Are The Bangtan Boys!
We'll always save the day.
And if you say we can't,
Suga will punch you in the face.
Thats why the people
Believe in
Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung...
"Wow, its so pretty." Jemin cooed with sparkling eyes.
He'd never seen such a beautiful specimen before up close. Not even the most attractive gems of Home World could compare to the breathtaking sight before him. His tiny hands shook with anticipation as he reached out to stroke it. Its skin was as soft as a baby gems bottom and its hair was long and colorful.
He was in love.
Namjewel looked over at Jemin and cracked a smile. He looked so cute with a blushed face, doting over a stuffed unicorn.
"Do you want it?" he asked, nodding towards the toy.
Jemin's head snapped towards Namjewel aggressively. His eyes were big and had flashed pink due to the wave of emotions that just crashed on the beach of his heart.
"I can have it?"
"Yes. These are stuffed animals that humans sell to small children."
Jemin's hopeful expression dropped a little.
"But im not a human nor a small child." he slightly pouted, puffing his cheeks out.
And Namjewel chuckled at his cuteness.
"You can still have one, Jeminie," he assured, grabbing the large toy and paying the merchant human.
"because you're still special regardless."
Jemim swiftly snatched the unicorn and squealed while dancing in a circle, hopping from one foot to the other.
"Namjewel, you're the best!"
Although Jemin wasn't the youngest of the team, they still treated him as if he was. Anything he wanted or needed, the other gems tripped over themselves to get it for him because that's just the effect Jemin had on them. The pink gem had never asked them to, they just did and he didn't mind. The still considered him their equal; just a cute, cuddly equal that they would protect at all costs.
Jemin was just as a fierce warrior as the others, but he was their baby still. It was more due to what he'd been through than the cuteness of his appearance. His team couldn't help but to be doting with Jemin because he deserved it after the home environment he came out of.
The idea of diamonds being the superior gem made it into the hearts of other gems and turned them into self hating, bitter gems. Jemin was born to not only one but two gems of that kind.
The were disgusted with themselves so much that they projected it onto an innocent child. They treated Jemin so horribly that at some point, they went as far as to crack his gem, saying that either way it was imperfect and an embarrassment to his family.
His family experiences and crack sometimes made him weak hearted, but the gem himself was far from weak. He'd found the strength to leave the abusive home and eventually found another family, the gems.
None of the team truly knew the extent of what he went through, but they never pressured him to tell. They just welcomed him open arms, offering him the love he truly deserved. He sometimes acted more like a young child than a fully grown gem, somewhat like he had multiple personalities, but gems sometimes coped with childhood trauma that way.
With Jemin's dancing figure in tow, The Gems continued their search for a home. Every home they'd come across was mediocre at best. Humans seemed to be content with settling in very meager conditions, but it was too many of the gems for them to adopt that human sentiment.
They needed a big house that had open space around it and was close to the ocean. They needed the room for training and Taezanite could only train near water, besides the fact that Sugilite might throw a hissy fit if they weren't close to the ocean.
When they finally found a house on the beach that almost fit the description, by some sick twist of fate it seemed to be in even more lackluster condition than average. It was what the human termed "fixer-upper", if you will. It didn't possess even a tenth of the grandeur the gems were used to, not even in the slightest.
"But it will have to do." Namjewel decided, leading the team towards their new inhabitance.
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Jemin, however, didn't see anything that wrong with it.
"There's beauty in everything, Jingles," he said firmly to his newly named colorful friend.
"everything." he whispered to himself.
He was sure that their home had the potential to be as pretty as any of the ones in the middle of the human town.
The gems shuffled past the threshold of the main door and began to familiarize themselves with the inside of the house.
They didn't notice however that they were missing a gem. Or two...
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