Are The Bangtan Boys!
We'll always save the day.
And if you say we can't,
Suga will punch you in the face.
Thats why the people
Believe in
Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung...
Jungkook didn't stop running until he was crashing through his front door.
But his home wasn't as he left it.
Looking around his now trashed home, it felt like the air was being squeezed out of his lungs. His eyes searched around looking for something, anything that didn't look like it was destroyed.
Yet there was nothing.
"Dad?" He called out weakly, forcing his legs to move.
There was a sick feeling settling into his stomach the further he moved into the darkness.
Shattered glass and shards of wood furniture scattered the floor. The curtains had been ripped down from every window. No dish was left unsmashed in the kitchen. The tables, the chairs, the picture frames, all of it was...
His heart thrummed with anxiety and just plain fear. It was deadly quiet. No sounds could be heard in the house, and there was absolutely no light shining anywhere.
Except in the hallway bathroom.
His shoes crunched under him as he made his way towards the light source.
The door was eerily swinging back and forth, casting a ghostly shadow into the hall.
JK gulped heavily but advanced anyway, his heart beat being so loud he could hear it in his ears.
Stepping inside the bathroom, his breath hitched.
There was a putrid smell that filled the entire room, but that wasn't the worst thing about the space. On the big mirror above their sink and counter was a note written in big, red, ominous block letters with something that was dripping down the surface, and pooling on the ivory colored marble counter.
Bile rose in the boy's throat as his body began shaking.
What did this even mean? He'd heard that name before, he knew he had. But where?
Oh my god.
It was those people. What did they call themselves again? Gems? They had called him that too. Did they do this? Wh-Why would they -
Before his spiraling thoughts could piece all the way together, a pair of hands roughly covered his eyes from behind.
A blood curdling scream left his lips as he thrashed his body. The only thing he kept seeing behind his eyelids as he was dragged from the bathroom were those words.
"Shh. Just go to sleep." The owner of the hands whispered raspily
And just like that, Jungkook's body stilled and he passed out.
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When the boy's body went limp in his arms, Namjewel finally uncovered his eyes. Picking him up bridal style, he carried him out of the destroyed house where Jemin and Taezanite were waiting with the forgotten plastic bags in their hands.
"They were here." the leader said, voice laced with concern and frustration.
Both gems before him visibly paled.
"What? They've found us already?"
Namjewel just shook his head and eyed the unconscious half breed in his arms.
"They weren't looking for us."
Sugilite and Hopal jogged together from around the back of the house, panting heavily.
"There was no sign of them still being around but they definitely had been here. The ship wheels left tracks in the grass. I'd recognize the tracks anywhere. The diamonds have found us." Sugilite reported through puffs of air.
Tension began to build in the air.
"There's nothing we can do right now besides clean up the evidence. We can't leave the boy's house in shambles like this." Namjoon sighed, bending down to lay the boy in the grass, head propped up on his thighs.
"What are we gonna do with him?" Hopal asked.
"From the blood on the mirror inside the house, its obvious they took his human parent hostage. He'll probably wanna go after him when he wakes up and finds out."
"But that's a suicide mission. He didn't even know he had powers until a couple hours ago!" Jemin exclaimed, dropping the bags out of apprehension.
"How will he defend himself?"
"That's why I'm going to alter his memories. By the time he's awake and comes to his senses, the only thing he'll remember is him and his dad talking about him secretly being a gem and his father telling him to live with us and train to become stronger." the leader reasoned, already setting his fingers on the proper place upon the boy's temples.
"Why do I have a feeling all of this shit is going to hit the fan sooner or later?" Sugilite grumbled more to himself than anyone else.
Crunching leaves and grass grabbed their attention, causing their heads to snap to the side of the house where Seokjem could be seen walking slowly looking zoned out.
"You ok?" Hopal asked when the elder gem was close enough to hear.
The yellow diamond seemed startled by Hopal's voice but replaced his almost scared expression with a tired smile.
"Yea. Let's just hope we can figure all this out soon. The situation seems to be turning into a shit show faster than expected."
Everyone nodded then settled into silence so that Namjewel could concentrate on his task.
His task of basically recruiting their new team member.
Blood diamond, Jeon Jungkook.
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sorry for any mistakes. im not eatjam anymore and my cover isnt the boys faces anymore but i dont feel like making new banners rn😭 ugh. but anyways, hope you like the chapter. if you like this, maybe check out my story Medusa too?
i know, shameless self promotion. ELECTRIC CHAIR. ill go die in a hole now. 🤣