Are The Bangtan Boys!
We'll always save the day.
And if you say we can't,
Suga will punch you in the face.
Thats why the people
Believe in
Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung...
They'd finally landed on the so called Earth planet after what seemed like forever, and the aesthetics and ambiance of the dump were very underwhelming.
Sugilite couldn't hold his tongue, as he usually couldn't. Of all the places Namjewel could've taken them in the universe, he had to pick the trashiest, worst smelling one.
"This place reeks of homophobia and fragile masculinity." the grumpy gem complained, pinching his nose as if the smell was corrupting his nostrils.
They'd landed on a beach close to a large water mass that looked capable of covering the whole planet. As Sugilite looked it over, he decided that it was probably the most visually appealing thing he'd seen yet.
The water was sparkling and life on the beach seemed to center around it. Mother birds scoured over the surface of the mass, looking for food for their young. Small fish peeked their heads above the water occasionally and greeted the new comers.
The water was obviously the mother of the life on this planet so Sugilite decided they should live there, as gems didn't necessarily need to be above water to survive.
"Can we live there?" he asked, pointing towards the water.
Namjewel tweaked his ears in response and squinted, as he did when he was thinking deeply, at the waterline.
In Sugilite's mind, he made a cute sound effect when Namjewel showed his little quirk. They'd known eachother since they were kids, and the older gem still saw him as that smart-ass, sarcastic, cute baby brother at the same time he saw him as the leader whose opinion held great weight to him.
Even if the place was a dump, he trusted Namjewel always knew what he was doing. Wherever he decided they would live, Sugilite would follow.
He would be following while a little more annoyed if he didn't choose the water like he wanted though.
After considering it for a while, the leader shook his head.
"Our best bet is to cloak and integrate ourselves into another society. Our mission is here on land."
"Fish have a society too!" Sugilite argued, slightly pouting like a child.
"Yes," Namjewel nodded. "but not one we can become a part of."
Sugilite conceded with an eye roll and continued to take in the shab surroundings that would be his home with the others.
To The Gems, the place seemed shabby because they were used to brightly polished, crystal buildings 8 stories high and bright colors, bright skies and beautiful people on Home World. They hadn't exactly landed on a Home World 2.0, but it wasn't really all that bad.
The sunny beaches of Busan, South Korea were as beautiful as it always had been. Under the sunset, the water was shimmering and the city was beginning to simmer down little by little. It was always the most peaceful nearing night time before it livened up again once the sky went dark. This place that had underwhelmed the gems was a site of pure amazement for humans.
Namjewel could sense it's beauty, but Sugilite wasn't impressed. That wasn't surprising though, seeming that nothing ever really impressed the gem.
Except the ocean.
But even if anything else did catch his eye, he wasn't going to say it.
"Let's cloak really quick and start looking for a place to settle in." the leader instructed, grazing his hand over his gem in the middle of his chest, making it glow a soft brown in recognition.
The other gems nodded and followed suit.
Seokjem reached behind him and lightly touched his yellow gem located dead in the center of his back, making it come alive.
Hopal was next, reaching around like Seokjem and touching his black and purple gems lined up one above the other on his back.
Jemim followed, reaching under his pink bangs and waking up his small pink gem that was stationed cutely in the middle of his forehead.
Taezanite smiles widely and decided to rub his blue gem located on his left forearm aggressively out of excitement, since he hadn't had a chance to do anything with his powers the whole ship ride here, resulting in the gem zapping him, as if to ask him to quit it.
He squeaked and snatched his hand back, but none the less, the gem glowed a blue as beautiful as the ocean water behind them.
Sugilite let out a deep, exaggerated exasperated sigh before leaning over a bit and beginning to tap at his purple gem in his belly button. It took a couple taps but eventually the gem awoke.
All of them were ready for further instructions.
"Ok. Cloak into: Earth Teenagers."
It didn't even take 5 seconds before all of the gems were expertly cloaked and dressed for the blending of the in!
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(disregard kooks)
"Alright team, time to find a new home."
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