Are The Bangtan Boys!
We'll always save the day.
And if you say we can't,
Suga will punch you in the face.
Thats why the people
Believe in
Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung...
<A/N: I know I haven't said it outright yet, but this is not a ship book. Sorry, but for this project I just wanted to work on developing platonic dynamics so there will be no romantic aspects happening between the boys. This one is for my ot7 stans💜> ________________________
He felt the most intense pain he'd ever felt in his entire lifetime the very moment his eyes cracked open.
His hands and legs were restrained by metal cuffs built and locked into a hard metal chair. Much like a capital punishment chair, or an electric chair.
And his body definitely felt as though he had been electrocuted by his kidnappers.
The leader of them wasn't hard to pinpoint in the dim control room even with his vision blurred considerably from being knocked out so long. They'd set up his restraints parallel to the main panel where the captain of the ship manned the main controls.
If only Jeon Jaebeom had the strength to hawk up a lougi and spit at the back of her head, he would. He learned on Earth that spitting was the most disrespectful thing you could do to someone and he had zero respect for the woman before him.
As if she could feel the hatred begin to radiate off of him, the leader turned around with a wicked smile on her face. Her hair fell around her shoulders like a curtain of golden rain. She looked exactly like Jae beom remembered.
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"Jade-beom, its been forever my love." she went, sarcasm laced throughout her voice entirely.
The mention of his Home World name surprised him. He hadn't heard any other name besides "Dad" and "Jae beom" for a while. He'd almost forgotten that those weren't his real names at all.
The click of her heels echoed through the room with every step she took towards him, the clicks filling the elder man's ears.
He scoffed incredulously while looking away from her but did not reply.
Once close enough, she bent down to his level in the chair and reached out to snatched his chin so that he was looking eye to eye with her.
A brief pause settled between the two, both silent and unmoving in the stare off.
Finally, she leaned forward and slotted her lips with Jade-beom's in a kiss that was hasty and full of harsh lip bites and messy movements.
Jade-beom was fighting it. It made his stomach churn from past memories and present resentment.
He did not want this. He did not want this. He did not want this.
He had to remind himself that she wasn't the one he loved anymore. Power and superiority had changed her for the worse. The kiss felt like nothing more than her rubbing her victory in his face.
When she finally broke the kiss, Jade beom made a point to spit on the ground several times hoping that would free him from the binding taste of her watermelon chapstick that filled him with memories of when he used to enjoy the taste of jt. He put on a visual display of how much the contact and taste actually disgusted him deep down now.
"Aw baby, dont be like that. You don't have to play the blind loyal dog anymore." she cackled sinisterly while clicking around him in a circle.
"Phoenix isnt here, sweetie. You can enjoy it now if you really want to and she wont ever know."
Bile rose in his throat. "Don't insult her name by speaking it out of your filthy mouth. I will remain loyal to the mother of my son until the day that both of our gems are turned to dust."
The laugh that left Lisa's lips was louder than the first. She moved away from Jade's chair and made her way back to her panel.
"Aw, your son. Isn't that so cute?"
The ship passed through a particularly blindingly bright patch of space before a small diamond shaped form could been seen in the distance. Lisa clicked her tongue repeatedly at the sight.
"We're gonna have so much fun together when we get home, Beomie." she smiled one last time before getting back to manning her controls.
"And then, when I'm done with you, I'll go find that bastard child of yours and play with him too."
Jade-beom's heart lurched violently but he did not respond.
He could only pray that Jungkook had found a way to keep himself safe.
It would kill him to know that as his father he had not trained him well enough to take care of himself in a situation such as this. In a situation where his past had finally caught up to him and was serving him karma.
"Phoenix, please please please watch over our son." he solemnly prayed.
It felt funny asking Phoneix to intervene from above. For so long, Jade-beom had been the one watching over and protecting their son.
Their son...
17 years ago, he'd taken on this responsibility that hadn't been originally his because he loved Phoenix more than he loved himself. And so, in turn, he loved Jungkook just as much and vowed to protect him no matter what. Even if that meant keeping things from him.
The thought made him sigh because at the time, it seemed like the best parenting choice he could make. However, Jungkook would be better equipped to take care of himself if he'd just been honest with him from the beginning about everything.
Now, only prayer and hope seemed to be what could sustain Jungkook since Lisa and the Diamond District Board had kidnapped Jade-beom.
Strapped to a chair and being forced to go back home, he could no longer protect Jungkook as he'd swore he would.
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it took forever to grind this out. hopefully not too bad🥺 sorry for any mistakes. <3