Are The Bangtan Boys!
We'll always save the day.
And if you say we can't,
Suga will punch you in the face.
Thats why the people
Believe in
Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung...
Descending into the water after being cloaked on land all day felt spiritual to Taezanite. He couldn't withhold the satisfied moan that escaped past his lips as he submerged himself from head to toe.
The water was cool and clear. It had a lot more salt concentration than he was used to but he guessed that's how earthly masses of water were composed. Settling on the oceans floor rather quickly, he began to look around.
There was a large number of colorful fish swimming around in the one area he was in but the water seemed to span out pretty far. The sea life here had a great stretch of home territory. He hadn't ever seen any of the species before, not even in books, but they were so intricate and beautiful.
On Home World, there wasn't as much water for the sea gems to enjoy as the sea creatures had here. None of the sea gems were diamonds so the council drained a lot of the water environments to clear space for buildings and such. It wasn't fair but the sea gems enjoyed what they could.
Taezanite wished he could bring his family here so they could see all the water the Earth creatures had. Their gems would surely fall off from jealousy upon seeing it. The ocean was probably the closest thing to grandeur that the Earthlings possessed.
Taezanite was just about to go exploring further when he heard voices above him on the shore. He recognized most of them as Namjewel, Seokjem, Alex and Opal, but there was one he did not recognize, so he shot himself to the surface to investigate, leaving a long trail of bubbles in his wake.
Only putting the top of his head and his eyes above water, Taezanite took in the scene.
There was a red haired stranger holding Alex and Opal's hands as he discussed something with Namjewel and Seokjem. The stranger was the most beautiful human he'd seen all day. The rest seemed mediocre at best, as was everything on the planet. So the fiery red hair and sculpted face and clear, expertly designed and positioned features seemed... out of place on the bland planet.
Tae was intrigued by the stranger's looks enough to concentrate hard so that he could catch some parts of the conversation. What business could The Gems have with the gorgeous human?
"Thank you for being concerned but im sure they could've found their way back on their own." Seokjem assured the stranger, wearing a funny look. Almost like skepticism mixed with annoyance.
He was referring to Alex and Opal, Taezanite guessed.
The stranger returned Seokjem's look and glanced at the two small gems occupying his two hands with confusion.
"You do realize these are kids right?" the stranger asked incredulously.
"You cant just leave them on their own and expect them to figure out how to find you!"
Taezanite's eyebrows shot up.
Kids? Alex and Opal were older than half of the team! Even Namjewel. So if leaving youngers by themselves was such a crime, Alex and Opal were the ones to be scolded, not Namjewel and Seokjem.
It seemed Seokjem's thoughts were similar because his whole demeanor went flat and he turned to Namjewel as if to say, this human is kidding right?
Taezanite could only roll his eyes.
It wasn't totally the human's fault after all. The two were cloaked in a way that conveniently resembled human children, but the human had incorrectly assumed their appearance gave away their true ages. He guessed that's why he was holding their hands and had brought them to The Gems.
Having heard enough, Taezanite emerged from the water.
This always ended up being very noisy, so now all eyes were on him.
"Whoa! Did he just–" the red haired human began with wide eyes, but was cut off by Alex and Opal dashing towards him shouting, "TaeTae!"
"How was it Taezanite?"
The blue haired male looked at the stranger with hard, calculating eyes and then softened when he looked down at his friends.
"Beautiful. Felt like a dream." Tae replied with a calm smile.
"You two should go down there. I think all gems would like it, not just sea gems."
The two looked at each other and then looked at the water.
"Should we fuse first?" Alex asked, not looking sure.
"I think I would be less scared with Hopal here."
Opal just smiled and shrugged.
Hearing this, Tae took that as his cue to move. Namjewel and Seokjem had begun walking back toward the house, Seokjem grumbling about the insinuating stranger, while said stranger watched curiously.
No one concerned themselves with the human watching Alex and Opal fusing. Humans, among other anatomically inferior beings, didn't have the mental capacity to understand the complex phenomenon of fusion so watching a fusion simply looks like a flash of light to them. They then get a massive headache but none the wiser.
Feeling the two gems energy increase as they began their fusion dance, Tae turned on his heels, deciding he was done exploring for the day. He was probably just going to go sit and play a game with Jemin. For some reason he'd promised him he wou–
"WHAT THE F- " he heard someone screech.
Tae whipped his head around to see the human with wide eyes and trembling knees pointing at Hopal and all the rest of the gems rushed out of the house hearing the commotion from inside.
Tae's throat went dry and his feet were stuck in place.
This was impossible!
All the gems desperately looked between each other, shocked and unsuspecting.
This human...
This human wasnt a human.
He had to be a gem.
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