Are The Bangtan Boys!
We'll always save the day.
And if you say we can't,
Suga will punch you in the face.
Thats why the people
Believe in
Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung...
Sighing deeply, feeling his heart beginning to ache already, Namjewel spared their home world one last glance.
The diamond shaped mass was so beautiful from the outside, anyone would be subject to love at first sight. The massive planet sparkled clearly and boldly next to even the biggest brightest stars in the galaxy.
Namjewel loved the place dearly, despite its imperfections.
It held all the beautiful memories he'd made with his family and friends over the centuries. He cherished the good memories as well as the bad because they all made him to be the powerful gem he was today.
His love for Home World would never die.
It was just a shame it never loved him back. Maybe if it had, his respect for the place would've survived too.
Peeling his eyes away, Namjewel set the ship's course to Earth.
"Navigation procedures complete. Destination: Earth." the ship's AI spoke in a sweet, female monotone through the speakers on the control panel.
A sob sounded out behind Namjewel, but he couldn't will himself to turn around.
He knew if the thought of leaving home was hurting him, his team was definitely feeling the same way.
"Will we ever be able to come back, Namjewel?" he heard Seokjem ask.
In the question, he heard how the gem was really begging.
Begging him to say yes. To say that they weren't leaving everything they've ever known behind forever.
Biting down hard on the insides of his cheeks, he fiddled around with random switches and controls to seem too busy to make eye contact.
He didn't want to see the gems expressions when he told them that there wasn't a way for him to be sure. It would break their hearts, even though it was the best he had at the moment.
Home World had waged a war that The Gems somehow ended up on the wrong side of.
The Gems weren't scared; they were simply outnumbered, and strategical retreat was Namjewel's only option to save his team.
There were so many people left there who still needed saving, but Namjewel had to think of the welfare of his team first, even before his family, because his family and everybody else's family's chance at surviving once rescued was dependent on the survival of every single one of The Gems.
Namjewel had to make a hard call.
But how was he going to explain that to his team?
They would surely turn against him. Don't get him wrong, he had faith in his team and their loyalty, but you can only push people so far.
He should've explained to them what they were signing up for in better detail. They wouldn't have even left Home World if they knew that the chances of them ever coming back were so slim.
Of course, they would've died if they'd stayed, but it was their decision and he took it from them.
"One day." he replied, barely above a whisper.
Namjewel decided against killing their hopes of seeing their families another day. It would ruin the morale of the team and they still had a mission to accomplish, even lightyears away from the people that needed them. Being the leader meant shouldering this type of responsibility. This type of burden.
Even if he wanted to cry too.
Even in his grief, however, Namjewel was planning.
He'd only heard of the planet Earth because his mother spoke of it before. In the brief moments he had with her before they'd left, she told him that going into a whole other galaxy with planets that had conditions far more severe and hard than their own would help the team develop strength they wouldn't be able to get on Home World.
Training on Earth would prepare them for the fight that would be waiting for them when and if they could return and the planet would provide them with refuge so that the Diamonds couldnt find them and dispose of their only opposition.
With another sigh and a plop into his captain's chair, he silently watched the stars that were following them, as if they were seeing them off to their new home safely.
The twinkle of the balls of gas reminded him of home.
His heart clutched violently over and over again.
Im going mom, but hopefully I can come back.
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