Chapter 13

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"Please wait Z. I didn't know she was even still here," Lauryn said.

"I know that. It's not that I think you're like that, but you didn't even say my name. I wasn't mentioned at all," Zendaya ranted.

"I couldn't get the words out before someone interrupted me. If she had let me finish, my mom would know," Lauryn replied. Zendaya groaned leaning back on the wall in front of Lauryn. Her anxiety was kicking in, and making her thoughts worse than they seem. "Please believe me. She's not gonna be a problem. I'll straighten everything out okay?"

Lauryn hugged into Zendaya's body, standing on her tiptoes to kiss the woman's chin. "Don't be mad at me," Lauryn said looking up with puppy eyes.

Zendaya tried to hold back a smile, but failed covering her pearly whites with her hand. "Why are you so damn cute?" Zendaya asked making her fiancé shrug. Zendaya leaned down pecking Lauryn's soft lips.

"C'mon, let's go tell my mom. For real this time." Lauryn intertwined their fingers, walking them down the hall. Zendaya's palms began to sweat as the Queen and Brie came into view.

"Mom, Brie and I are not engaged, and will not be getting engaged. Zendaya and I are though,"Lauryn said.

Shontell stood there blankfaced. "Are you sure Lauryn?" She asked.

"Yes Mom. I'm sure. Brie wouldn't let me speak. See? Zendaya has the ring," Lauryn asked holding out Zendaya's hand for her mother to see.

Shontell admired the jewel upon Zendaya's finger. Brie scoffed walking away. Lauryn felt bad, but not bad enough to follow after her.

Brie gave her an option. She'd already explained to the blonde that she chose Zendaya, and no one else. So it was only her fault if she decided to get upset.

"Well congratulations for you two. I'll need to speak with Brie later, but that can wait. There's so much to do and so little time. Let's get a move on."


Zendaya walked up and down the many aisles of dresses with Rena by her side. "What type of dress would you like?" Rena asked.

"Um I'm not sure. I didn't exactly think about this," Zendaya admitted.

"Well there's ball gowns, mermaid, vintage-"

"Oh my gosh. I forgot to tell Law," Zendaya said putting her hands over her head. "And my parents! They're gonna kill me if they find out before I tell them."

"Would you like me to tell her highness?" Rena asked.

"No, no. I'll tell her later. I need to call my parents though. Could you pick out a few suggestions for me? Just so I could see what I'd like."

"Of course Ms-"

"Rena I told you. Zendaya or Daya if you'd prefer," Zendaya said.

"Yes, of course." Zendaya stepped out of Rena's sight and dialed her mother's number.

"Hello?" Claire answered.

"Hey Momma. I have something to tell you that you might not like," Zendaya said.

"O...kay. What is it?"

"I'm getting two months. Well kinda less than that. More like a month and some change," Zendaya blurted out in one breath. It was silent on the other line and for a moment she thought her mom had hung up. "H-Hello?"

"I'm here just processing. So...when did you and Tom decide this?" Claire asked.

" Tom and I broke up. I'm marrying someone else," Zendaya said.

Her mother let out a huff. She could tell her mom was rubbing her forehead as she tended to do when she was upset. "What do you mean?"

"It all happened kinda fast. So those letters I was telling you about, turns out they were from Lauryn—Princess Lauryn. I came here and she asked me to marry her," Zendaya said.

"So you just dumped Tom and said yes?!"

"No Ma. It wasn't really like that. He didn't really want me anyway. He was just using me for fame." Claire murmured to herself, but Zendaya could make out a few of the words she was saying.

"Alright Zendaya. If this is for real, then you go for it. Shit, this is not the way I saw you settling down," Claire said.

"I know Mom. Me neither, but I see something really special between us. It's gonna be great I promise. And you'll love her as soon as you meet her," Zendaya assured.

"If you say so. Have you told Law yet? You know he's gonna be mad if you let someone else style you."

"I know, and I'm gonna tell him today. I'm making my phone calls now."

"Okay, Z. Well congrats. I love you."

"Thank you. I love you too Mom."


"Honestly. It was so fortunate that I happened to be in London, cause it would've been a whole ass problem otherwise," Law said walking into the boutique.

"I'm so sorry. It kinda happened so fast," Zendaya said hugging Law. The man looked down at the wedding dress she was currently wearing.

"Sweetie no. This is not it. Who put this on you?"

"Rena did. It was just a suggestion. I didn't know what I liked," Zendaya said timidly.

"Lucky for you I'm here now."

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