Chapter 14

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"I have to go pick up my family from the airport. Wanna come with me?" Zendaya asked tying her sneakers.

"Uh sure. Who's all coming?" Lauryn asked.

"Only the close family who could come last minute. Y'know Mom, dad, dogs, nieces, siblings." Zendaya put her hair up in a bun, taking Lauryn's hands in hers. "I can't wait for you to meet em."

"I can't wait to meet em. They seem really nice the way you talk about them."

"And they are—as long as you stay on their good side. C'mon, I still need to get a ride." Lauryn furrowed her eyebrows walking after her fiancé.

"Z, why didn't you just ask me? I could get us a couple cars," Lauryn offered.

"Thank you so much. That would really help." Zendaya kissed her fiancé's cheek, following after the woman. When they arrived, they found Zendaya's family standing in front of the airport. Zendaya excitedly got out of the car, going up to greet her family.

"Hi guys! I missed you!" Zendaya's nieces latched themselves around her legs as Zendaya's mom pulled her daughter into a hug. "How was your flight?"

"Not too bad for a private jet," Claire responded. They pulled away from each other. "So where's this fiancé of yours?"

"She wanted to give us a minute to catch up. She's in the car," Zendaya said hugging her nieces. "C'mon you guys. We have a lot to do." The brunette and her family got into their designated cars as the drivers put their luggage into the trunks. Zendaya, Lauryn, her parents, and Noon got a car while her sister and nieces got into another.

"You guys this is my fiance Lauryn. Lauryn this is my mom and dad, Claire and Kazembae," Zendaya said rubbing Noon's fur. "And this little angel is my Noony."

"It's nice to meet you both," Lauryn greeted with a smile. Her accent seemed to be wavering in and out, and Zendaya picked up that was a sign of Lauryn's anxiety. She reached down interlocking their fingers.

"It's nice to meet you too," Claire replied. "This has taken us all for quite a shock, your engagement...but Z you are old enough to make your own decisions. Though we do still have a few questions about this whole...arrangement."

"Of course," Lauryn smiled.

"So when you two are married where will you two live?" Zendaya looked over at Lauryn, realizing they hadn't had time to think about much.


"How do you plan to have kids?" Zendaya's eyes went wide at her father's words, and she began choking on her spit. Lauryn rubbed her back, hoping to help.

"We haven't had as much time with each other..t-to really talk about stuff like this," Lauryn said.

"You should talk to each other, and really consider these things before you go through with this." Zendaya looked down at their hands and realized how right her parents were. She'd jumped into this engagement without much thought, and now it was gonna come back to bite her in the ass if she didn't do something about it.


Later that night after everyone had gone to their designated rooms, Zendaya walked into her and Lauryn's room and sat next to her fiancé on the bed. "Lou, what's wrong? You look sad."

The brunette turned to Zendaya. "Your parents are right." Zendaya furrowed her eyebrows, laying her head on Lauryn's shoulder. "I shouldn't have dragged you into this. You should get out of it while you can."

"Lou, I don't want to. I want to stay here with you because that's what I signed up for. If I didn't want this why would I have said yes?" Zendaya asked. She pecked Lauryn's cheek, wrapping her arms around the woman's waist. "It's you and me kid. For as long as I can help it."

"Promise?" Zendaya nodded. "We should at least talk about what we're gonna do after the wedding."

"I guess so." The brunettes cuddled up in their bed. "Where do you want to live after the wedding?" Zendaya asked.

"Well the castle would be the most practical for us, seeing as we would be the next royal couple to take the throne," Lauryn asked.

"But what if we didn't want to live here? Do we really have a choice on many things?" Zendaya asked, leaning against the headboard.

Lauryn looked into her fiance's eyes. She could tell some negative thoughts were swirling through her mind. She took the older woman's hand in hers.

"We don't..for now. But after coronation we can do almost whatever we want."


"Parliament has the last say on legal things but yeah; other than that it's whatever we want." Zendaya smiled. She put her hand behind Lauryn's head pulling her in for a kiss. Lauryn reciprocated the kiss, tenderly pulling the actress closer.

Zendaya pulled back, resting her forehead against Lauryn's. "I think I'm falling for you."

"Me too."

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