Are The Bangtan Boys!
We'll always save the day.
And if you say we can't,
Suga will punch you in the face.
Thats why the people
Believe in
Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung...
"But what are we gonna call ourselves?" Jemin asked, bouncing on the balls of his feet from excitement.
The 6 of them had decided to meet in their usual spot, the old abandoned diamond nursery near Namjewel's house.
A long time ago, the government had used the nursery to breed a pure line of diamonds to keep Home World a pedigree planet. The team being there was pure irony considering that none of them were of diamond bloodline.
That is, none of them except Kim Seokjem.
Kim Seokjem was 1/2 diamond, from his mother who was a revered member of the Diamond District Board. He didn't know who his dad was; his mom told him he'd died before Seokjem was born.
Even though he was a part of this esteemed community, he never found himself feeling superior to any other gem. That was why his friends were so diverse. Because he didn't care what they were; it was who they were he cared about.
To know he hung around a bunch of "rocks" really confused his mother, but what would probably confuse her more would be to hear that he and his "rock" friends were forming a group to destroy the Diamond District Board altogether. The party had been corruptly running Home World's political functions for millenniums and it was time up for their tyranny.
The board wasn't technically the planet's government, but the King of Home World had created the board to act as if it was so that he didn't have to busy himself with trivial things like the welfare of his people and the treatment of non pedigree gems.
Seokjem and his friends all knew this was wrong, and even though they were at young, tender ages between 100 and 159 years old, they felt it was their duty to act.
"How about The Rebellion?" Sugilite suggested, raising a fist to emphasize the power that was supposed to be within the name.
But none of the other gems felt it, so they immediately declined this idea.
"Warriors of Home World?" Taezanite suggested, with sparkling eyes.
"Rock Boys?"
"How about Seokjem Team?" Seokjem piped up, puffing out his chest with confidence.
In his opinion, his name was the best name.
The rest of the gems looked at him stupidly, clearly not sharing the same sentiment.
"Seokjem?" Sugilite asked, dumfounded.
"Team?" Jemin's squeaky voice finished.
"How about we just stick to being The Gems? To show that no matter what kind of gem we are, we are alike, connected and united because we are all still gems." Namjewel said, finally adding to the conversation after listening to everyone's suggestions.
The other boys seemed to mull over it before all enthusiastically agreeing.
They loved how eloquent their leader was, making such a simple name sound so deep and beautiful.
It was settled.
From that moment forward, they would be The Gems.
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present. "Maybe one day." Namjewel replied quietly.
But Seokjem still heard him, and in response, a lone tear rolled down his cheek.
His mother would never forgive him.
He'd basically betrayed the diamond in him that was supposed to be superior to all others and loyal to those like him. Those like his mother.
It seemed that she sometimes forgot that his father wasn't a diamond since she put so much pressure on him to sit on this high horse. Even though, she didn't deserve to be left alone.
Not for a second time.
He loved her, more than anything. he just hated her ways. She'd been very discriminative and pigheaded ever since he could remember. It never really felt right to him but it didn't really start to bother him until he got older.
The last straw for him was when she recently helped the Diamond District Board pass a law making the mass incarceration and even murder of non-diamond home world citizens legal in certain situations. It was ingemane (like inhumane ) and Seokjem just couldn't sit around and watch his friends and their families be mistreated and even possibly killed.
He'd decided to fight along side his friends, but the diamonds were too great in numbers.
They were forced to flee. However, Jem hadnt known they would have to flee the galaxy.
His mother would surely be consumed by rage once she found out.
Thinking of how she got when she was angry, Seokjem flinched unconsciously and then considered that maybe going to another planet for a little while might've been for the best.
It would give her time to cool down and him time to think about how he would approach her about the atrocities she'd allowed to be normalized in their society.
Slumping down in the chair further, he dried his tears and tried to think positive.
He hoped on their new home his friends could live without being discriminated against and hated for no reason.
That thought made the pain of leaving home so abruptly ease up a bit because his friends didn't deserve to be treated so horribly.
None of them did.
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this was so spur of the moment but omg i cant wait to get into the storyline i have planned. 😭😭😭
i didn't think abt their hair colors matching their gem names soon enough. i might remake the cover one day based off that. some of these gem names are a play off real gems. bet ya cant guess who is what gem lmaoo. (not limited to gems depicted in steven universe cartoon.)