study British history. Somewhere in that history, my great great great great great great great great grandmother had relations with the king of England at the time and conceived what is now my mother's side of the family.

My sisters brought this to light, and immediately my family was brought to the castle and were given the responsibility of ruling a country. Sierra would've been next in line to the throne, but she refused to marry this other prince. So me being the next heir, I'm now the future queen.

I too did not want to marry the prince, so I was given a deal. Find someone to love and marry them within two years or an arranged marriage will take place. I wrote Zendaya in hopes of not only being her friend but marrying her. It's a lot to hope but I think it's responsible. Did I forget to mention I'm a huge procrastinator and waited until I have eight months left to actually start looking? Oops.


After dinner with the family, Brie and I decided to hang out in my room with me and my puppies Hulk and Pudge, and watch movies all night. We were cuddled up in my bed watching Kujo. She hated scary movies, but I loved them. She gave up her momentary sanity to please me though.

I laid with Hulk while the blonde cuddled up to Pudge. Brie flinched again making Pudge bark, and covered her face with the blanket. "Why did I agree to this again?"

"Because you love me," I laughed pulling her closer. "Don't worry I'm here to protect you."

A knock came at the door making Brie scream, and dive under the covers. The dogs and I just stared blankly at her. I rolled my eyes playfully. So dramatic. "Come in." Rena, my lady in waiting, came in.

"You have a letter your Highness." I quickly rushed to get the letter from her hand.

"Thank you Rena. And I told you call me Lauryn." She nodded before leaving my room. I turned the lights on and patted the covers. "Brie, pause the movie. I think she wrote back."

"Really?" The blonde paused the movie, and sat next to me. I stared at the envelope. Zendaya Coleman to Mystery Fan. "Open it what are you waiting for?"

I did so, and anxiously began reading.

Dear Mystery Fan,

It's me. I'm not exactly sure why you're sending me an actual pen and paper letter when we have dms, or how you got my address. It's kind of weird but kind of cool at the same time. I've taken a lot of time (clearly) to decide if I should write back. I'm hoping I made the write choice. Ha, get it? Write choice.

I let out a loud laugh before covering the blush that was taking over my face. "Aww look at you cheesin all hard. You dork," Brie teased poking at my face.

That was so cheesy of me, sorry. If you write back and I think your dope, I might take you up on that whole friend offer. You're not some creep in a basement right?

Don't be a stranger,

"You should definitely write back," Brie suggested.

"Now?" I asked.

"No, at your wedding perhaps. When do you think?" I put the letter in my nightstand, and walked over to my desk. I took a pen and paper and began writing.

Dear Zendaya...

Dear ZendayaWhere stories live. Discover now